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$60k for new trash cans in Ridgewood – Pet project or not? – Here’s what we think

Screenshot 2023 02 12 at 16 26 36 Squirrel in trash can Copy

the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, Does Ridgewood Deputy Mayor Pamela Perron really think that anyone who’s been paying attention to Village Council business for the past few months actually believes the planned purchase new trash cans for $60k is something other than a pet project of Councilwoman Siobhan Winograd? Ms. Perron may hope the majority of Ridgewood’s taxpayers haven’t been paying attention, but The Ridgewood Blog’s staff certainly has been awake, especially with regard to the recent shenanigans of the Deputy Mayor and her three cohorts on the Council.

Councilwoman Winograd has spoken frequently at public meetings about her desire that trash cans be replaced throughout Ridgewood’s Central Business District. During one public meeting, she even mentioned her failed first attempt at shooting a selfie video about unsightly trash cans. The planned video shoot was interrupted when a squirrel jumped out of the trash can she was standing next to while filming. Despite the frightening squirrel incident, Ms. Winograd did eventually produce a “trash cans need replacement video” and posted it on her official Facebook page.

SC 2633 BLK 01484

Until Deputy Mayor Perron used the words “crappy looking” during Wednesday’s Budget Meeting, the members of our staff had never heard any member of the Village Council, other than Councilwoman Winograd, publicly mention the need to replace the entire inventory of trash cans. And Ms. Perron’s suggestion that $60k worth of trash cans is necessary to ensure the continued success of downtown businesses was a lame stretch. Proposed costs for the selected trash cans vs. alternative models were never completely discussed in a public setting either. Is there a cheaper alternative? And what about the former concrete trash cans? Weren’t they all placed into storage at a safe location?

Case closed in our opinion – This $60k proposed expenditure for trash cans is a pet project of Councilwoman Siobhan Winograd, plain & simple.

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18 thoughts on “$60k for new trash cans in Ridgewood – Pet project or not? – Here’s what we think

  1. I agree with getting these new trash cans. The horrible stupid looking ones we got after 9-11 were a terrible idea and look like crap

    1. The old concrete ones are in storage. Bring them back and save a bundle.

      1. I would 100% support that if they still have them. The current plastic ones look like crap.

    2. “Stupid looking”. And “looking like crap”.

      It’s a garbage can! It is a container that holds garbage. They are fine. Leave them and spend the money on any number of bigger problems.

      1. Exactly.
        This is what tax dollars are being spent on?
        When you elect someone with a clear case of narcissistic personality disorder why would you expect any other outcome.

  2. Don’t place any cans near the restaurants. They would interfere with outdoor operations.

  3. WTF? New garbage cans when they are laying workers off? What kind of skewed priorities do Perron and Winograd have?

    Replace the broken ones with some that are in storage. And cut the furlough plan

    By the way. Ms Perron – using the word CRAPPY in a public meeting is kind of low class. You are an elected official. Starting to sound like Voigt with his DOUCHEBAG comment. A lite finesse please. We know you are losing your ability to think rationally, but clean yourself up a bit.

  4. This is so completely screwed up. $60,000 on garbage cans. And people are losing salary? Come on people think straight. $500,000 extra for Schedler, and people are being laid off? These people got to be stopped.

  5. So how many trash bins does $60K buy and from whom are we buying them?

  6. They really need to get a grip. This is ludicrous

  7. If it’s true that the old ones are in storage, and in good condition, then someone gots some splanin’ to do

  8. There’s nothing wrong with the old ones. They may have to be power washed, or minor repairs, but they can be used to. The old ones were removed because of a chance of someone putting in a bomb inside the garbage can Dory and event, that’s why they went to the ones they can look into, and yes they look like shit, but they can stop her bomb wrapped up in a garbage bag and put inside that bag. Stupid idea. What’s the next weld all the manhole covers in the CBD, they love waste of money when are they going to spend some real money on rodent removal.

  9. If the CBD business owners want fancy garbage cans, let them pay for it. Seriously. We are already paying a ton of money for the empty garage.

    This is why Paul Vagianos should NEVER have been elected to the Council. Garbage cans over services? Really?

  10. Furlough protest marches should be planned for when they closed the street for extended outdoor dining.

    1. that I got to see

  11. Time for a downtown business district surcharge. Owner (tenants) will be assessed an annual fee for seasonal signage, shared advertising and capital improvements. Many towns in New Jersey already have these charges already. Who benefits? The stores, you know the ones who create a majority of the trash and benefit the most from the improved environment.

  12. Well, the $60,000 is not the biggest amount by far for what goes into this budget, it is absolutely absurd that money is being spent on garbage cans when employees are being furloughed. The council, with the exception of Councilwoman Reynolds, should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. They’re up there, looking all sad and wishing they didn’t have to do this, and only Lorraine is saying we don’t have to do this. We don’t have to do this we don’t have to do this. I am disgusted with the mayor, Deputy Mayor, Winogrand, and Weitz. . They stink.

  13. How about having the sweeper come out to the business sector of the c b d.

    on weekends.

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