Mr. Bombace has been working directly with Paul Arohnson for the past 3 years to get a super majority of “like-minded” council persons
Mr. Bombace has been working directly with Paul Arohnson for the past 3 years to get a super majority of “like-minded” council persons elected. At first it was the “Crowd” (Cronk and Dowd); now its Albert Puccarelli and Gwen Haulk.
The problem with allowing Paul Arohnson to control a super majority (who have been telling anyone who will listen; that they intend to elect him as Mayor) is that these three will jam their agenda through over and over again and the Village will be changed forever. It should be no suprise they have been having private (read: secret) meetings with various development partners to construct new retail, garages and apartments in various locations in downtown (this is the kind of stuff that leads to jail time, just look what happened in other urban areas around us these past few years).
The current Council is composed of five individuals, none having a lock on control and all having “independent”, not “like-minded” or “lock-step” thinking.
In this Tuesday’s election there will be three non aligned candidates; they are: Keith Killion, Jane Shinazoka and Russ Forenza. Anyone who knows these three; knows they are very different people with very different ideas, all respectful of eachother and the tax payer.
Please vote for independent condidates this year.
isn’t Bombace the person who has cost the village a lot of money due to his sending an anonymous letter to a fireman? Why would we want to elect anyone that is associated with him?
It sounds like we’re in Washington DC. I don’t want these kind of politics in Ridgewood. I am voting for Killion and Shinozuka. They seem the most honest and down to earth people. Keep this coalition out of the council.
I agree with #2 above. The last thing we need here are the kind of divisive politics Aronsohn practices. We have way more than enough problems here already.
I want to keep the things that made the Village what it is – which is what made many people want to live here. And I feel the best way to do that is to vote for Killion and Shinozuka of the current candidates.
Aronsohn I do not trust at all — he says rescind the H zone amendments, but then endorses others who are for the Valley plan which would require keeping those amendments. He’s a politician and just wants to use Ridgewood to advance his real agenda — himself.
We need to stop all the adventures and focus on the basics. We currently have an unsustainable model here – unless you can afford your taxes skyrocketing by big percentages every year. I sure can’t.
Aronsohn’s biggest supporters are those who want more government spending, more taxes, more overhead and bureaucracy. Don’t be fooled into thinking anything else by all the hype and spin being put out.
Local government here needs to be about stewardship and not about grandstanding and politics.
This election has become so nasty because Mr. Aronsohn has decided to use all the big-time political techniques he and his team can muster – spin, divide and conquer, obfuscation, confrontation, attack, flip-flop, and all the rest.
We’ve all seen the results of a lot of politics being applied here currently. Just look at the whole situation about Valley in recent times to see the very same techniques being used to try and manipulate things. Has any of that junk made things better here? I would say quite the opposite.
We don’t need more of that here — nor in my view do we need more of Mr. Aronsohn.
If Paul becomes Mayor he will reward Mr. Bombace for is loyalty by making him Public Safety Directory for the Village.
Do you feel Is Ridgewood better off than it was 4 years ago ? Do you feel you are receiving good value for you tax dollar ? Do you feel the delivery of municipal services meets your expectations ? If you answered “Yes” to the preceeding questions then vote for those candidates you feel will best maintain the “status-quo”. If not, then you should vote for those candidates you feel are best equipped to implement meaningful change in the operation of our municipal government. Regardless of who you feel is best qualified the important thing is to go out cast your VOTE on Tuesday May 8th.
These 3 non-aligned candidates are just like the 4 non-aligned candidates who gave our Village Manager and his cohorts and 12% retroactive raise. BTW, a 3 vote council majority is not a supermajority. A super majority is what we have now with a 4 to 1 vote that has harmed this village so much.
Candidates and council members align with each other all the time if you think not you are not paying attention.