the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, last week at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Ridgewood, about 75 junior high or middle School teens (7th & 8th graders) gathered for two service events.
First, a Gift Wrapping Social! Teens were asked to bring a gift for a someone between the ages of 1 and 18 along with some Christmas gift wrap.
Along with wrapping the gifts, teens played games and had some social time together.
The second event was held yesterday, where jr. high teens along with Giana Castelli, our director of jr. high youth ministry, brought the wrapped gifts to the Fr. English Center for distribution next Saturday, December 23rd.
Approximately 80 gifts were donated! The Junior high teens really understand the Christmas is about GIVING!
NOVELIST MARY HIGGINS CLARK WROTE NJ “KING OF CON” A FOREVER X-MAS PRESENT https://theridgewoodblog.net/novelist-mary-higgins-clark-wrote-nj-king-of-con-a-forever-x-mas-present/ #NJFilm,#NJFilmIndustry,#NJFilmProduction, #NJFilmmakers, #FilmedInNJ, #equitycrowdfunding,#Wefunder,#startupfunding, #venturecapital, #invest