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BREAKING: Yet another boil water advisory from Ridgewood Water

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the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, in comments made during a Ridgewood Village Council meeting on Wednesday, October 9th, Richard Calbi, Director of Ridgewood Water, advised Council members of a boil water advisory that was issued on Tuesday, October 8th in connection with a โ€œlow pressure event.โ€ The โ€œeventโ€ occurred between 4:00 AM and 4:30 AM on Tuesday morning, October 8th. Ridgewood Village Manager Keith Kazmark again cited lawn watering as the likely event trigger.

>With the approval of NJDEP, only 47 homes (39 in Midland Park and 8 in Ridgewood) were notified to boil water. Notifications were made in person, and/or via a reverse 911 telephone call. The boil water advisory was lifted by Ridgewood Water on Wednesday, October 9th. No mention was made by either Mr. Calbi or Mr. Kazmark as to the number of fire hydrants that were impacted.

The staff of The Ridgewood Blog remains puzzled as to why these reported โ€œexcessive lawn wateringโ€ events seem to be taking place well after the heat of summer is over. Are we missing something? Why does Ridgewood Water believe more lawn watering is taking place now than when it was 100 degrees outside? Mind boggling, isnโ€™t it?

During his remarks to the Village Council, Mr. Calbi also revealed Ridgewood Waterโ€™s current plan to address low pressure issues in the affected area. A โ€œtemporaryโ€ pumping station will be constructed at the intersection of East Glen Avenue and Oak Street to pump water up the hill to the โ€œintermediate zone.โ€ Construction of the โ€œtemporaryโ€ pumping station will begin this Fall, and be completed during the Spring. A previous plan to interconnect with the Borough of Waldwickโ€™s water supply system as a means of solving low water pressure in the โ€œintermediate zoneโ€ was scrubbed said Mr. Calbi.

Sorry, but all we can say after being informed of another boil water advisory is that our confidence in Ridgewood Waterโ€™s ability to run a top notch water supply system remains very low.

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19 thoughts on “BREAKING: Yet another boil water advisory from Ridgewood Water

  1. KK….many residents haver closed their sprinklers for the season….stop the bs

  2. Again, you know what itโ€™s time for the mayor council to tell the village residence exactly what the water company is worth in dollars maybe put out to a vote to sell the company. And we would like to know what exactly is the revenue and out of the utility budget, are there any line items in dollars going to other departments in the past?

  3. You couldnโ€™t make this scenario up regardless of how much someone paid you to envision the most preposterous water company related incident for a novel they planned to write.

  4. Unbelievable.

  5. The book value of RIdgewood Water is rapidly plummeting.

  6. You would think these geniuses would just make a connection with the Fair Lawn water system & get pressure from the 250 ft high water tower.

    1. Its 15 miles away Einstein

  7. My sprinklers go on at 4:30 so it wasn’t me.

  8. Idiot festival…

  9. Itโ€™s probably those resumes down in the lawnsS. They never follow the rules they do they want. Especially that one resident who has that fake fake private sign. Do you think weโ€™re stupid? We got your number sucker.

    1. Rules are for suckers with crap lawns.

    2. You got my number sucker? If you dial as well as you type you’ll never get through to me. ๐Ÿซต๐Ÿ’€

  10. Ridgewood water utility, why we paying the Director of water to run village, sanitation, and village recycling, this is absurd. That man works for the utility not the village. He should have nothing to do with day-to-day operations and those departments just run the water department Iโ€™m sure heโ€™s getting some hefty stipend for those two departments, does he have a CDL license? Has he ever done sanitation and recycling hang on the back of a truck? I donโ€™t think so.

  11. Most sprinklers are turned of dummies!

  12. Why don’t they just fixed the pipelines? Vaginaos and his puppets are busy pandering to a specific group. They forget that once a special interest group gets what they want, they don’t support in the next election. Look at all the Ridgewood Reasonable Development people and all the Anti Valley groups – they have disappeared and now voting for Vagianos puppets, whom they opposed just 8 years ago.

    1. They should be interested in safe clean water and parks! Just sayin

  13. The pumping station at Erie and Glen has had problems for years and subsequently ignored. This is the direct result of putting ball fields above critical infrastructure.
    Slobagain Box O wineograd and the rest of the sports ilk are directly to blame. VOTE THE OUT

    1. Multiple people developed cancer in the Glen water tank area over the years. This should have been a priority!!

  14. Sell this utility and get out of the water business. A Class-A village need not deal with this nonsense.

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