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Village of Ridgewood : Meet the Manager , Senior Survey and Updated Information on Leaves


Meet the Manager – Wednesday, Decelber 16th- 4:30PM – 7:30PM

Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld will hold office hours for Ridgewood residents and business owners every month. The next session will be Wednesday , December 17th between the hours of 4:30PM to 7:30PM. This is an opportunity to share your thoughts and provide input to Roberta. These sessions will be scheduled at 15 minute intervals and will be held in the Court Room – on the Fourth Level of Ridgewood Village Hall. Please contact Beth Spinato at 201-670-5500, ext. 203 to make an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome but should realize that the schedule may already be booked. We will announce the schedule for these meetings on a monthly basis.

Senior Survey – Residents 55 + Please Complete the Survey

Share your thoughts with us! The Ridgewood Community Center Advisory Board needs your input to determine the priorities, needs and concerns of the Village’s eldest citizens. We are committed with maintaining and improving the Community Center and serving the broader Ridgewood community. The survey is anonymous and intended for ages 55 and older. Please click the following link to access and print survey. Once completed, it can be returned to the Stable, the front reception desk at Village Hall or the Circulation/Reference Desks at the Library. If you would like to receive a copy by mail please call the Recreation Office at 201-670-5560.

Survey of Ridgewood NJ Residents 55 Years and Older

Updated Information on Leaves from Ridgewood DPW:

• Collection: We are still running three to four days behind. With the recent damage to the pusher catching up is going to be unachievable.

• Schedule: We are recommending a shift in the leaf schedule based on the following new dates:

o Area A: Dec. 4 to Dec. 10

o Area B: No change

o Area C: Dec. 11 to Dec. 17

o Area D: Dec. 18 to Dec. 23

For further information: 201/670-5585

3 thoughts on “Village of Ridgewood : Meet the Manager , Senior Survey and Updated Information on Leaves

  1. well all I can say is the village leaf crew’s have been very lucky with the weather, what would of happen if it snowed a few weeks ago. I feel we should of had all the crews working in being on top of the big fast leaf drop. we pay tax,s foe service , you would think that the mayor and council would have the leaf crews working all weekends so they would be on top of the clean up. The village has a problem with staffing in a few sectors that they are well under staffed. This must change in 2016. The hiring of out side work contractor’s is not working, and it’s a waste of time and money. Time for a change.

    Thank you.
    the new council member of 2016.

  2. Hire more leaf crew 1 to rake and six to watch.

  3. Senior Survey is a joke and should be abandoned.

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