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What Awaits Online Gambling in the Future

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Experts who study the online gambling market have different assessments of its future, but the overwhelming majority agree that it will grow, and it will grow rapidly. But what can we expect? What technologies will revolutionize the industry?

In this review, we will talk about the reasons, prospects, and possible pitfalls of online gambling. We will also look into how the online casino sites that you can learn about at affect the development of this industry as a whole and what are the prospects for land-based casinos in the coming years.

Growth of the Online Gambling Industry

Online gambling has long been a full-fledged competitor to traditional forms of gambling business abroad, and its market share and profit will grow at a rapid pace. According to the calculations of the research and markets department of the information resource Cision PR Newswire, the value of the online gambling business in the world will reach $112 billion by 2025. That is, it will almost double in comparison with 2020 ($64 billion).

According to Mordor Intelligence LLP, which conducted research on the US market, for the period 2021-2026, the market for the virtual gambling industry in the United States will grow by 17.32%. Huge growth rates are promised by the consulting agency H2 Gambling Capital. They announced that by 2025, the net profit from online gambling will amount to $62 billion with a total net profit of $102 million.

Latest Online Casino Technologies

Virtual reality devices have finally become ubiquitous and popular. A significant reduction in the price of such devices is also expected now. In addition, many digital gambling developers are already getting their hands on, creating products specifically for:

Virtual reality;

Artificial reality;



And it’s only a matter of time before this category explodes. When it comes to cryptocurrency and blockchain, the future is coming already now. 

“New money” is not yet very popular as a payment method in online casinos, but gradually more and more online gambling establishments will be accepting it as payment. In a few years, it will become a common thing. In this case, players and bookmakers are attracted by the confidentiality provided. People are not worried that their funds will be tracked, and casinos can accept money from gamblers who cannot use other payment options. At the same time, blockchain is useful for those casinos that want to provide maximum transparency with maximum security.


It is worth noting that it is impossible to predict all the changes that are going to happen to the online gambling industry. But now we can confidently say that digital gambling will make the experience of players in the future completely different than how it was only 15-20 years ago. 

Businessmen, experts, and players now clearly feel the transition period, which will be followed by strong changes. Naturally, land-based gambling establishments are not likely to disappear. Apart from their special aesthetics, they are great for relaxation and offer a unique experience. But they will probably become more and more elite over the course of time, leaving aside the hot spots.

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