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Bergen County’s Push for Sustainability: Electric Vehicles Join the Fleet

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photos courtesy of Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, Bergen County continues to lead by example in sustainability under the leadership of County Executive Jim Tedesco. As part of its ongoing efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, the County has added five new electric vehicles (EVs) to its fleet. These EVs are now being utilized by the County Division of Weights and Measures and the County Department of Health Services, reflecting a significant commitment to environmentally friendly practices.

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The move is part of a broader initiative to create a cleaner, greener future for Bergen County residents and future generations. “We’re proud to be taking meaningful action toward sustainability,” said Tedesco, emphasizing the importance of reducing emissions and adopting innovative solutions to combat climate change.

By transitioning to electric vehicles, Bergen County is not only lowering its environmental impact but also setting a powerful example for other communities. The integration of EVs into public service operations highlights how local governments can adopt practical measures to promote environmental responsibility.

This step forward underscores Bergen County’s dedication to building a sustainable future. Stay tuned for more updates on how the County is working toward eco-friendly initiatives that benefit both the community and the planet.


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2 thoughts on “Bergen County’s Push for Sustainability: Electric Vehicles Join the Fleet

  1. Pissing away taxpayer money!

  2. do they start in the cold

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