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UPDATES: America’s Frontline Doctors – Combat Fear of COVID19 Due to a Massive Disinformation Campaign
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Washington DC, according to the group America’s Frontline Doctors , “American life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign. We can speculate on how this has happened, and why it has continued, but the purpose of the inaugural White Coat Summit is to empower Americans to stop living in fear.
America’s frontline doctors
If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease.”
I will not post the link as this will then be deleted as have all similar posts have been removed around the globe by social media. Dr. Stella Emmaneul: (05:27)
Hello, I’m Dr. Stella Emmanuel. I’m a primary care physician in Houston, Texas. I actually went to medical school in West Africa, Nigeria, where I took care of malaria patients, treated them with hydroxychloroquine and stuff like that. So I’m actually used to these medications. I’m here because I have personally treated over 350 patients with COVID. Patients that have diabetes, patients that have high blood pressure, patients that have asthma, old people … I think my oldest patient is 92 … 87 year olds. And the result has been the same. I put them on hydroxychloroquine, I put them on zinc, I put them on Zithromax, and they’re all well.
Dr. Stella Emmaneul: (06:12)
For the past few months, after taking care of over 350 patients, we’ve not lost one. Not a diabetic, not a somebody with high blood pressure, not somebody who asthma, not an old person. We’ve not lost one patient. And on top of that, I’ve put myself, my staff, and many doctors that I know on hydroxychloroquine for prevention, because by the very mechanism of action, it works early and as a prophylaxis. We see patients, 10 to 15 COVID patients, everyday. We give them breathing treatments. We only wear surgical mask. None of us has gotten sick. It works.
Dr. Stella Emmaneul: (06:46)
So right now, I came here to Washington DC to say, America, nobody needs to die. The study that made me start using hydroxychloroquine was a study that they did under the NIH in 2005 that say it works. Recently, I was doing some research about a patient that had hiccups and I found out that they even did a recent study in the NIH, which is our National Institute … that is the National … NIH, what? National Institute of Health. They actually had a study and go look it up. Type hiccups and COVID, you will see it. They treated a patient that had hiccups with hydroxychloroquine and it proved that hiccups is a symptom of COVID. So if the NIH knows that treating the patient would hydroxychloroquine proves that hiccup is a symptom of COVID, then they definitely know the hydroxychloroquine works.
Dr. Stella Emmaneul: (07:42)
I’m upset. Why I’m upset is that I see people that cannot breathe. I see parents walk in, I see diabetic sit in my office knowing that this is a death sentence and they can’t breathe. And I hug them and I tell them, “It’s going to be okay. You’re going to live.” And we treat them and they leave. None has died. So if some fake science, some person sponsored by all these fake pharma companies comes out say, “We’ve done studies and they found out that it doesn’t work.” I can tell you categorically it’s fixed science. I want to know who is sponsoring that study. I want to know who is behind it because there is no way I can treat 350 patients and counting and nobody is dead and they all did better.
Dr. Stella Emmaneul: (08:21)
I know you’re going to tell me that you treated 20 people, 40 people, and it didn’t work. I’m a true testimony. So I came here to Washington DC to tell America nobody needs to get sick. This virus has a cure. It is called hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax. I know you people want to talk about a mask. Hello? You don’t need mask. There is a cure. I know they don’t want to open schools. No, you don’t need people to be locked down. There is prevention and there is a cure.
Dr. Stella Emmaneul: (08:48)
And let me tell you something, all you fake doctors out there that tell me, “Yeah. I want a double blinded study.” I just tell you, quit sounding like a computer, double blinded, double blinded. I don’t know whether your chips are malfunctioning, but I’m a real doctor. I have radiologists, we have plastic surgeons, we have neurosurgeons, like Sanjay Gupta saying, “Yeah, it doesn’t work and it causes heart disease.” Let me ask you Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Hear me. Have you ever seen a COVID patient? Have you ever treated anybody with hydroxychloroquine and they died from heart disease? When you do, come and talk to me because I sit down in my clinic every day and I see these patients walk in everyday scared to death. I see people driving two, three hours to my clinic because some ER doctor is scared of the Texas board or they’re scared of something, and they will not prescribe medication to these people.
Dr. Stella Emmaneul: (09:35)
I tell all of you doctors that are sitting down and watching Americans die. You’re like the good Nazi … the good one, the good Germans that watched Jews get killed and you did not speak up. If they come after me, they threaten me. They’ve threatened to … I mean, I’ve gotten all kinds of threats. Or they’re going to report me to the bots. I say, you know what? I don’t care. I’m not going to let Americans die. And if this is the hill where I get nailed on, I will get nailed on it. I don’t care. You can report me to the bots, you can kill me, you can do whatever, but I’m not going to let Americans die.
Dr. Stella Emmaneul: (10:09)
And today I’m here to say it, that America, there is a cure for COVID. All this foolishness does not need to happen. There is a cure for COVID. There is a cure for COVID is called hydroxychloroquine. It’s called zinc. It’s called Zithromax. And it is time for the grassroots to wake up and say, “No, we’re not going to take this any longer. We’re not going to die.” Because let me tell you something, when somebody is dead, they are dead. They’re not coming back tomorrow to have an argument. They are not come back tomorrow to discuss the double blinded study and the data. All of you doctors that are waiting for data, if six months down the line you actually found out that this data shows that this medication works, how about your patients that have died? You want a double blinded study where people are dying? It’s unethical. So guys, we don’t need to die. There is a cure for COVID.
New Zealand acted quickly and had great compliance. Effectively eliminated Covid. A recent rugby game was played in a packed stadium, no masks required.
I’ve been to NZ. Aside from Auckland area, they have like 12 people living there. And those people speak 1 language, share a culture and act responsibly. And don’t forget that NZ is further away from any other country and didn’t have millions of visitors in Jan-Feb.
I’ve watched the frontline doctors video before FB and YouTube cancelled it. Well done, we need more reasonable people coming out and challenging the failed technocracy.
Like she said, many thousands of lives could have been saved! This was a great video, an illustrious group doctors speaking out. Where is free speech? It’s like we are living under the Gestapo in NAZI Germany! Medical tyranny is alive and well in America today!
Did this Dr. Gold do independent Double blind trial and research herself to support her claims that coronavirus will go away if you don’t practice any precautions and keep swallowing pills that she is so vocally propounding on the video? This is absolutely required to disprove multiple sources and research studies. We cannot just believe her say so. She needs to do the studies, publish the research and then talk. It is okay to take precautions and better be safe than sorry! BTW I say this because I am on internist and I know better. Ok?
I want the truth and I’m a Trump voter, but inflammatory statements saying that America will end if we allow Physicians in authority to guide policy are not helpful. Like most people, I have no idea who I can trust when it comes to information disseminated during this election year. And I’m skeptical of everyone. If this group of doctors wants to be taken seriously, they need to provide their solid credentials and verifiable SCIENTIFIC data. And avoid using unprofessional inflammatory statements that appear designed to rile up the uninformed masses. Just the facts PLEASE!!!
The video stew still exist! You are obviously being censored. The peddlers of the misinformation don’t want this information out.
Frontline doctors press conference on bitchute
The problem in the past is so many people are really not keeping themselves clean. It would help that the public was a bit cleaner. And anyone that works in a restaurant around food, they should definitely all be tested by law. Because they are definitely spreading germs. Did you ever see some of these food workers, they are filthy.
There are certainly inflammatory statements on both sides but clearly there is a concerted effort to curb freedom of speech for those who wish to question the current ‘party line’ we are being fed. Our founding fathers gave us freedom of speech and designed our government with a balance of power so that we would not be controled by or deceived by our government but rather be in partner with those we elect to represent us. Sadly, I don’t see this happening. In response to the comments on requests for research, I would like to question how many years of independent research and studies have been completed and published on the accuracy of the COVID-19 test or upcoming vaccine that is being suggested before it will be released? Are/will these go through the same rigorous years and years of research and testing that the FDA and CDC require for others in our country? The precedent suggests not, so actual clinical data should be taken into consideration as a piece of the picture.
There are many, many people who have been taking Hydroxychloroquine for years to treat other conditions. Where is the study showing how many of them are being infected with COVID? Those numbers should be very easy to get. It still wouldn’t be a perfect study of course, since there are more variables than taking HCQ or not, but it would certainly shed a least a little light on whether or not its beneficial.
I can guarantee all of the naysayers and critics would be unequivocally open to try anything including these doctors treatments if their miserable lives were hanging by a thread.
@Jennifer Anderson, one of the doctors is Stella Immanuel from Texas. This group is America’s Frontline Doctors. I tried to go to their website, but it says it’s expired. HUH?
Everyone should know the doctors are merely confirming what Dr. Zelenko said in March. He said he had great results with the three-part cocktail if it is administered in the first five days. I’ve seen five interviews with him and have trusted him from the beginning. He’s the big hero in this whole story.
I thought in early April that no one else would die. But the media and Falci continued to demonize hydroxy. What a remarkable abuse of power. They actually created studies, stupid studies, which showed that hydroxy was dangerous; and then the media trumpeted this misinformation. And there are now still trolls on the Internet that ridicule hydroxy, even as Twitter takes down links. I think these people know that if the public figures this out, many big names will fall in disgrace. Happy days.
I just spent the last 4 to 5 hours watching and listening to these Frontline Doctors. Most of what they presented for evidence I had researched myself over the last few months. They are spot on and are the individuals we should be listening to. They have the answers for our health and our families. They are being censored by the MSM and the social media websites because they are bringing the TRUTH into the light. They are exposing the evil and darkness to the light. They are being accused of projecting misinformation when the reality is they are projecting the truth. Follow the money people.
All I can see from outside is that I know people who have been on that hydro medicine for years to treat other illnesses without any issues. Also, someone I know was treated with the hydro medicine when she contracted Covid. She had a very bad case of Asthma, but she recovered from the virus. There have been several other posts from other doctors claiming they have a cure for Covid. There have been posts from doctors giving their advice on Covid, but none of these doctors have been called “kooks”, etc. Our medical experts have been so wrong about this virus from the very beginning. It is a shame that our American doctors and scientists have not had a better handle on this virus and the best treatments.
“Infected over 4.3 million Americans and killed more than 148,000.” That’s a true statement. What’s also true is that there are 328.2 MILLION people in America.
Don’t basic math that means only 0.0004512195% of the population has died. NOT EVEN 1% OF AMERICANS HAVE DIED.
I agree with DKM…. follow the money. These doctors have nothing to gain from promoting the benefits of Hydroxy…… Fauci and Gilead pharmaceuticals stand to lose billions. Question EVERYTHING our government tells us to do……
These Doctor’s did not give wrong information. But there is an agenda to murder Americans at hand. To take our rights for freedom of speech & to intimidate us all. We had better ban together now, are all is lost.
I strongly recommend everyone to read this report, it’s an eye-opener.
This report goes into great detail about a well funded & well-organized coalition to not just impose vaccines and depopulate the world, which may even be a ploy knowing they will not vaccinate China or Russia, but to actually destroy the world economy to end fossil fuels and impose by bribery and collusion their vision of how the world should function to stop Climate Change and impose by decree ZERO CO2.
It’s another socialist/communist try to usher in this global Socialist agenda.
There was an article by a Dr Risch (sp) in the American Journal of Epidemiology that also touted hydroxy….it’s a generic drug and very cheap vs billions for remdesivir and vaccines. You may not know this, but it is perfectly legal for doctors to prescribe drugs for “off label” (which means not FDA approved) uses. It would be interesting to see how many insurance claims were filed for hydroxy so far. My wager is that doctors are using the drug. The TRAGEDY is politicians are interfering with health care.if Trump suggests it works, Democrats forbid it. It’s the world we live in now. It’s upsetting to think any patient was denied a treatment and died because of partisan politics.
PS – Immanuel may have been a little over zealous, but she was right in studies. Whe. People are dying you can’t wait…this drug is safe. I’m a pharmacist and have dispensed this drug for years, never had a patient go blind or have heart problem
Where are the studies people ask? Where are the studies for anything Covid? I watched the entire video, and then I read all the articles who want to discredit the video. The only thing they have is also not evidenced based but merely opinion that is politicized as well, such as “hydroxichloriquine is not FDA approved” Or, the CDC recommends wearing masks uh, really? That is their “proof” to censor these doctors? This is absolutely disgraceful and entirely Un-American!
Let’s see if Trump will bring ANY of these “Doctors” into his administration, if these people are telling the truth why did Trump not meet with them when they came to Washington?
The sad truth is a large portion of Americans are simply too willfully ignorant to understand the basic fundamentals of science, for example CLOTH masks do not protect the person wearing them, they simply reduce the overall viral load in an area by reducing the amount of moisture and mucus being sprayed from a person’s mouth and nose with every breath: surgeon’s don’t wear masks to protect themselves from the patient, it’s the other way around.
Americans have also gotten very selfish and lazy, no matter what the percentage is, thousands of people are getting sick and some are dying and that’s a fact, just ask Chick Woolery
If we are going to require this group to show its studies then we need to require those doctors who disagree to prove it doesn’t work. Not sure what the resistance is to the treatment protocol being proposed. All the drugs mentioned have been used for DECADES. Yes, there can be side effects but all drugs have possible side effects…anyone ever read the lengthy paperwork when they pick up a prescription? Look, it’s ultimately the patient’s choice for treatment. They can refuse or accept. There are pharmacies who have refused to fill prescriptions for this protocol. Give patients the choice.
So the question is this? They know about Hydroxychloroquine, it’s been in use for many years. No one has been objecting up to this point. However, they want us all to take a vaccine that has only been in development for months and everything will be wonderful! Really does this make sense in any way to anyone?
If you watched the videos, it was stated as someone above mentioned that they have had great success with the ‘3-part cocktail’ of hydroxycholoroquine, zinc, and azithromycin. Look at the first 10 minutes of Session 2 where the science is explained of the 6 attributes of hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19. James is correct above… this is all about following the money. Hydroxychloroquine is available OVER THE COUNTER in Canada and UK, but we have to have a prescription here in the US. You can buy 120 pills for about $85 in Canada for a drug that has been used successfully for 50 years. However, many doctors will not prescribe it. But, we are being told to wait for a vaccine with limited testing that will cost about $1,000 and will likely be in multiple parts. This reeks of greed. Someone needs to follow the money deeper…
We’ve been doing off label prescribing for years! This is nothing new. We’ve never had COVID-19 before, why would anyone expect there to be double-blind studies?? Yet, the so called “Experts” are recommending Remdesivir – an experimental drug…where are the double-blind studies?? Do we just let these patients die? This is a ridiculous. Hydroxychloroquine is an old established medication that’s been around for ages. It has been proven in real time that it is working. That is the information that I trust!
I have been on Hydrochlorquin for about 2 years. I have Rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren’s syndrome. I am over 65. I am diabetic. I have not missed a days work at “that place”. I’ve been around employees who had confirmed cases. No telling how many shoppers had it. We weren’t required to wear masks in the beginning. Somewhere I read or heard the studies they did used toxic amounts of Hydrochlorquin. Hmm?
Please everyone just read the UK recovery trial result, and how the study was conducted. Then read the difference between the way that was carried out and a random doctor saying all her patients got better but not being willing to request those patients notes are reviewed to confirm her comments. If she is not willing for her results to be scrutinised then there is no way of knowing if what she is saying is true or not. She should request all her patients give permission for their notes to be independently reviewed. Then if her results are confirmed – excellent. If not – then at least scientific knowledge would be advanced
Yes, several of the labs in south Florida stopped reporting the negative test results so some of the labs were actually reporting 98 and 100% positive rates, which begins to skew the statewide numbers. Not sure if this has been corrected yet or not.
I thought that the patient/client privilege was legalized by the constitution through Row VS. Wade. But when a doctor prescribes treatment for covid19, then cancel culture can break and punish that privilege?
For anyone that is interested in the credentials of all the doctors at the white coat summit, are being silenced by social media & MSM, here are their names & specialty. 👇🏻
Simone Gold, MD – Emergency Medicine Specialist in Los Angeles, CA and has over 31 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from Rosalind Franklin University Of Medicine Science/The Chicago Medical School medical school in 1989. She is affiliated with Centinela Hospital Medical Center.
Dr. Bob Hamilton – pediatrician from Santa Monica, California. Medical School UCLA Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA. Internship UCLA Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA. Residency UCLA Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA.
Dr. Stella Emmanuel – primary care doctor in Houston, Tx. Went to medical school in West Africa, Nigeria. Has practiced in Louisiana and now resides in Texas where she has treated more than 350 Covid patients.
Dr. Dan Erickson, DO – Emergency Medicine Specialist in Bakersfield, CA and has over 16 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from Western Univ Of Health Sciences/College Of Osteopathic Medicine Of The Pacific, Western University Of Health Sciences medical school in 2004. (While both degrees mean your doctor is a licensed physician, their training differs slightly, and each has a unique perspective on care. “An M.D. follows an allopathic medical training path, whereas a D.O. follows osteopathic,”)
Dr. James Todaro, MD – a Ophthalmology Specialist received his medical degree from Columbia University, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons in NY, and completed his surgical training with four additional years of residency in ophthalmology.
Dr. Joseph Ladapo MD, PhD – Physician at UCLA and clinical researcher. Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine, 2011.
Residency Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr-East Campus, 2009-2011.
Internship Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr-East Campus, 2008-2009. Degree Harvard Medical School, MD, 2008 Harvard University Grad. School of Arts, Sciences, PhD, 2008.
These people should be American Heroes bringing important information and dialogue to light but instead they are being censored & bullied. Don’t you think it’s time you began to ask why?
“While the Covid-19 epidemic continues to drag on in the United States, it’s largely over in Sweden where fatalities have dropped to no more than 2 deaths per day for the last week.”
New Zealand acted quickly and had great compliance. Effectively eliminated Covid. A recent rugby game was played in a packed stadium, no masks required.
I’ve been to NZ. Aside from Auckland area, they have like 12 people living there. And those people speak 1 language, share a culture and act responsibly. And don’t forget that NZ is further away from any other country and didn’t have millions of visitors in Jan-Feb.
I’ve watched the frontline doctors video before FB and YouTube cancelled it. Well done, we need more reasonable people coming out and challenging the failed technocracy.
You can find it here:
Like she said, many thousands of lives could have been saved! This was a great video, an illustrious group doctors speaking out. Where is free speech? It’s like we are living under the Gestapo in NAZI Germany! Medical tyranny is alive and well in America today!
Did this Dr. Gold do independent Double blind trial and research herself to support her claims that coronavirus will go away if you don’t practice any precautions and keep swallowing pills that she is so vocally propounding on the video? This is absolutely required to disprove multiple sources and research studies. We cannot just believe her say so. She needs to do the studies, publish the research and then talk. It is okay to take precautions and better be safe than sorry! BTW I say this because I am on internist and I know better. Ok?
I want the truth and I’m a Trump voter, but inflammatory statements saying that America will end if we allow Physicians in authority to guide policy are not helpful. Like most people, I have no idea who I can trust when it comes to information disseminated during this election year. And I’m skeptical of everyone. If this group of doctors wants to be taken seriously, they need to provide their solid credentials and verifiable SCIENTIFIC data. And avoid using unprofessional inflammatory statements that appear designed to rile up the uninformed masses. Just the facts PLEASE!!!
Where are the videos??? I watched it yesterday!!
The video stew still exist! You are obviously being censored. The peddlers of the misinformation don’t want this information out.
Frontline doctors press conference on bitchute
God Bless you for sharing the truth.
I have tried to find the names of these Doctors, where they work, and their credentials. Can’t. Please, someone, enlighten me.
The problem in the past is so many people are really not keeping themselves clean. It would help that the public was a bit cleaner. And anyone that works in a restaurant around food, they should definitely all be tested by law. Because they are definitely spreading germs. Did you ever see some of these food workers, they are filthy.
There are certainly inflammatory statements on both sides but clearly there is a concerted effort to curb freedom of speech for those who wish to question the current ‘party line’ we are being fed. Our founding fathers gave us freedom of speech and designed our government with a balance of power so that we would not be controled by or deceived by our government but rather be in partner with those we elect to represent us. Sadly, I don’t see this happening. In response to the comments on requests for research, I would like to question how many years of independent research and studies have been completed and published on the accuracy of the COVID-19 test or upcoming vaccine that is being suggested before it will be released? Are/will these go through the same rigorous years and years of research and testing that the FDA and CDC require for others in our country? The precedent suggests not, so actual clinical data should be taken into consideration as a piece of the picture.
There are many, many people who have been taking Hydroxychloroquine for years to treat other conditions. Where is the study showing how many of them are being infected with COVID? Those numbers should be very easy to get. It still wouldn’t be a perfect study of course, since there are more variables than taking HCQ or not, but it would certainly shed a least a little light on whether or not its beneficial.
I can guarantee all of the naysayers and critics would be unequivocally open to try anything including these doctors treatments if their miserable lives were hanging by a thread.
Does anyone have the documents that were on the website? Apparently, they attacked their actual website too with all the studies, etc…
@Jennifer Anderson, one of the doctors is Stella Immanuel from Texas. This group is America’s Frontline Doctors. I tried to go to their website, but it says it’s expired. HUH?
These people are crazy I would not do a thing that motherfucker told me to do
so you are a bigot and proud of it?
Those are the 2 documents that were on their site.
Dr Bob Hamilton is a pediatrician practicing for almost 30 years, in Santa Monica Ca.
He is very well respected by his peers and the community.
Everyone should know the doctors are merely confirming what Dr. Zelenko said in March. He said he had great results with the three-part cocktail if it is administered in the first five days. I’ve seen five interviews with him and have trusted him from the beginning. He’s the big hero in this whole story.
I thought in early April that no one else would die. But the media and Falci continued to demonize hydroxy. What a remarkable abuse of power. They actually created studies, stupid studies, which showed that hydroxy was dangerous; and then the media trumpeted this misinformation. And there are now still trolls on the Internet that ridicule hydroxy, even as Twitter takes down links. I think these people know that if the public figures this out, many big names will fall in disgrace. Happy days.
I just spent the last 4 to 5 hours watching and listening to these Frontline Doctors. Most of what they presented for evidence I had researched myself over the last few months. They are spot on and are the individuals we should be listening to. They have the answers for our health and our families. They are being censored by the MSM and the social media websites because they are bringing the TRUTH into the light. They are exposing the evil and darkness to the light. They are being accused of projecting misinformation when the reality is they are projecting the truth. Follow the money people.
Mets looked good last night…their meds are working well !
Oh wait, there was a study. Here it is…
All I can see from outside is that I know people who have been on that hydro medicine for years to treat other illnesses without any issues. Also, someone I know was treated with the hydro medicine when she contracted Covid. She had a very bad case of Asthma, but she recovered from the virus. There have been several other posts from other doctors claiming they have a cure for Covid. There have been posts from doctors giving their advice on Covid, but none of these doctors have been called “kooks”, etc. Our medical experts have been so wrong about this virus from the very beginning. It is a shame that our American doctors and scientists have not had a better handle on this virus and the best treatments.
How much mg of each med does a person need to take to kick the Covid19? I know it is usually give by weight based.. please advise. Thanks
“Infected over 4.3 million Americans and killed more than 148,000.” That’s a true statement. What’s also true is that there are 328.2 MILLION people in America.
Don’t basic math that means only 0.0004512195% of the population has died. NOT EVEN 1% OF AMERICANS HAVE DIED.
I agree with DKM…. follow the money. These doctors have nothing to gain from promoting the benefits of Hydroxy…… Fauci and Gilead pharmaceuticals stand to lose billions. Question EVERYTHING our government tells us to do……
These Doctor’s did not give wrong information. But there is an agenda to murder Americans at hand. To take our rights for freedom of speech & to intimidate us all. We had better ban together now, are all is lost.
The real reasons behind this corona scam are clearly presented in this report.
I strongly recommend everyone to read this report, it’s an eye-opener.
This report goes into great detail about a well funded & well-organized coalition to not just impose vaccines and depopulate the world, which may even be a ploy knowing they will not vaccinate China or Russia, but to actually destroy the world economy to end fossil fuels and impose by bribery and collusion their vision of how the world should function to stop Climate Change and impose by decree ZERO CO2.
It’s another socialist/communist try to usher in this global Socialist agenda.
All of the main news organizations, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC, are all linked at the very top to the Democrats.
There should be NO slant and EVERY press organization MUST deliver both sides – PERIOD or else they are becoming simply the agents of a political agenda which defies the First Amendment.
Bang on! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
There was an article by a Dr Risch (sp) in the American Journal of Epidemiology that also touted hydroxy….it’s a generic drug and very cheap vs billions for remdesivir and vaccines. You may not know this, but it is perfectly legal for doctors to prescribe drugs for “off label” (which means not FDA approved) uses. It would be interesting to see how many insurance claims were filed for hydroxy so far. My wager is that doctors are using the drug. The TRAGEDY is politicians are interfering with health care.if Trump suggests it works, Democrats forbid it. It’s the world we live in now. It’s upsetting to think any patient was denied a treatment and died because of partisan politics.
PS – Immanuel may have been a little over zealous, but she was right in studies. Whe. People are dying you can’t wait…this drug is safe. I’m a pharmacist and have dispensed this drug for years, never had a patient go blind or have heart problem
Where are the studies people ask? Where are the studies for anything Covid? I watched the entire video, and then I read all the articles who want to discredit the video. The only thing they have is also not evidenced based but merely opinion that is politicized as well, such as “hydroxichloriquine is not FDA approved” Or, the CDC recommends wearing masks uh, really? That is their “proof” to censor these doctors? This is absolutely disgraceful and entirely Un-American!
International Journal of Infectious Diseases & Henry Ford COVID-19 Task Force
Let’s see if Trump will bring ANY of these “Doctors” into his administration, if these people are telling the truth why did Trump not meet with them when they came to Washington?
The sad truth is a large portion of Americans are simply too willfully ignorant to understand the basic fundamentals of science, for example CLOTH masks do not protect the person wearing them, they simply reduce the overall viral load in an area by reducing the amount of moisture and mucus being sprayed from a person’s mouth and nose with every breath: surgeon’s don’t wear masks to protect themselves from the patient, it’s the other way around.
Americans have also gotten very selfish and lazy, no matter what the percentage is, thousands of people are getting sick and some are dying and that’s a fact, just ask Chick Woolery
This is a violation of our first amendment rights
NIH study mentioned in the press conference;
If we are going to require this group to show its studies then we need to require those doctors who disagree to prove it doesn’t work. Not sure what the resistance is to the treatment protocol being proposed. All the drugs mentioned have been used for DECADES. Yes, there can be side effects but all drugs have possible side effects…anyone ever read the lengthy paperwork when they pick up a prescription? Look, it’s ultimately the patient’s choice for treatment. They can refuse or accept. There are pharmacies who have refused to fill prescriptions for this protocol. Give patients the choice.
So the question is this? They know about Hydroxychloroquine, it’s been in use for many years. No one has been objecting up to this point. However, they want us all to take a vaccine that has only been in development for months and everything will be wonderful! Really does this make sense in any way to anyone?
Hydroxychloroquine does not cost enough
If you watched the videos, it was stated as someone above mentioned that they have had great success with the ‘3-part cocktail’ of hydroxycholoroquine, zinc, and azithromycin. Look at the first 10 minutes of Session 2 where the science is explained of the 6 attributes of hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19. James is correct above… this is all about following the money. Hydroxychloroquine is available OVER THE COUNTER in Canada and UK, but we have to have a prescription here in the US. You can buy 120 pills for about $85 in Canada for a drug that has been used successfully for 50 years. However, many doctors will not prescribe it. But, we are being told to wait for a vaccine with limited testing that will cost about $1,000 and will likely be in multiple parts. This reeks of greed. Someone needs to follow the money deeper…
We’ve been doing off label prescribing for years! This is nothing new. We’ve never had COVID-19 before, why would anyone expect there to be double-blind studies?? Yet, the so called “Experts” are recommending Remdesivir – an experimental drug…where are the double-blind studies?? Do we just let these patients die? This is a ridiculous. Hydroxychloroquine is an old established medication that’s been around for ages. It has been proven in real time that it is working. That is the information that I trust!
I have been on Hydrochlorquin for about 2 years. I have Rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren’s syndrome. I am over 65. I am diabetic. I have not missed a days work at “that place”. I’ve been around employees who had confirmed cases. No telling how many shoppers had it. We weren’t required to wear masks in the beginning. Somewhere I read or heard the studies they did used toxic amounts of Hydrochlorquin. Hmm?
Please keep in mind that New Zealand was in summer at the time. Now New Zealand is in winter. Data is showing that the virus is spreading indoors.
Almost two dozen Miami Marlins (Major League Baseball) players and coaches are said to have tested positive for COVID-19.
Isn’t Florida the state in which testing labs are all (fraudulently) returning 100% positive results?
Please everyone just read the UK recovery trial result, and how the study was conducted. Then read the difference between the way that was carried out and a random doctor saying all her patients got better but not being willing to request those patients notes are reviewed to confirm her comments. If she is not willing for her results to be scrutinised then there is no way of knowing if what she is saying is true or not. She should request all her patients give permission for their notes to be independently reviewed. Then if her results are confirmed – excellent. If not – then at least scientific knowledge would be advanced
Yale Professor of Epidemiology Says The Key to Defeating COVID-19 is Hydroxychloroquine
Yes, several of the labs in south Florida stopped reporting the negative test results so some of the labs were actually reporting 98 and 100% positive rates, which begins to skew the statewide numbers. Not sure if this has been corrected yet or not.
I thought that the patient/client privilege was legalized by the constitution through Row VS. Wade. But when a doctor prescribes treatment for covid19, then cancel culture can break and punish that privilege?
For anyone that is interested in the credentials of all the doctors at the white coat summit, are being silenced by social media & MSM, here are their names & specialty. 👇🏻
Simone Gold, MD – Emergency Medicine Specialist in Los Angeles, CA and has over 31 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from Rosalind Franklin University Of Medicine Science/The Chicago Medical School medical school in 1989. She is affiliated with Centinela Hospital Medical Center.
Dr. Bob Hamilton – pediatrician from Santa Monica, California. Medical School UCLA Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA. Internship UCLA Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA. Residency UCLA Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA.
Dr. Stella Emmanuel – primary care doctor in Houston, Tx. Went to medical school in West Africa, Nigeria. Has practiced in Louisiana and now resides in Texas where she has treated more than 350 Covid patients.
Dr. Dan Erickson, DO – Emergency Medicine Specialist in Bakersfield, CA and has over 16 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from Western Univ Of Health Sciences/College Of Osteopathic Medicine Of The Pacific, Western University Of Health Sciences medical school in 2004. (While both degrees mean your doctor is a licensed physician, their training differs slightly, and each has a unique perspective on care. “An M.D. follows an allopathic medical training path, whereas a D.O. follows osteopathic,”)
Dr. James Todaro, MD – a Ophthalmology Specialist received his medical degree from Columbia University, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons in NY, and completed his surgical training with four additional years of residency in ophthalmology.
Dr. Joseph Ladapo MD, PhD – Physician at UCLA and clinical researcher. Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine, 2011.
Residency Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr-East Campus, 2009-2011.
Internship Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr-East Campus, 2008-2009. Degree Harvard Medical School, MD, 2008 Harvard University Grad. School of Arts, Sciences, PhD, 2008.
These people should be American Heroes bringing important information and dialogue to light but instead they are being censored & bullied. Don’t you think it’s time you began to ask why?