Nay 14,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, On behalf of Age Friendly Ridgewood, join us for a talk with Dr. Thomas Perls, geriatrician and lead researcher for New England Centenarian Study,which is the largest study of people living to 100 years and beyond in the world.
When: May 17th, 2018
Time: 7:00pm
Where: Ridgewood Community Center, Village Hall, 131 Maple Ave here in Ridgewood.
RSVP to reserve a seat at www.agefriendlyridgewood.org
Parking available at the Graydon Pool lot with shuttle bus service to and from Village Hall
For more information call (201)632-1554 or email agefriendlyridgewood@gmail.com.
“age friendly” Ridgewood – Did you look at the taxes? Not so age friendly…