the staff of The Ridgewood Blog
During Wednesday evening’s candidates’ debate, candidate for Village Council Paul Vagianos took issue with the past voting record of Candidate HyunJu Kwak with regard to her approval of funds to remediate/restore/repair flood damaged artificial turf fields at Ridgewood High School and Stevens Field on multiple occasions (Ms. Kwak was acting in her capacity as a member of the Ridgewood Board of Education).
Mr. Vagianos questioned why Ms. Kwak would have voted in favor of remediation/restoration/repair projects if she’s so opposed to the installation of any new artificial turf fields in Ridgewood. Ms. Kwak’s response was that the fields involved were existing, not new, installations, and that failure to approve those projects would have resulted in even more expense to remove the artificial turf due to the damage/hazards created by flood waters.
Interestingly, one of Mr. Vagianos’ running mates, Pamela Perron, who is also opposed to the installation of any new artificial turf fields in Ridgewood, voted “yes” on three separate occasions to fund the remediation/restoration/repair of Maple Park’s flood damaged artificial turf field. Here are the Resolutions that she said “yes” to:
October 6, 2021 – Resolution 21-290 Award Contract – Maple Park Turf Field Remediation Due to Hurricane Ida (NTE $112,485)
April 13, 2022 – Resolution 22-147 Award Contract – Maple Park Turf Field Remediation (NTE $28,478.84)
February 14, 2024 – Resolution 24-58 Award Contract – Restoration and Remediation of Maple Park Field (NTE $41,321.76)
So, Mr. Vagianos bullied Ms. Kwak for the same thing his running mate did? Huh?
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He didn’t forget to mention. He left it out on purpose. Another form of lying. The guy is unbelievable.
What’s good for the goose is not good for the gander.
Vagianos was trying to out Kwak but it backfired several times. Oopsie like all of his other lies. how come no one brought up the scandalous NJ Monitor article about how the mayor is in the pocket or vice versa of TapInto, does anyone read that “news” now come on peeps. lets get real.blcocking comments by the guy who suppoedly runs a reputable blog, yikes who is $$ who. scary sh*tshow.
“Build a wall Paul.”
To a politician, the truth doesn’t matter, the soundbite does.
He is such a little turd.
They are petrified kwak will get a seat.
Good I hope she does!!!!
Pee Wee will win because the majority of voters in Ridgewood are stupid.
Or he might win because the weasel has made large promises and those with a vested interested have donated money to his campaign with the expectation that they will be on the receiving end of something they want.
He also did a stunt about bullying when the biggest bully in town is the engineer!!! But he keeps doing PauLIE’s dirty work so there are NO repercussions
Other council members and the village manager are his puppets!! Follow the money trail and past relationships!
It’s not just him. All the sports guys who are opposing HyunJu and Donating to Pam’s campaign are either liars or racists or have a secret deal with Pam.
There is zero difference in Pam and HyunJu’s position on the sports fields / turf fields publicly and they keep supporting Pam and they keep bullying HyunJu!
Yup, same at the board of ed. This group, especially the Brian guy keeps bullying HJ, while the person who control’s the facilities committee is sheila brogan, and she’s also opposed to artificial turf.. so why are they going after HyunJu and kissing Sheila’s axx?
when did Sheila go against artificial turf ?
And Jeff Voights FB rant against kwak and her family is awful. But he is a buddy of pauLIE. I guess it depends on who is doing the bullying.
voit is a stupid bigot and always has been and his buddy hans talks like he is from the KKK
I thought Voight moved out of RW. Buh bye! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, plus we don’t care what you think.
voight is a “d-bag.”. Calling someone a d-bag from the dias had to be the greatest (lowest) oment in Ridgewood council history
This mayor Vagianos lies. We have been watching from the sidelines and it is pretty obvious that the guy cannot tell the truth. Everything is a sound bit. If his lips are moving then it is more than likely that he is not telling the truth.
I wish more people were on the ballot.
I will bullet vote for Kwak but obviously two others will win also.
Lorraine clearly wanted no part of this freak show. The grease and slime from PFAS Paulie and his stooges is toxic.
Here are some scenarios-
1) Kwak gets in with Vagianos and Perron-Perron continues to block vote with Vagianos as per usual, except where she is aligned with Kwak on anti turf. Mortimer get shunned from Green Ridgwood Committee but can stay on Parks & Rec. Has time now to take a course in public speaking.
2)Kwak gets in with Mortimer and Perron. Will probably never happen but Bee Guy and Hat lady would crap their pants without their fearless leader. At this point, if PauLIE is out, then he has time to meet ROAR ick for coffee and sling gyros.
3) Vagianos, Kwak and Mortimer get in and everyone gets a lesson in how to balance a budget without having to furlough staff like we almost did last year . Kwak can do this and really drill into the crazy schemes that this mayor and Mortimer will try to slide by.
4) The least desirable outcome: Vagianos, Perron and Mortimer get voted in and PauLIE continues his magical mystery tour. We will confirm whether Paul footed the bill for all of their mailers, etc. Frank continues to maintain his greeness but remember it includes bright green plastic turf and Pam will do whatever it is that Pam does. Therfore if this last scenario plays out. we are F*CKED.
I have a plan for scenario #4. All past dealings of “feed the front line”, and Beeman’s past contracts with the village and cash benefits will be sent to the attorney journal!
Yes all that needs to be addressed and people need to be held accountable
And feed the frontline money????? Still curios who made out
Bullet vote kwak
#PamPerron is a GREEN WASHER! She also voted to clear cut and decimate a 7acre ecosystem at Schedler.
Last night, Pam Perron publicly endorsed two candidates (Paul-lie and Frank) that are pushing artificial turf and paving paradise to put up parking lots. She needs them to do her dirty greenwashing on the Council.
They are all the lowest of the low pond scumbags.
Vagianos who is a schemer and liar and failure as mayor.
Perron who follows along with Vagianos who she thinks is her soothsayer but is really a machiavelian menace. She was a lawyer, not too smart Pammy!
Mortimer who does not have an original thought in his head. Marketing assclown on display, looks and sounds like a complete idiot. At least practice your public speaking skills.
Haha, for once we are not talking about what an ashole Swino is. it is refreshing. if she ever runs again it might be time to move.
Lost in translation or the pillow talk.
Vote HyunJu Kwak!
What’s happening to Pam’s face?
Someone must have splashed water on it and it’s melting! meeeelting! meeeellllllting!
So, Mr. Vagianos bullied Ms. Kwak but not his white running mate who did the exact same thing. Is anyone going to point out the obvious here?
This is not the gotcha moment you think it is since a lot of people in the race game consider Asians to be white-adjacent. I’m not making it up! I wish I was!
I have to say it is humorous to hear all the accusations of bullying or racism…bit of a reach here kids. If vigorous debate falls into those categories, God help us.
Playing the race card rarely works by the way…stick to the issues.