the staff of the Ridgewood Blog
Ridgewood NJ, word on the street is that a neighbor of Ridgewood Councilwoman Siobhan Winograd has requested consideration be given to permit adult soccer play on Village of Ridgewood owned fields until 11 p.m.
Current policy prohibits play that late, but the request was discussed during a recent Parks & Rec Committee meeting.
No word at this point as to whether serious consideration is being given to the request. But we do know that the Winograd family are big soccer fans.
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Oh boy…now we know why she ran for Council.
To build a giant field on route 17 with Evan and Paul. Was discussed way before they ran for council. This was a scheme from 2022 with a puppet master named PeeWee. Residents should be looking into whether any turf companies donated to any of their campaigns. I am sure the sports families did. Good thing it is all public information.
She stoopid.
No games, concerts or other activities should be taking place after 9 pm and then giving room to leave the park and get your car and go home. To allow anyone to play into the late evening hours just invites trouble and people might consider chatting and hanging out and who would be there to ensure they would be ending the game and leaving. It is just bad form.
This can’t be about soccer. Adults would not be out playing soccer until 11pm anyway. Don’t adults have things to do the morning? So what’s it really about?
Actually that isn’t true. Adult men’s soccer want to play after work in the evenings. They want fields with lights and fields where they can play in the evening. This is very common but in my opinion is way too late to be yelling and screaming, possible blowing whistles or other noise making activities at that late hour.
We played soccer even if it is at 1.00am!
Please ORPA village and board of Ed to see which teams are paying money to use the fields?
The teams and their coaches make money. It’s fair that they pay money to the village and BOE for the maintenance.
Have you ever thought of getting off your ass and doing the OPRA yourself?
Start with Maroons
Lol, the horror!!!!
Elections have consequences. This November get them out
What a dishonest headline. Nobody is asking for 11pm soccer games.
Maybe at Ridge They field is underused and behind a school. I think it’s a perfect location for 11 pm games of any sort
The neighbors might disagree
No one cares about Habernickel neighbors with a business 6 days a week or schedler neighbors. Spread the wealth of noise and chaos for the profit of others
Share the burden of living near a field
Was the field there when they bought their houses? Yes it was.
Yep but with limitations already in place.
Not all fields.
Yes ridge had a field so put it there. Great idea. No special treatment. Share the fun of noise and whistles
These morons need to get a life. There is no reason anyone needs to play soccer outside at 11 PM. Get over yourself and stop the insanity. this is not sports this is obsession.
If the field is underused as you say, then why is there all kinds of hullabaloo with the village manager who doesn’t even live in Ridgewood, run around and scream about “staggering” numbers of kids who have no place to play sports. So many people know that this is BS, but so many people say that certain fields are just not being utilized.
What kids are playing at 11pm?? There is a limited time frame they can get on a field especially during the school year
I have officiated adult soccer. I had to give it up.
Fights, spitting, etc.
Frequent calls to local police departments.
Wow, it’s almost like when adults play children’s games they become …
Sounds horrible and they sound more like animals than humans.
Slobagain Boxowinograd strikes again!
Is this the reason 700k is being spent on Vets Field lighting?
Some of the reasons that people are upset living next to a field in Ridgewood is because of the council and mayor who cannot be trusted and are pro field at all costs, even when they came so close to a furlough of village workers in 2023 all the while having money earmarked for a sports field. Then come permanent lights. Does every field need to become a sports complex? Garbage piles up. Healthbarn takes over and operates a business for way more hours than is allowed in their lease in the case of Habernickel, according to those neighbors and on and on. kids hanging out and making noise and balls flying high and causing damage to homes. It will never be enough. To allow games to go late into the night and should not be allowed.