file photo courtesy of Boyd Loving
the staff of The Ridgewood Blog
Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Councilwoman Siobhan Winograd may have inadvertently let the proverbial cat out of the bag on Wednesday night by mentioning a “garage on Franklin” as being a “more important” [than Schedler] issue currently on the Council’s plate.
Wow! Another parking garage. What will this Council surprise taxpayers with next?
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Paul Vagianos will not be satisfied until there is a parking garage located on every square block of the downtown area. More parking is his solution solving the woes of all business in the downtown.
Sorry but you may be wrong.
It should read as “until a parking garage is located close to his properties in CBD’.
And since he has multiple under trust names, may be you are correct
That figures. We can’t fill the one we already own, so why not build another. What a bunch of morons.
No, they are emulating WWI Generals.
If it’s not working, it’s because you are not doing enough of it….
OH! Like modern progressives……………………….
They’re no the Morons….. WE ARE THE MORONS!
Just when you thought it might be safe to say that they’ve regained their sanity.
Please please please at least raze the old Town Garage
They will do as much damage as they can before they are sent to the trash heap.
They know they can get away with anything before they can be stopped.
And somebody will always take care of them afterwards.
Now THAT’s funny.
Perhaps she was referring to remediation of the town garage property on Franklin which has been and eyesore and environmental disaster for decades…..I don’t have a horse in this game…. I’m just making that observation …
YES but then what happens to it: a park, as former Mayor Knudsen urged, especially with more and more apartments downtown, or a garage? Paul has stated while on the council that a garage would be the ideal use of that property.
People this is old news I told you about this Two years ago, these plans have been on the table over five years ago. They are going to re-Develop Franklin Ave., Walnut Street use either going forward with the library. They would’ve expanded the property next-door but the water department bought it. Oh there’s more on the table. I’ll tell you a little by little if you can sell your house now get the hell out, take the money and run
Much more to come,
Good luck. It will take some time and money effort who is going to handle all the paperwork.
She was definitely talking about the property which the town garage sits on. Not building a new parking garage. Morons
Paul Vagina (yes, not a spelling error) wants to create
East Ridgewood Avenue into a permanent pedestrian mall, hence the additional garage. This man will destroy the CBD
Shes talking about the Town Garage, you morons.
Winograd and Weitz won their election 60% – 40%. Sounds like a referendum on the former council if I’ve ever seen one.
sounds like proof positive Ridgewood Voters are Stupid , but now you have to live with it, and living is a second rate is not all its cracked up to be
you get what you vote for, glad I got out when I could your property values are going to stagnate
If you got out then leave this board too please.