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A Vote for Phil Murphy is a Vote for More Over Development in Ridgewood 


September 28,2017

by Carolee Adams

Ridgewood NJ, if you are opposed to COAH/Fair Share Housing in NJ? Being overrun with developers taking advantage of its unfair, unconstitutional formula? Express your protest at the voting booth on Election Day! One of its major funders is the Philip and Tammy Murphy Family Foundation and, as we know, Phil Murphy is the Democratic nominee for NJ Governor.

Bridge of Books Foundation
David L. Kirp Fund
Eustace Foundation…
Lauren Rose Albert Foundation
NJ SIM Foundation
100 Who Care
Pennsylvania Automotive Association Foundation
*Philip and Tammy Murphy Family Foundation*
Robert P. Kelly Family Foundation
Siegel Family Fund (a donor-advised fund of USAA Giving Fund)
Walsh Family Fund of the Community Foundation of NJ

4 thoughts on “A Vote for Phil Murphy is a Vote for More Over Development in Ridgewood 

  1. I have had enough of Christie and might have voted for the democrat, but this position turns me off. Does anyone know Kim Guarndino’s view on this development issue?

  2. Murphy will be bad for NJ overall and is advancing an agenda that is very detrimental to a large majority of Ridgewood residents.
    Sadly, he will win the state by a large margin — including carrying a solid majority in Ridgewood where many will vote against their own self interest.

  3. I appreciate this blogger expsosing the injustice and madness happening to ALL towns. Recently we had opened a facebook page called NJ-stop the madness, where everyone around the state can submit their own towns was stories of high-density madness. Good luck in your own Ridgewood endeavors to stem this madness tide.

  4. I appreciate this blogger expsosing the injustice and madness happening to ALL towns. Recently we had opened a facebook page called NJ-stop the madness, where everyone around the state can submit their own towns was stories of high-density madness. Good luck in your own Ridgewood endeavors to stem this madness tide.

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