file photo by Boyd Loving
February 24,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Village officials on Tuesday officially denied a Ridgewood resident access to footage taken by a security camera located in the courtroom at Village Hall, this despite a 2015 Appellate Division of New Jersey Superior Court ruling associated with a similar case in Bloomfield Township, Essex County.
The Ridgewood resident had sought access to security camera video footage taken during a recent meeting of the Village Council at which a meeting attendee was allegedly assaulted.
The staff of The Ridgewood Blog wonders if Village Attorney Matthew Rogers was consulted prior to the request denial, and also how much this is all going to cost taxpayers in legal fees associated with anticipated litigation.
If the person that made the decision not release the security camera footage did not get legal advice from from town attorney they should be fired.
Hoooo boy, another Paulie and company coverup. Gwenn said no one saw anything. So let’s destroy the tapes. Unbelievable
‘What difference does it make’ Right Gwenn?
Thats the way they do it in the private sector.
Didn’t Gwenn say that if no one saw it then it didn’t happen??. Not releasing the tape of a public meeting it asking for a lawsuit.
Maybe the recording is part of a police investigation and cannot be released.
Waiting for John V to weigh in and defend the police and defend the requestor and see all sides of the issue and proclaim that the blog is biased and pronounce himself king of diplomacy.
This is clearly heading in a far more expensive ending than it should.
10:08am- thank you for polite ribbing!
I am actually in complete agreement with all of you here. This is pretty damn stupid. Government and the police should be far more transparent than they are…
I just want to know if Dana Glazer is planning on making a documentary, and if he is is he planning on reaping a financial gain from it?
John V Where in the article does it say that the police are involved. Were does it say that a complaint has been signed and the police are investigation? Where in the article does it say that the police have the video tape in their possession and are the ones that are refusing to release it? You brag on this blog that you do you research and are not bias. Well that a bunch of bull.
Yes. All of the yesses.
Are there any actual grown ups working at Village Hall?
Apologies, I wasn’t clear! I was talking on a completely general level, and not about this case in particular. I believe “Government” and “Police” should be more transparent, in general. All the cover-ups that happen are ridiculous. I’m a libertarian more or less. I’ve been greatly influenced on these topics over the years by Reason Mag ( and Radley Balko (
In this specific case, the Village of Ridgewood government should release the tape!
It’s so blatantly obvious when a LEO posts on this blog. Don’t be so damn sensitive guys….you have an awesome gig so just be grateful!
Dana Glazer and anyone and everyone else is fully entitled to film a public meeting. This has nothing to do with Dana Glazer so leave him out of the discussion. it is so ridiculous that someone was denied the film from the security tapes. They are OPRA-able and should absolutely have been provided. Someone in Village Hall made the wrong call on this. Business as usual at Village Hall. I am sure the tape will be forthcoming shortly.
1:25, what is a LEO? I assume you don’t mean a sign of the Zodiac. Thank you.
Not an LEO 1:25 just someone who has some reading comprehension. This how rumors start and spin out of control. I am also not one of those people that criticize police ever chance I get with only half the information. It nice 1:25 to sit in your safe house and critize people job ( police fire and dpw) You should stick to being an armchair quarterback and play your video games .
Please John V all of a sudden you are speaking on a general level. Maybe you should preference that before you post on this blog. You should have said that Village of Ridgewood should be more transparent. Im sure with you vast knowledge you have hear this statement ” Facts before you Act” Nice try walking back you original post but it didn’t work.
Hey 1:25 maybe you should grateful that their out there.
Law Enforcement Officer…..referring to 12:42
Don’t blow a gasket 4:48…..relax, you’ll live longer and avoid the therapists.
Thank you for the feedback. You are absolutely right, I should have my indicated my comment was not about Ridgewood specifically. I am happy to take my lumps on the importance of being precise, just like I give it out!
(I do assure you though I was speaking generally. If was mistaken, I would gladly have admitted it, just like I have many times before.)
No gasket be blown here. Just stating my thoughts.
Thank you john V. Let us move on from this.
Yesum Mater I be so grateful to work for you. You be a good master.
Why wouldn’t a video of a public meeting be available?
If more residents were using cameras we would have more evidence of a possible assault.
You can bet you ass that if someone had assaulted Paul ,Al , Gween or the VM our mayor would insure that the security video would be on all the major network and the Record and Rdgewood News would run a special edition
The incident never happened. It was all an outright lie. Right Paulie?