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Age-Friendly Ridgewood Fudges the Numbers

AF IMG 2942

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Age-Friendly Ridgewood made a presentation at the Council meeting last night.  After with their usual condescending drivel about the old people needing transportation and housing, some of the council members voiced great appreciation for all their hard work.  Then Susan Knudsen nailed them to the wall.  It seems they have been playing with their data in order to get the results they want. 

For example, in one document the survey showed that “70% of older residents are very familiar with Age Friendly Ridgewood.”  Then in another, the data shows that “over 50% have very little knowledge of it.”  When called out about this major discrepancy the videotape shows radio silence from the presenters, then fumbling and mumbling, then blame being placed on the survey people, then an acknowledgment that they basically threw out the extreme end responses.  Wow.  If you want the public to buy what you’re selling, at least give us credit for having some brains.  Thank you, Susan Knudsen, for carefully reading what they submitted and bringing their dis-ingenuousness to light.  What is the purpose of Age-Friendly Ridgewood, anyway?  Don’t we have a Master Plan Committee that is working on the needs of the entire village, including the elderly?

12 thoughts on “Age-Friendly Ridgewood Fudges the Numbers

  1. Its the new Math.

  2. typical

  3. Thank you Deputy Mayor Knudsen for pointing out the completely inaccurate data in their lame presentation.

  4. Does Ms. Brogan employ the same tactics in her role as a member of the Ridgewood Board of Education? That is, discard the data that support your personal agenda?

  5. If Gwenn Hauck is involved, you know it’s all fucked up.

  6. Janet Fricke AND Gwenn Hauck? Holy Moly! Definitely not a dynamic duo.

  7. If Gwenn and Brogan are on this committee you know that:
    – the truth is going to be a rare commodity,
    – facts will take a backseat to personal/special interests, and
    – in the end, residents are gonna get shafted

  8. We all know math, honesty and marital vows are not gwens strong pints…where’s Paul?

  9. Removing all coin operated parking meters in lieu of the park mobile app is not very “age friendly”. How many older residents will be able to use the park friendly app?

  10. Come on – Ridgewood wasn’t ever age friendly!

  11. Brogan and Gwen have NO idea what they are talking abt. Ridgewood was never and will never be age friendly!!

  12. THIS Is a very relevant point

    the elders as others before built this town

    I guess glen Rock will take the seniors cash in their
    fine business district

    free shoppers parking in the back street

    VOR stores your toast .people won’t pay the higher
    rare and deal with an App to replace
    4 quarters and a quick look at 60 minutes
    credit as they look at their timex

    not dead yet

    fat discretionary spenders Hoo Rah glenrock

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