March 30,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ,Ridgewood resident Jacqueline Hone asks ,”What exactly does the Conservancy for Ridgewood Public Lands conserve? Maybe someone can help clarify.”
She goes on to point out ,”This self appointed group and president support clear cutting/bulldozing of the Schedler Woods (7 acres). The irreparable damage, permanent loss of green space and expose endangered/threatened wildlife and residents to toxic conditions. All to make way for a sports complex & 90′ baseball field.”
In fact we have never heard or seen the group raise a finger on any “turf field ” project in town. Frankly you could not support something worse for the environment . Turf fields are not only suspect for safety , but recent news reveals shorter life span than expected . Not to mention increase run off creating more local flooding and durring the summer months they become a heat a sink in summer raising ground temperatures significantly. Folks what happened to all Ridgewood’s true believers in “global warming “?
Hone also points out , “Why? Interestingly, this organization’s secretary is also a Trustee for the Baseball Association behind the exact same sports complex. Where is the conservancy?”
And finally shes get to the magic question, “Why are they calling for a witch hunt and so worried about a slight reduction (few sq ft) of grass, in the middle of the train station parking lot, but willing to bulldoze more than 7acres of true green space? Hypocrisy at its best. What is really going on here?”
Just a case of another misguided committee ,no whats really going on is the mindless support by Aronsohn flunkies for “Garagezilla” . After all “Garagezilla” is the answer to everything and especially for some that are looking forward to being nestled into a new apartments that will require taxpayer funded parking.
Letter: Ridgewood parking plan would diminish green space
This is the committee. The loaser from last year.
Mary Beth Lane, President; Cynthia Halaby, Vice President; Paul Aronsohn, Mayor; Roberta Sonenfeld, Village Manager; Gwenn Hauck, Village Council
We do not need to discuss their motives or confusing a parking lot and public park.
The losers should just stop.
Here are the rest:
Maribeth Lane, President Cynthia Halaby, Vice-President Don Delzio, Treasurer Diane Walker, Secretary Carlton Clinch Barbara Ferrante Ann Garrett Bill Gilsenan Liz Kloak Leslie Kolvek Maribeth Lane Paul McCarthy Jane Reilly Tom Riche Betty Wiest Women Gardeners of Ridgewood
Cynthia Hallaby is not taken seriously by anyone except for her husband.
What a nice little park, it would be shame to destroy it for the sake of commuter parking.
1. Bunch of self-serving hypocrites using a self-appointed name to do the opposite
2. No sense–they were advised that daffodils were a poor choice but proceeded to plant zillions
3. Anything with the Halaby name on it is deeply suspect
4. Anything with Maribeth Lane’s name on it was suspect, but she has moved
5. Anything with Aronsohn involved must be run from like the wind
6. Anything with Delzio’s name on it says BASEBALL and must be ignored
12:56. PILEON
7.any elected official atop a charity baseball triggered Dunk Tank phoned in cut off Jean short shorts..
Never heard of the Conservatory. I do not view the train station parking lot as a park. It is a parking lot with landscaping.
Where did the Conservatory stand when Schindler was to become a baseball field? (With Delzio on board I would think that they were OK with clear cutting the land)
Where were they when the town bought the open space on Hillcrest and turned it into a sub-par soccer field?
Was the Conservatory pro or con when it came to turf fields?
Whwn are they going to update the website? Ahronsen is not mayor.
Nice little park? What the heck? Who is going to pull up a lawn chair and read a book there???? Pave it, let some of the commuters park for god’s sake.