Put an end to the Valley expansion once and for all
Do not allow pro-expansion candidates
or a career politician to run our village
This is the most critical vote in Ridgewood’s council history!
Tuesday, May 8th-6:00am-8:00pm
*Paid for by residents for an honest Village Council
Let’s make this decision, clearly about Paul Aronsohn. He has been a council member for 4 years, and all he is running on is that he opposed Gabbert’s hiring and Gabbert’s raise, but what exactly is he FOR, and what exactly has he accomplished? In business environments, if you can’t convince people of your position, you let it go and don’t bring attention to your FAILURE to bring people to your way of thinking. Why is Paul running on the basis that no one listens to his arguments and he needs Gwenn and Paul so he can be heard?
What some are starting to realize is the ways in which he has cynically manipulated people on his handicap-access committee (and related local groups) for his own political ambition. It’s more than pathetic–it’s appalling.
I heard Paul A speak at a neighbor’s house. He is running FOR revitalizing the central business district and doing much more about pedestrian safety. He is for increased library funding. He is for more accessibility for the handicapped. Among other things. This isn’t a “business environment” where you “let it go.” This is an election. Not being able to change other council members minds doesn’t mean Paul needs to go it means those others need to go. That’s what this election is for — time to get rid of wobbly Killian.
He’s been on the Chamber for 4 years and nothing has gotten done. So much for revitalizing the business district. He’s done nothing for pedestrian safety. Nothing.
He’s for increasing the library funding but doesn’t say how, just take from the general fund. I’ll give him the ADA track because he’s personally vested with a handicap sister. It’s not a matter of changing the other council members minds, it’s about being able to work together to make a change. I find it hard to believe that the other 4 members who didn’t know each other before being elected could have formed this so called alliance that he is touting. You can be wrong once, maybe twice, but he’s stating that the other 4 accomplished residents are wrong all the time. Come on now….
All of the candidates have stated they are for the same things you mentioned above. Aronsohn is also for divisiveness and backstabbing. Not good traits. As far as I’m concerned, his relationship with Bombace is reason enough not to want him back. According to the judge, Bombace sent an anonymous threatening letter to the firefighter that was traced back to Bombace. That’s not someone you should be proud to associate yourself with. Vote Killion and Shinozuka. They will bring this town together.
Seriously, how hard is it to tell people you support the library and accessibility for the handicapped? Who doesn’t?? But Paul’s also claiming fiscal responsibility. Infrastructure and shade tree maintenance aren’t as sexy, but they both require the VC attention and money. The big problem is they don’t have deep-pocketed supporters that can vote for you. Take your special interest politics, Paul, out of Ridgewood and back to Washington.
Get rid of Killion. Really! And replace him with who? A career politician. A slick attorney . Or a air head. I’ll take my chances with Killion
I heard that for Jim Bombace loyalty, Paul when he becomes Mayor will make him Public Safety Directory for Ridgewood. Pay back time.
Paul’s not becoming Mayor, Riche and Walsh will throw it to Pucciarelli! And I”m sure he won’t turn it down. Pucciarelli was doing fine on his own, why he chose to align with Aronsohn is beyond all of us. It was a bad move on his part.
Pucciarelli was doing ok on his own, but he has proven himself to be a whining backstabber with his attack on Forenza on The Patch. Bye Bye Al P.