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WOW! Plato’s ‘Tyranny’ Sounds EXACTLY LIKE America Today!

Outrage In Missouri Town After Police Shooting Of 18-Yr-Old Man

This will give you chills.
Daniel Lattier | September 27, 2016

Philosopher George Santayana’s line has become cliché, but it’s so damn true: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Well, perhaps if more Americans today read Plato (like they used to), then our country wouldn’t be repeating the same mistakes he warned us about 2,400 years ago.

In Book VIII of his Republic, Plato uses a fictitious conversation between his teacher Socrates and Adeimantus to explain howdemocracies—when they become too radical—devolve into tyrannies.

I have included M. James Ziccardi’s apt summary of this conversation below. The parallels between the “tyranny” Plato describes and America today are chilling:

3 thoughts on “WOW! Plato’s ‘Tyranny’ Sounds EXACTLY LIKE America Today!

  1. For those of us who have read Plato, I would say Plato’s description of oligarchy earlier in Book VIII is more apt. we end up with a society defined by a chasm between rich and poor with terrible rulers because they are chosen for being rich instead of for any natural talent in ruling.

  2. nice try brian.

  3. In your poorly thought out analogy you have forgotten to include the 47% of the population who are takers and who vote in their best interest.

    Perhaps that number is higher after Obama’s 8 years?

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