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Village of Ridgewood Manager Explains Delays with Leaf Pick Up


E Notice – December 4th – Leaves Update

Dear Neighbor,

As mentioned in a previous E-Notice, we had an early heavy leaf drop this year. Through December 1 we have collected 31,544 cubic yards of leaves – this compares with 20, 567 last year at the same time – a 50% increase! The total leaves collected last year were 35,257 cubic yards so this upcoming round is really like our final clean up. As a result we are taking longer in each of our Areas (an extra three to four days)and are updating our collection schedule as follows:

Area A: December 4 to December 10

Area B: Remains the same

Area C: December 11 to December 17

Area D: December 18 – December 23

This has also been posted on our website – which I would encourage you to monitor:

As I have also mentioned, we will do a post mortem on the season and have been benchmarking with like communities around us to share ideas and best practices. I would like to include some residents in our post mortem process as I know through my correspondences with you there are residents that have a passion about this issue and have many ideas as well. If you would be interested in attending a meeting at Village Hall (probably in January) to discuss your thoughts, please let me know. And also let me know your preference for timing, e.g. daytime, evening, etc.

Best wishes for a safe, happy and healthy holiday season, Roberta

Best regards,

Roberta Sonenfeld
Village Manager

27 thoughts on “Village of Ridgewood Manager Explains Delays with Leaf Pick Up

  1. Blah Blah Blah…. look how wonderful RW is to pick up all these leaves…

    The 2nd pick-up never showed (I’m sure we paid for it)

    Also no street sweeper this year to follow pick-ups? – long delays, rain, automobile traffic (and inconsiderate residents who pile their leaves half way into the street blocking traffic lanes) all result in leaves being ground into the street. Last year the sweeper followed leaf pickups to clean up the street.

    On a positive note, the use of a “walker” with a backpack blower to work with the front loaders seems to be resulting in a much cleaner initial leaf pick-up. Congrats to the walker who seems to be doing a diligent job this year. In past years the day after the leaf pick-up looked like a mini version of the pre-pickup street with EVERYONE having smaller leaf piles due to the sloppy leaf pick-up … this is not he case this year – so good job to the pick-up team for that.

  2. Blah Blah Blah! What a shock…most of the leave came down in late November.
    How about you delay the first two weeks of pickups and concentrate those extra days for late November/early December when they are all down. I’m sick of re-raking the leaves back off my lawn twice now.

  3. No worries…just get everything up before the first snowfall…thanks.

  4. Some people never have anything good to say about anything,do they.

  5. This is important to me, therefore I will complain about it.

  6. If it is so important then rake your leaves and use them for compost then you will not have to cry.

    1. “If it is so important then rake your leaves and use them for compost then you will not have to cry” – then residents getting a property tax refund?

  7. If the contractor in area “b” doesn’t clean up the portion of Monroe from morningside to hillcrest soon it’s going to be a safety issue

  8. From what I see is that the leaf crews are doing a dam good job for being low in staff. NOW THE BUMS UP IN MY AREA D is a mess. get the village crews to do the work in 2016, please.

  9. Gee Zus – this is ALL Roberta can talk about. For crying out loud, can’t she even handle this one project without major screwups? Nope, she cannot.

  10. The photo at the top “okay children don’t be scared, I’ll take care of you” is almost as funny as her “sitting at my desk working hard” photo that you used to use.

  11. Thats all I hear is LOW ON STAFF. Just what we need to hire more unskilled labor so 6 can stand around leaning on their shoves will the seventh digs.

  12. I am outraged…,

  13. Could someone please tell the contractor to put a muffler on that semi tractor trailer that hauls leaves down Monroe all day. That’s the loudest truck that goes through the area. I feel for the residents of lakeview drive.

  14. A post mortem? Ironically, this was in today’s paper:

  15. The landscapers that work on North Pleasant have piles at least 10 feet out into the road…they must giggle to themselves when they bring the piles out into the street….

  16. I burn all my leaves.

  17. up in my sec area ( b ) in the past two years have been a real mess. who the heck is doing the leaves this year. last year it was downs. this year some one new. what do we need to do to get the village to do this.

  18. I feel they should be working all weekends in the fall. many other towns do work , what would of happen if we had snow in nov, we would of had a real mess. take the money out of the police overtime fund.


  19. TO 10;26 PM , IT’S YOU AGINE BRO. yeah right. we all know it’s you dirt ball. the hole town knows that you are about to snappppppppppp, real soon. you think u are smart.I just d code’ed your ass. right from your not so smart cell.

  20. I love leaves ‘

  21. My leaves in Sec A were picked up today. Lo and Behold 2 doors down there is a new pile on the street.
    It never fails!

  22. pickup in area a is now two weeks overdue

  23. don’t worry , They will be picking up leaves this weekend. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, right.

  24. when is the street sweeper coming up to hillcrest rd. How come the leaf contractor don’t own a sweeper. who hired these people. the village manager should hide her face in the mud. how dare you say this saved money, noway, jack.what a bad move on this. ONE BIG BACK FIRE.

  25. In my area D, the leaves where not picked up until after the first snow fall. So much of the leaves had been pushed onto the side walk by the snow plows. Well, needless to say the leaves where left on the side walk by clean up crew. And they just pushed the leaves around and pushed them onto the walk way. So now you have to jump over the mound of leaves to cross the street. So now parts of the west side around Dorimus Ave. have leaves all over the street and sidewalks. This is going to cause a problem with the storm drains and it looks awful. The town has paid for leaf clean-up but there is no clean-up, It’s just a mess. Leaf clean up in area D is a disgrace.

  26. Holiday weight loss program – simply post photos of Roberta and we will all feel sick and stop eating.

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