Ridgewood NJ, Age Friendly Ridgewood continues to Collect Non-food items for Older Adults in need of them and during the month of July the collection point is at Graydon Pool. We welcome new, small to medium sizes of the following items: paper towels, toilet paper, wet wipes, tissues, napkins, paper plates, cling wrap, foil, baggies, dish soap, hand soap, windex, tub and tile cleaner, sponges, 10 oz laundry detergent or packets, dryer sheets, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste and brushes, denture cleaner, lotion, shaving gel, razors, sunscreen, bandaids and first aid supplies, lipstick, nail polish and make-up. Please email agefriendlyridgewood@gmail.com with questions.