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Yearbook Antisemitism Photo Controversy Shakes New Jersey High School

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Apparently its No Jews Allowed in East Brunswick

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

East Brunswick NJ, a yearbook photo controversy is causing a stir at a New Jersey high school and its surrounding community. The names of members of a Jewish student group were omitted from the yearbook, and their group photo was replaced with one showing Muslim students.

East Brunswick Schools Superintendent Victor Valeski has promised a thorough investigation to determine how this mistake occurred. In the yearbook section listing student groups, the Jewish Student Union’s section had no names listed, and the photo intended for their group instead featured Muslim students with no affiliation to the group.

“I sent a message out to the community today saying that we’re investigating, and I wish people would give us time to investigate, not rush to judgment,” Valeski said. “I’m going to wait to find out what the investigation reveals because it could be a legitimate mistake. So I don’t want to call it antisemitism yet.”

School leaders are urging patience as they explore whether this was an intentional act or an honest error.

Mayor Brad Cohen echoed the community’s frustration. “It sparked a lot of outrage because it’s hard for most people to fathom how this happened ‘by accident,'” he said. Cohen has demanded answers and questioned if the omission, if done maliciously, should be considered a hate crime.

“I think the community—both the Jewish community and the community at large—deserves an answer to this quickly,” Cohen stated. “It’s downright upsetting and outrageous for you not to call it out for what it is: It is an antisemitic act. It doesn’t imply who did it, not making any accusation of who did it—that’s up to the investigation.”

With hundreds of yearbooks already in circulation, the community awaits the results of the investigation to understand how such a significant error occurred and to ensure it does not happen again.


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