Putting aside all of the time wasted on pseudo-science feel good social engineering (bike path to nowhere, garbage tree, gay flag week, Bee City, village wide 25mph speed limit to name a few…)
and putting aside the obvious irony of a move to ban plastic bags (which have little to no impact in Ridgewood) to save the earth while supporting other large impact projects (like the Ginormous Garage and Multi-unit Low Income Housing) which will greatly impact Ridgewood environmentally (and otherwise)
it is telling that the REAC to show support for their proposed plastic bag ban quoted a Wired magazine article who’s Title is:
“Banning Plastic Bags Is Great for the World, Right? Not So Fast”
Link: https://www.wired.com/2016/06/banning-plastic-bags-great-world-right-not-fast/
This article concludes that “The larger takeaway is that no bag is free of environmental impact… stating that paper, plastic and even reusable bags all have pros and cons as it relates to the environment.
Wired ALSO ran another article which was PRO plastic bag “Throwing This Out Here: Plastic Bags Are Amazing and You Should Appreciate Them More”
Link: https://www.wired.com/2016/01/plastic-bags/
This article concluded that “In the grand scheme of environmental problems, ubiquitous plastic bags do not rank that high…” and “Plastic bags may be symbolic of everything bad in our consumerist culture,…”
SO… it looks like (AGAIN) that the REAC and the increasingly disappointing and useless Village Council is trafficking in feel good social engineering which will only harm and inconvenience Ridgewood residents while making no positive contribution to society other than having yet another hashtag cause to trumpet on social media
Nice photo” I just seen the news article on the movie it, they said it Mad 500 million already . that’s pretty impressive. Going back to the big issue whatever happened to the paper bags that were used to like use your great with handles.
Insist on paper bags or shop elsewhere. Those plastic bags end up everywhere and they don’t dissolve over time.
That photo might be the worst choice of a photo I have ever seen.
Walking the site I understand the plastic Big issue, I get it they try to save trees, roll the new paper bags are recyclable paper yes they do cost more money in the stores try to save. no problem I have is we are paying for products in the store and that’s part of the price to have a paper bag , And to have someone work the register and the bigger items. Are we a fool for checking ourselves out and begging our own groceries there’s no discount, that’s bullshit that’s a fucking scam I will never ever check myself out fuck that. If you’re into that then just go online what are your food and have it delivered to your house. Think about how many times that item is handled from the warehouse to being delivered in So on So on its ridiculous
Voight didn’t even ask a question? What a waste he has turned out to be. At least Knudtsen and Hachec have the decency to show an interest and ask a couple of questions. Mayor was right to ask if the stores wanted done just do it themselves. Personally I don’t think an issue for a a town council.
Paper bags are NOT good for the environment.
Most paper bags are made from new trees (not recycled paper). This has a larger impact on the environment than plastic bags.
Paper bags weigh 10 times more than plastic bags (2000 plastic bags weigh 30 pounds, 2,000 paper bags weigh 280 pounds) and create more pollution in the shipping process for the same quantity of bags.
Plastic grocery bags consume 40 percent less energy to produce than paper bags.
Plastic bags generate 80 percent less solid waste than paper bags.
But plastic bags are icky and evil, so let’s ban them so we can feel good about ourselves and (incorrectly) brag on Facebook and Twitter about how we are doing something to “save the earth” when we are actually doing more to harm it.