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BREAKING : Toll Brothers Has Stopped ALL Pumping Activities into Pleasant Brook in Upper Saddle River

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photo by Derek Michalski

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ, after 10 months of questionable practice of pumping mud into Pleasant Brook Toll Brothers stopped ALL pumping activities into the brook over the weekend. Houses, pumps and generators used to power these pumps were also removed from 19 Meadowbrook Rd. construction site In Upper Saddle River.

These questionable pumping devices were subject of numerous GreenUSR video reports over the course of past of 10 months. Last persons to witness these hoses were Chair of Mahwah Environmental Commission Richard Wolf and Councilwoman Janet Ariemma. Councilwoman Ariemma visited the site on Saturday October 8, 2018. You were also able to see those hoses and pumps over the course of past 10 months in pictures and videos posted on GreenUSR pages. But the mother of All evidence was a report broadcasted on television during the evening news by brave CBS reporter Lisa Rosner. We all remember that day – April 23, 2018 (

Now since evidence is being removed and memory is fading better save all the programs you saw just in case of further degradation of this site. So for so good and the fourth consecutive day water in Pleasant Brook a/k/a Pleasant Run is free of mud. Miracle? Hardly. Apparently Toll Brothers and it’s mysterious partner called Ridgewood Real Estate Partners decided it’s time to do (whatever they intend to do) it with the appropriate permit now.

Ridgewood Real Estate Partners, LLC is a Florham Park, real estate investment firm specializing in acquiring and developing residential lands across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions as well as select markets such as California, Arizona, Utah, Phoenix, Nevada, Texas, Florida, Las Vegas, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York. It was founded in 2008 and is based in Florham Park, New Jersey.

The community has 15 days to provide comments with NJDEP Division of Land USE Regulation. Get your pens and papers ready folks. Here is the address

Division of Land Use Regulation
P.O. Box 420, Code 501-02A
Trenton, NJ 08625
Attn: Borough of USR Supervisor


One thought on “BREAKING : Toll Brothers Has Stopped ALL Pumping Activities into Pleasant Brook in Upper Saddle River

  1. This great news. Is the damage reversible? Can you trust them that they won’t start again once people fall asleep?

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