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What New Jersey Residents Need to Do if COVID-19 Becomes a Seasonal Illness

Pandemic vs Epidemicin post

Introduction to the Global Pandemic

The new Coronavirus has created a global pandemic, making hundreds of thousands of people sick and taking a toll mercilessly. Believed to have originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan, this virus, medical experts say can return seasonally, just like the common flu. 

With vaccine trials still underway, we do not precisely know when it will be ready for deployment. As scientists suggest, a vaccine might be ready in another 12-18 months and that is way too far! So, should the coronavirus return, countries should be ready to deal with it effectively. 

The next wave might be similar to the one the world is witnessing now but it is better to be geared up to face the worst.

New Jersey’s colder weather could increase our infection rate

The United States, Italy, Spain, and the U.K are some of the nations worst affected by the Coronavirus outbreak. With the cold falls and winters of New Jersey, we’re a prime candidate for a 2nd wave. 

According to several studies and mathematical models, COVID-19 is expected to subside in the summer months like most other respiratory diseases caused by viruses, including influenza. 

Counties located in the Southern hemisphere are about to enter the winter season, hence they should learn lessons from those situated in the Northern hemisphere and take appropriate measures to contain the virus spread. The respiratory droplets remain active longer under colder temperatures, besides, the cold weather weakens the resistance power.

Most viruses that cause respiratory illnesses have returned seasonally and the same is expected with the new coronavirus. It is well and good if it doesn’t return but it is significant that we are prepared for the unexpected. We definitely cannot afford another wave!

Race to find a vaccine for COVID-19

As of now, two vaccines, one from the U.S and the other from China are being tested on humans. They look promising and the world awaits the best. Simultaneously, various drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are also repurposed and investigated. Infected patients are administered these antimalarial drugs which, to some extent have proved to be beneficial.

Currently, medical experts, scientists, academicians, and pharmaceutical companies across the globe are racing to find a cure for the novel coronavirus. The pandemic has created a situation like never before and a vaccine is the only possible solution to fight the virus in case it returns.

What Should We Do?

Suppose we succeed in containing the virus in New Jersey this time but it returns like the flu during the fall and winter seasons. Certainly, our people and government will be better prepared. Here are some things we need to take note of and follow if the coronavirus appears seasonally:

Social distancing

We will, according to experts, need to practice social distancing when out in the public. Children especially should be educated about the virus and how the spread can be effectively contained. A 6-foot distance is highly recommended.

Wear masks

Always wear a face mask in New Jersey, preferably made one made from polypropylene material, as it is 95% protective. A next best alternative is to wear a cloth mask with replaceable filters when going out. However, this type of mask is about 70% less effective.

Wearing a mask limits the virus spread, especially from people with no symptoms and those that are unaware that they have contracted the virus. However, note that wearing cloth masks are not a substitute for social distancing.

Avoid public gatherings

Avoid parties and get-togethers for the near future and contribute to creating a healthy community.

Be ready with necessary back-up

COVID-19 came out of the blue. People and authorities, with no knowledge of the virus, had very little time to respond. However, if the virus returns next year, we should be ready with the required medical supplies, groceries, and other items, and take early measures to halt the spread while not affecting our daily lives. This especially applies to people who are more at risk.

Provide better safety gear to healthcare workers

We should never forget the dedication of our healthcare workers that have worked and have been working for the welfare of the COVID-19 patients during this outbreak. Hundreds and thousands of healthcare officials have worked beyond their capacity while putting their own lives at risk. Should the virus return, we should ensure that this segment is all ready with advanced safety gear by the time.

Listen to the health authorities

Every citizen should take personal responsibility. People need to listen to the advice of the health authorities and follow suggested practices to contain the spread of the virus. Besides being able to protect one’s family and community, this also reduces the burden on the healthcare system.

The number of coronavirus infected cases is on the rise by the day and the authorities across countries are taking drastic steps to break the chain. It is also noteworthy that in some European nations, the curve is declining. With the onset of summer in several western countries, scientists and pharma experts are expecting some relief from the spike. This gives them more time to work on solutions.

Studies are on to understand the behavior of the new coronavirus but until we know exactly how it mutates and whether it returns seasonally, it will be difficult to come up with the right cure.


Get vaccine shots as suggested, as soon as one is invented and approved. If you can’t get vaccinated for some reason, then ensure that you get tested from time to time. This is especially true if you are feeling symptomatic. If you’re unsure about getting tested, you can take a free online coronavirus quiz to see if you need to or not.

Coronavirus expected to last into 2021

According to the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, COVID-19 is a contagious respiratory disease that is difficult to halt. The center believes that the virus may well last into next year or even spread permanently in the community, like those that cause common cold and flu. 

Since no one until now had an existing immunity towards the new coronavirus, patients exposed to it initially experienced severe illness. Seniors, people with other health conditions, and those with low resistance are more vulnerable hence appropriate measures need to be taken by them/their families well in advance before the virus returns next season.

Enough of illnesses, deaths, shutdowns, and economic slowdowns. Let’s hope for a wonder vaccine that can fight the virus effectively. Like with the previous pandemics, let’s hope we New Jerseyans come out successful. With combined intelligence of the global scientists and hard work of millions of health workers, volunteers, and individuals, we can certainly find a way out. Until then, we just need to learn to adapt!

5 thoughts on “What New Jersey Residents Need to Do if COVID-19 Becomes a Seasonal Illness

  1. What to do? Throw in the towel and move to a state that has not seen fit to purge itself of masculinity.

  2. What to do?
    Get sick.
    Feel miserable for a while.
    Get better.
    Just like you do when you get the flu.

  3. The upper management Where you work should tell you to stay home if you’re not feeling well. Not to come to work sick, and get others sick. Stay home.

  4. Well that’s the typical problem with typical management. They want you to come to work sick so they get the work done and makes them look good.

  5. Oh yes they don’t give two shits about the employees. Never did never well. Very selfish, No back bone whatsoever, ice running through the veins. Very heartless. It’s all about me Mimi. Instead of helping people, they are hurting people. In the world why I thinking. Most of them are hypocrites.

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