Roads around Crestwood Park and local roads surrounding Northern Highlands will be closed
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Allendale NJ, Saturday, May 7th, the Allendale Recreation Commission will hold its annual 5K Run/Walk. Roads around Crestwood Park and local roads surrounding Northern Highlands will be closed to thru traffic from 9am until Noon (approx.). The following areas will contain runners and walkers in the roadway:
Crestwood Park
West Crescent Avenue (vicinity of Crestwood)
West Allendale Avenue (vicinity of the ballpark)
Mallinson Street
First Street
West Maple Avenue
Northern Highlands School
East Elbrook Drive
Cedar Drive
Bonnie Way
Use extreme caution when leaving driveways and on roadways as pedestrians may be present. Emergency service personnel will be at area intersections to assist you as needed. For any questions or issues, please feel free to contact the Allendale Police desk at 201-825-1900.
The Recycling & Compost Center will be open as usual. Utilize Myrtle Ave side to access the recycling center.