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Village of Ridgewood Leaf Collection is a Wrap

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a reminder from the Village Manager Keith Kazmark, fall Leaf Collection Season in Ridgewood is now complete. While never a perfect science, our streets crews worked every day (including weekends) to get the job done. Any additional leaves may be bagged and brought to the recycling center. Please do not push additional leaves curbside as they will not be picked up and will inhibit snow removal operations. The Village of Ridgewood is currently in enforcement mode.


file photo b y Boyd Loving

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6 thoughts on “Village of Ridgewood Leaf Collection is a Wrap

  1. Once again, the village got extremely lucky with the leaf pick up program. With being one of highest temperature on record. Can imagine if we had snow like in the past. What do you think this is normal temperature. If it snowed it wouldn’t be a wrap, it would’ve been a flop.

  2. So I guess the village has enough time now to go and repair some potholes.

  3. How about sweeping the whole town?

  4. Yeah, Baba buoy

  5. How about cleaning out catch basins and storm drains and ditches. Maureen coming again. They cannot say they didn’t know. The weather news has been saying it’s going to be a rainy season. Snow may be coming the end of January February maybe

  6. Yes, they got very lucky with the weather. You can’t always run a department with luck of the warm weather.In the end it will bite you in the ass.

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