June 13,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, from the “take back Ridgewood ” Facebook page , “Mayor Aronsohn is spreading the word that the current council will not make any decisions on the garage in his last 9 days in the office, and June 21st vote will be for funding / bond only.
We ask if the newly elected council is going to make a decision on final size of the garage and other parking solutions, why is he so desperate for the bonding in his last 9 days? Why commit 11.5 Million dollars and start paying interest on it, if the new council may come up with a smaller option that may require less money? What’s his hidden agenda behind the rush to issue the bond?
Vote NO on June 21st. Not to the garage, but to Paul Arohnson, Gwenn Hauck and Albert Pucciarelli railroading the process on their way out. If you voted for responsible government, in other words, Jeffrey Voigt, Bernadette Walsh, and Ramon M Hache, you know to vote NO now. Let our new VC take the reigns!”
Mrs Hauck has posted on her Facebook page that a NO vote would lead to “a waste of $600,000 our village has already spent on engineering, geotechnical, and design renderings for Hudson Street”. Is this true? If so, do we have any way to recover this money if the Village votes NO on June 21? Doesn’t this seem a bit irresponsible of the Council majority to have spent this money before the public has had a chance to vote on it? Didn’t the voters resoundingly reject the now outgoing Council majority’s general platform of large scale development in the recent election?
Too many questions with these 3. Vote NO on June 21 and let the Council that the people have elected take it from here thank you.
“Parking deck”? Hardly. The appropriate term is “Garage Mahal.”
Previous councils also spent over $1.0 million on “environmental studies” with funds raised from the previous Village garage bonding. They were looking to remediate land on a old gas station site and the site of the old Town Garage. What happened to those studies????
If they already selected the contractor please post the company name.
Well as Roberta says a lot of that work had to be done anyway for ANY garage, even just a two level structure so that would not be a waste. The real waste was the 150K or so the council spent on design A, which went 12 feet into Hudson Street.
Not only are they pushing it through, there is a 12% (6 on either side) penalty for changes. If Ms. Hauck is so concerned about taxpayer money, she should demand the penalty for our new council to alter the design be taken out ( a 6% penalty). After all, what reasonable amount of work could be done between june 22 and July 1 (6 working days) that would cost 600K?? She should recommend to new council Roberta be fired for designing such a contract that would penalize taxpayers. Shame on them all.
Vote no!
Ms Hauck has added fuel to the fire re a tainted referendum election investigation . I guess they figure why not call fire in a movie theatre to get a result that they the loosing administration wanted all along.
“Garage Mahal:” clearly a reference to the Taj Mahal, one of most beautiful architectural masterpieces of all time. Quite a compliment!
Write off the wasted spending and get a clean slate for Ridgewood. VOTE NO!
Mrs. Hauck doesn’t know what day it is. I wouldn’t depend on anything she says. I will vote NO
Nothing that Gwenn Hauck posts is believable. She is a liar, or perhaps she misstates the facts when she has been drinking.
Unfortunately people without thinking long went and overwhelmingly approved a garage back in November 2015. I was shocked by this back then as I knew I couldn’t trust Aronsohn & Co and at the same time thought that there could be alternatives to a garage of this size. People that are now complaining are harvesting what they sowed back in Novemeber. I hope they feel ashamed for approving Aronsohn’s agenda at the expense of our whole village. That was a dumb vote.
Vote no, let the new council pick up the issue. To push this through in Paul’s last 9 days suggests something fishy; whether it be he gets his name on in or it’s political payback to his party cronies.