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Bergen Community College Faces $1.8 Million Cut in Trenton Funding


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, according to Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco , “The State budget, as proposed, will result in a loss of $1.8 million for Bergen Community College , the largest community college in the state.”

Tedesco goes on , “2-year degrees are often the only affordable way for students to attain a quality education. In order to build a more prosperous and productive workforce and prepare our future leaders of tomorrow, we must continue to invest in our students and our community colleges.”

Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco testified in support of community colleges at the State Senate’s Public Budget Hearing last week. Tedesco ads , “I will continue to urge the Senate to reconsider these proposed cuts, and instead build upon the historic commitment the legislature made for community colleges in 2024.”
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6 thoughts on “Bergen Community College Faces $1.8 Million Cut in Trenton Funding

  1. As usual we get screwed.
    I’m sure that 1.8m will go right to Paterson, Newark and Camden and flushed right down their toilets

  2. Newsflash – I’m thinking only 15% of the students that attend BCC are actually from Bergen Cty.

  3. Good! There’s no accountability where the funding was going. Next should be the New Bridge Medical Center! Bergen County taxes are going up! Democrats!

  4. Cuts are being made all over. Extra funding is needed to manage the migrant influx.

    1. aka
      Paying of Illegal aliens so they can vote Democrat and destroy capitalism.

  5. Funding should be restored. Community Colleges
    support students in transitioning from high school
    along with students who lack the resources for a 4
    year college or university. It provides new citizens
    with an opportunity to improve their language skills
    before seeking employment. Community Colleges
    also offer many programs for senior citizens.
    Ed Houlihan

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