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What To Remember When Living With Your Grandparents At Home

Grandparents hugging grandparents

It’s very common for grandkids to live with their grandparents at some point in their lives. Whether because they have working parents as children or because they can’t afford to have their places as adults. Regardless of the reason, having the support of your grandparents is a huge blessing. However, there are some things that you need to keep in mind when living with seniors. 

You have to respect their old age and be extra mindful of health and safety concerns. If you have made the decision to go back and live with your grandparents after years of being on your own, you need to read the following. Below, you will find some information about what you need to remember when living with your grandparents at home.

Older People Are More Susceptible to Slipping

If you have the habit of leaving your bathroom floors to take their time to dry, you have to remember that older people are more susceptible to slipping. A wet floor can be life-threatening to your grandparents. Always make sure you thoroughly dry the bathroom floors after you take a shower. It’s also a good idea to check every couple of hours to make sure there aren’t any forgotten faucets left running. It might take some time to get used to, but when you remind yourself that it can quite literally save your beloved grandparents’ lives, it will become second nature.

Hearing Abilities Are Compromised With Age

As people grow older, they start having trouble with their hearing abilities. You will quickly realize that you need to get used to the loud volumes at which your grandparents listen to their favorite programs all day long. However, it’s not only about watching TV. Upgrading to a new alarm system specifically designed for seniors is a good idea that you should remember to look into further. These systems come with syncing features to pair with their mobile phones to be notified in case of any unexpected incidents. Even if they live in a security-guarded compound, they can still use these systems to notify them when you are desperately ringing the doorbell after having forgotten to take your own keys. 

Your Grandparents Are More Sensitive Than Before

If you remember your grandmother as a tough person who never used to show many emotions when you were a kid, don’t be surprised to see her tear up a few times a day. As they grow older, most people start softening up and become overly sensitive that anything and everything can trigger them to react emotionally. The best thing you can do is become more mindful of your words and how you speak to them. 

However, beware because some people don’t appreciate the patronizing and feel like you treading on eggshells around them is more offensive than thoughtful. Take the time to get to know your grandparents at this age. You can even ask them straight away if your recent argument was too much for them to handle and then follow their lead. 

Your Grandparents Probably Worry More Now

If you thought that the way your parents are constantly worried about you was too much, it can’t be compared to your grandparents’. Living with your grandparents at home means that you have to call and check in several times every time you step out of the house. Even if you are at work and supposedly busy, they need you to call throughout the day to confirm that you are fine. You should also give them the exact timing of when you will be home. If, for any reason, this time changes, you have to call back and update them. Otherwise, you will come back from a bathroom break to a minimum of 10 missed calls. 

Remember to Ask Your Grandparents to Tell Your Their Stories

As people grow older, they often feel that their life is coming to an end, and no one is interested in hearing what they have to say anymore. As a loving grandchild, you should show your grandparents that you do and would love to hear all about how they met and what life was like in their days. No matter how many times you’ve heard their stories, it will give them great joy to reminisce about their youth. Furthermore, your grandparent’s stories about simpler times can teach you a great deal about how to slow down and be grateful for all that you have. 

Living with your grandparents is a great way to take a break from the stressful life that you lead. However, there are a few details as you have read above that you need to remember to make sure you are doing your part and showing them gratitude for opening their home to you. 


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