August 26,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Ok so generally we don’t like to cover personal issues but since we have been bombarded with emails we feel a bit compelled to cover the Ashley Madison hack. For those that don’t know Ashley Madison’s core mission is to arrange affairs between married individuals .
After a massive security breach hackers leaked troves of data about Ashley Madison’s users, Avid Life Media, the parent company wants to figure out who did it. And it’s prepared to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for information about the guilty party.
The hackers have posted personal information such as e-mail addresses and account details from 32 million of the site’s members. The group has claimed two motivations: First, they’ve criticized Ashley Madison’s core mission of arranging affairs between married individuals. Second, they’ve attacked Ashley Madison’s business practices, in particular its requirement that users pay $19 for the privilege of deleting all their data from the site (but, as it turns out, not all data was scrubbed).
Avid Life Media is offering $500,000 for information leading to the capture of the perpetrator (or perpetrators). But Avid is a Canadian company, paying out the prize in Canadian dollars. In American greenbacks, that’s about $377,000. Avid Life Media, the parent company of hacked extramarital affairs website.
Several “Reality stars” have been sucked into Ashley Madison scandal including Jionni Lavalle, husband to Jersey Shore alum Snooki.
But now the part you are most interested in according to One Reddit data collection identified New Jersey as third highest on the list of states with the most unfaithful husbands and wives in the country, with more than 300,000 users .(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jpopham91/jpopham91.github.io/master/assets/img/ashley_madison_statewise.png ) Another website has identified the numbers of users in each county, and each state in the United States, putting those towns on a map called “Malfideleco,” which means “infidelity” in the Esperanto language.Tecnilógica, a Madrid-based digital agency, created the world map that shows the distribution of Ashley Madison users around the world without identifying names. It also analyzed their composition in terms of gender balance .( https://tecnilogica.cartodb.com/viz/56e702fe-4693-11e5-8f79-0e853d047bba/public_map )
According to these websites and the Glen Rock Patch https://patch.com/new-jersey/ridgewood/ridgewood-among-top-100-nj-communities-ashley-madison-affairs the Village of Ridgewood, with 6,158 users came in 13th in the state of New Jersey , ouch! Mind you Trenton the state capitol, with 15,504 came in 3rd. Now the map has been updated several times so the exact numbers are fluid and as we all know IP’s and emails are slippery things often hard to get a location.
You can check here to see if you were exposed https://www.trustify.info/check
” the Village of Ridgewood, with 6,158 users came in 13th in the state of New Jersey ,” WOW about 1/4 of the residents.
I wonder how many were West siders vs East siders vs Sub East sider. They are the residents across Rt 17. You know the ones that our Mayor affectional referred to as ” Those People”
“13th in the state of New Jersey” Isn’t that higher then our school ranking ?
It sure is. Finally, something for the BOE to really be proud of !
8:29. Why did you want to see East v West stats? Do you really believe that we are that different?
I guess that some of us seek to find reasons to feel superior. Those inadequacies never go away. They will haunt you all your life..
Go Wood!
Is it possible that North Ridgewood is significantly different from South Ridgewoid?
And I thought being a Witch in Ridgewood was bad! ?
The 6,158 number makes no sense. There were about 8,700 residential dwelling units in Ridgewood at the time of the 2010 census. Do you really believe that as high as 70% of RIdgewood’s households are occupied by Ashley Madison users?
How many of the Ridgewood profiles were the fake females?
Literal LOL, 6:50 am. You said it all.