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A Picture is Worth 1000 words

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, and this particular picture is best left without any words from our staff. However, feel free to provide us with yours.

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24 thoughts on “A Picture is Worth 1000 words

  1. The fourth Amigo!

  2. Maybe run a story about him using the N-word in a public meeting the other night..

    1. Do tell? Who and it what context (not the any context is)? What say you Jan Phillips?

    2. How about some additional details on what meeting this was, and who the alleged comment was directed at. Any witnesses want to step forward?

  3. The pink suit

  4. Are there some openings in the Biden administration?

  5. I just puked in my mouth a little bit. Thank you for that. And I thought I was a douche bag.

  6. The next Village Attorney
    The next Director of Communication

  7. Huge wrong turn when Melanie lost to Vaginaios. Another one when Keith lost to Blondie. Élections have consequences

    1. Keith lost by 7 votes. And that was the end of Ridgewood.

  8. I blame the last 10 years of dirty politics, meaning, with all these unexperienced individuals throughout the village, going from mayors, council members, managers, directors, supervision, is all down to paybacks from certain individuals not getting a promotion. They know who they are.

  9. Maybe the N word is NORMAL. Vagianos loves that word.

    1. Stop. If this true he needs to resign

      1. Where is the outrage? Where are the spoiled kids of elite liberals protesting in front of town hall?

  10. Odd thing is that the Village people vote for the likes of these three and others who share their particular approach to village management.

    1. Amen. We deserve what we get when we allow idiots like this to pander to the uninformed

  11. Let me tell you something, even if the whole crew resigns, the place is in shambles. This didn’t just start yesterday. This is been going on for years, the last three years the place went to shit.

  12. I always get a little down in the depths of winter. February and March seem to last forever.

    But thankfully Siobhan is on the scene now and I can count on her for mind numbing mirth and comedy!

    1. Total chaos

  13. I will say this, I watch a lot of news, not saying everything is true. But I will say this, I would like to see a mayor of the village doing what other big city mayors do. You look at the mayor in Paterson, Hoboken, Jersey City, Newark, and New York City. These mayors are involved with everything and they are everywhere and they’re doing a pretty damn good job . Some mayors don’t even say, they are behind a task not these guys and gals.

    1. are you drinking already ?

    2. I need what youre smoking!

  14. Who’s the pimp in the pink suit…good lord

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