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Village Hall Backup generator installation



So if I understood Heather correctly, scheduling the backup generator installation for a weekday afternoon was done to save a $5000 installation premium? Really?

The departments that are being sent home for a half a day include the Health Department, the Water Department, the managers office, the clerks office, the building Department, the Engineering Department, and the finance Department.

How could all of those salaries possibly total less than $5000?

Clearly this was a bad decision. Someone needs to be held accountable, please.

Boyd A. Loving
342 South Irving St.

8 thoughts on “Village Hall Backup generator installation

  1. In addition to the fact that more than $5k in salary cost is being wasted, consider the inconvenience to taxpayers and others wishing to do business with the Village. This has to be the boner decision of the century.

  2. Not only is the loss of salary for all those employees ridiculous. But also the loss of productivity, no business being conducted, etc. This is outrageous.

  3. Ah yes the social gadflys chime in.
    You have absolutely no idea how the terms of the process were coordinated yet find the time in your “busy day” to question the professionals doing their jobs.
    “Outrageous ” “inconvenience ”
    Yea, sorry… You’ll have to get your cat license next Monday.
    Find a hobby will you…

  4. Hmm. Last I knew, the “social gadflies” are the ones paying your salary and all of the other bills. If you don’t like us chiming in, get a job in the private sector. Asshole.

  5. Little touchy there, rutishauser!!!

  6. What next? Oh I know. Nancy Greene’s proposal for Ridgewood taxpayers to continue paying the salaries of her employees while they work at other libraries nearby when the Ridgewood Public Library is closed for renovation. Positively insane.

  7. Village Manager sleeping at the switch on this one.

  8. Heather Mailander is not a MANAGER. A true manager would have managed this. I am pretty pissed off that all those people just got a freebie afternoon off for no good reason. What the heck?

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