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“Welcome Back to Ridgewood” June 15, 2020

CBD Ridgewood by ArtChick

photo by ArtChick

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewod NJ, On June 15, 2020, the “Welcome Back to Ridgewood” event will begin.  All retail businesses will be able to place their products on tables outside of their business (once they obtain a permit from the Village).  All food places will be permitted to have outdoor dining (once they obtain a permit from the Village).  Food will also still be available for pickup at the dining establishments.  Beginning on June 20, 2020, every Saturday through Sunday at 10:00 p.m., the Central Business District from North Walnut Street to Broad Street will be closed to vehicular traffic along East Ridgewood Avenue, including the side streets of Oak Street, Prospect Street, and Chestnut Street, which will create a pedestrian mall.  The retail businesses and outdoor dining in this area will be moved into the streets. Pedestrians will walk on the sidewalks in one direction (the same direction as vehicular traffic-arrows are painted on the sidewalks as a reminder) in order to maintain social distancing (with white painted dots placed 6 feet apart).  All of our businesses and restaurants have signed a pledge to adhere to the CDC guidelines, so customers can shop and dine with confidence in Ridgewood’s Central Business District.  Masks are strongly encouraged at this event and are always required to enter any businesses.

11 thoughts on ““Welcome Back to Ridgewood” June 15, 2020

  1. Just like sheep .

    Pedestrians will walk on the sidewalks in one direction (the same direction as vehicular traffic-arrows are painted on the sidewalks as a reminder) in order to maintain social distancing (with white painted dots placed 6 feet apart)

  2. I know I’ll believe it when I see it. If that does happen to look like a bunch of Aliens walking

  3. The C-19 case count will most likely increase. It will be interesting to see how this unprecedented social experiment plays out…

  4. I guess the powers that be think people will find parking without the benefit of a parking garage and on street parking on E. Ridgewood Ave.

  5. Park on cottage Street. Then walk .

  6. Oh, you mean you can park on adjacent streets and walk to downtown? Maybe we didn’t really need to build a garage.

  7. I say shut down Ridgewood Avenue all summer long

  8. Who is paying for the clean up, police OT, and the lost parking meter revenues?

  9. I walked the side walks. Prior to C-19, there was not enough room for people with disabilities to walk on the sidewalks safely with outside dining. Presently, social distancing has gone out the window. The sidewalks are not wide enough to support this Monday-Friday.

    And funny how it’s ok now to park away from the center of town and walk. But it wasn’t before so money Was spent to build a garage that’s no needed.

  10. I walked the side walks. Prior to C-19, there was not enough room for people with disabilities to walk on the sidewalks safely with outside dining. Presently, social distancing has gone out the window. The sidewalks are not wide enough to support this Monday-Friday.

    And funny how it’s ok now to park away from the center of town and walk. But it wasn’t before so money Was spent to build a garage that’s no needed.

  11. No win situation, businesses fail or CV19 increases. Is the mayor campaigning for the likeable decision, while other towns watch. Will residents behave or will tensions flare. I suspect chief Jackie should be in alert. Stay home.

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