As per Executive Order from Governor Chris Christie, the flag of the United States of America shall be flown at half-staff on Friday, June 17, 2016, in recognition of the life and in mourning of the 49 innocent lives taken during the June 12th terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida
The Interfaith Clergy will hold a Candlelight Vigil on Saturday, June 18th at 9PM in Memorial Park at Van Neste Square to honor those who lost their lives in Orlando this past weekend. Â All are invited to attend.
When bad people get murdered by other bad people, it doesnât make them suddenly good. It makes them dead.
The 49 victims killed in the Orlando nightclub, unless they fully repented of all of their sins and died contrite for for what they were enthusiastically embracing and practicing just seconds before, died in unrepentant mortal sin. While certainly possible, the odds are long, to put it mildly.
Their fates were locked-in at the moment of death. The fact that they were murdered by a muslim does not rehabilitate them or dispense them from their sin in any way. The ultimate tragedy is that there are now 49 more people who no longer have any chance to repent of their sins, to avail themselves of Godâs Holy Church, the Sacrament of Penance, and to die in a state of grace, in friendship with Christ. 49 people have faced Jesus Christ in their particular judgment, having died enthusiastically enjoying a gay nightclub.
Canonizing these people, painting them as martyrs, is exactly what satan wants. Because if active, enthusiastic, unrepentant sodomites are martyr-saints, then the entire notion of sin and judgment is completely bled of all meaning, as is the entire notion of true martyrdom. True martyrs are people who die witnessing to the truth of Jesus Christ and His Holy Church. Period. These people died literally witnessing to sodomy. Heck, for that matter, if everyone who is murdered gets to go to heaven, then isnât the murderer actually doing the people he kills a favor by, according to this logic, âabsolvingâ them of their sins and guaranteeing them a place in heaven?
omg @ 10:22, STFU. For real.
No question this blog allows free speech.
Yeah…keep your religious beliefs to yourself…and stuff.
Thankfully, the professional preachers, rabbi and imam in town have a different perspective and will be hosting this interfaith candle lighting. This is one of those rare cases where the professional religious leaders seem to have a better grasp on what is important then some of their followers.
Free speech my ass… James allows speech that serves his needs. If a post goes too far against his personal narrative he censors it – period.
Not sure what redeeming quality this religious nut job’s post has but obviously James seems to like it. Shame on him.
Yes Rob we could post all your nasty comments about ridgewood residents i am sure it would be great for you business
James, why print such offensive drivel?
Maybe Just to piss you off lol
Get ready to be fed a stream of lies about the “Religion of Peace.” Kind Imam, which tenets or commandments of Sharia Law or the Koran were violated by the Orlando murderer? (Answer: Zero)
Catholic World News
San Diego bishop: combat âanti-gay prejudiceâ in Catholic community
June 16, 2016
In a statement issued after the Orlando shooting, Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego called upon Catholics to âcombat ever more vigorously the anti-gay prejudice which exists in our Catholic community and in our country.â
âThe shootings in Orlando are a wound to our entire society, and this time the LGBT community has been specifically targeted and victimized,â he said. âWe pray for the many victims in Orlando who were targeted for death simply because of their sexual orientation, and we grieve with their loving families and friends.â
âWe pray for the Muslim community in our nation, who have acted in unanimity to deplore this act of violence and to reject hatred rooted in a distortion of Muslim faith,â the prelate added.
Posted by: unum – Today 10:20 AM ET USA
Uh, Bishop, The shooter was a Muslim! What evidence of the anti-gay prejudice which exists in our Catholic community does the bishop have? I have seen none in my parish.
Posted by: dover beachcomber – Today 3:02 AM ET USA
Arguably, the Orlando shooter wasn’t following a distortion of Islam, but its core beliefs from its earliest days. And if the “Muslim community” is so sincerely against such violence, why does it fail again and again to detect and thwart the perpetrators, who invariably have spent much time in local mosques. Where’s the bishop who’ll say, “Islam is a false religion, and Orlando exemplifies the behavior of many who follow it”?
Posted by: R. Spanier (Catholic Canadian) – Today 12:20 AM ET USA
“Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Lot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.” Muhammad (Abu Dawud, 4462) “The punishment for homosexuality is death… The companions of the Prophet were unanimous on killing…. Some of the companions of the Prophet stated that [a homosexual] is to be burned with fire. It has also been said that he should be stoned, or thrown from a high place.” (2008 Update Saudi Arabiaâs Curriculum of Intolerance)
Posted by: David K – Jun. 16, 2016 11:26 PM ET USA
I think it would help if the Bishop could explain the exact nature of this “anti-gay prejudice”. For a lot of people, it includes the Church’s teaching on the nature of marriage. Just what, exactly, are we to apologise for?
Posted by: james-w-anderson8230 – Jun. 16, 2016 10:06 PM ET USA
I don’t think there is anti gay sentiment as much as a sentiment against being bullied by the gay community against anyone who does not agree with their gravely disordered life style.
Posted by: jrorr19609092 – Jun. 16, 2016 7:08 PM ET USA
I think this bishop and all the bishops should not be focusing on what Catholics should do because of this travesty, they should be focusing on the reason it happened. Two reasons, 1) the Muslim religion, 2) the Obama Adm. and Democrats tying the hands of the FBI and CIA by not focusing on Muslim suspects. Orlando and San Bernardino as well as Fort Hood would never have happened had Obama not made the FBI, CIA remove all terminology concerning Islam as the potential for terrorist acts.
Posted by: garedawg – Jun. 16, 2016 9:40 AM ET USA
While I cannot quarrel with the sentiments above, I have a hard time thinking of the same-sex-attracted as a “community”.
Posted by: feedback – Jun. 16, 2016 8:21 AM ET USA
Dear Bishop McElroy, our Christian faith does not offer instant Heavenly reward for harming or killing anyone, including the worst of sinners. On the other hand, tragedy like this must not be used to silence the voice of the Church, or even promote, a conduct that is so obviously contrary to Christian morality.
The law of Islam by the book that was violated was that he used a gun instead of stoning the victims for being gay, but then again, the Christian and Jewish Bibles both have that same rule. Fortunately, just as most Christians and Jews do not believe that literal reading to be accurate, so too, most Imams do not believe that reading to be accurate either.
James, I’m sorry but you jumped the shark with this one.
I don’t recognize anything godly or sensible in 10:22’s post. He sounds like just the kind of person we could do without and if He/she thinks they are entering into the Pearly Gates with these beliefs, they might be seeing something else on Judgement Day. Maybe a reprogramming center.
3:13pm, the bible, the deposit of faith as passed down from the Church Fathers, and the Catholic Magisterium provide the following. Since the assumption of Mary, Mother of God in the first century AD, we all of us here on earth are craven sinners. Our souls thirst for the grace of Christ and have the innate capacity to soak it up like a sponge, PROVIDED we take the initiative to turn to him humbly and ask for his mercy. Deliberately persisting in a state of grave sin positively prevents one from having or developing the required humility to ask for and ultimately receive God’s forgiveness. This means that hardened sinners unwilling to respond properly to the call to grace are in immediate and ongoing spiritual peril. Upon death, such a person can neither enter heaven directly, nor indirectly via purgatory, but are doomed to suffer eternal separation from God. This is the essential definition of hell. No matter what anybody else says to you, all of the above applies to every soul on earth, whether or not they are Catholics. This is why all should seek out and adhere to the One True Faith.
How does any of this mean that individuals afflicted with same sex attraction are to be stoned to death, 3:13pm? Jesus said to the accused adultress, “Neither will I condemn you. Go and sin no longer.” Christianity is the ultimate in mercy and justice on earth.
5:23pm, are you familiar with Catholic doctrine? If so, how do you think 10:22’s post differs from what Catholics are taught to believe?
Jesus said, “Judge not less ye be judged.” Pope Francis said, ” If someone is gayâŠand has good will, who am I to judge?”I’ll take my cue from them,the ultimate good guys.
It seems that 10:22’s comments were meant to provoke.
Just ignore. isolation is the best place for that person
I am a Catholic, attended Catholic schools through college.
I never heard hatred like what is posted in this thread. In my life the bible was never quoted as a justification for hatred.
This person knows a little and twists it a lot. He/She should seek pastoral counseling.
God id love Love your neighbor
7:36, Pope Francis is careening headlong into heresy at this point and is, therefore, regrettably, not a reliable source. The Francis quote you mentioned is a fine example. Furthermore, the quote by Jesus Christ you cited (“Judge not, lest ye be judged.”) is perfectly compatible with wise and righteous humans on earth taking the initiative to evaluate the behavior of other humans on earth, find fault with that behavior, and legitimately express judgment based on moral and religious grounds. You are taking far too much from that bible passage. There is a great deal of authoritative and persuasive commentary on this point you might want to review if you are of a mind.
“In my life the bible was never quoted as a justification for hatred.” 12:43am, by no means is this hatred! All confessed Catholics should be about ensuring that as many people as possible join the faith, get into a state of grace, and either stay in a state of grace, or if they fall out of grace, do what is necessary to return to a state if grace, in preparation for death, which can come in the form of a thief (or a radical Islamic terrorist gunman) in the night. You know all of this is true. The business of saving souls is just as much your vocation as any other Catholic in the Church Militants (i.e., alive on earth). Mary, Mother of God has told us in private revelation deemed by the Church to be worthy of belief that she greatly fears the prospect of untold numbers of precious souls being misled spiritually and thereby descending into hell like so many snowflakes. What are you yourself doing about this horrible prospect?
Utah Lt. Gov. Cox says Orlando attack prompted apology to gays
By Eugene Scott, CNN
Washington (CNN) Utah’s second-highest-ranking public official says the Orlando massacre has prompted him to apologize to the LGBT community for his role in perpetuating homophobia.
“As I’ve gotten to know more people from the LGBT community, their love, their kindness, their patience with me — it’s amazing when you try to reach out and get to know and love someone who is different than you — you find out remarkably that we’re really not that different,” Utah Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox told CNN’s Don Lemon Friday.
Cox apologized at a vigil Monday in Salt Lake City a day after Omar Mateen killed 49 people in a gay nightclub in Orlando. A video of the speech has gone viral.
“I’m here because yesterday morning, 49 Americans were brutally murdered,” Cox said Monday. “I’m here because those 49 people were gay. I’m here because it shouldn’t matter. But I’m here because it does.”
The Republican told CNN that he regretted not standing up for gay people in his youth.
“I didn’t know they were gay, I just knew they were different,” he said. “Sometimes I would make jokes, say things that weren’t appropriate — not necessarily to them, but about them, on occasion. I certainly didn’t go out of my way to be friends with them. Those are the things I regret the most.”
Lemon asked Cox what he would say to Republicans when it comes to LGBT matters, because, as he put it, “Republicans do not have a good track record when it comes to supporting gay issues.”
“What I would say to them is: Let’s start where we can,” Cox replied. “We have to start looking at each other and caring about each other as individuals and as people.”
Asked about the response he’s received so far, Cox said it’s been “universally” positive.
“There have been nothing but positive comments from the left and the right — just universally,” he said. “That’s the crazy thing, it seems like this is what people have felt, but no one really has said it.”
St. Francis of Assisi:
Act bravely, my Brethren; take courage, and trust in the Lord. The time is fast approaching in which there will be great trials and afflictions; perplexities and dissensions, both spiritual and temporal, will abound; the charity of many will grow cold, and the malice of the wicked will increase.
The devils will have unusual power, the immaculate purity of our Order, and of others, will be so much obscured that there will be very few Christians who will obey the true Sovereign Pontiff and the Roman Church with loyal hearts and perfect charity. At the time of this tribulation a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavour to draw many into error and death.
Then scandals will be multiplied, our Order will be divided, and many others will be entirely destroyed, because they will consent to error instead of opposing it.
There will be such diversity of opinions and schisms among the people, the religious and the clergy, that, except those days were shortened, according to the words of the Gospel, even the elect would be led into error, were they not specially guided, amid such great confusion, by the immense mercy of God.
Then our Rule and manner of life will be violently opposed by some, and terrible trials will come upon us. Those who are found faithful will receive the crown of life; but woe to those who, trusting solely in their Order, shall fall into tepidity, for they will not be able to support the temptations permitted for the proving of the elect.
Those who preserve their fervour and adhere to virtue with love and zeal for the truth, will suffer injuries and, persecutions as rebels and schismatics; for their persecutors, urged on by the evil spirits, will say they are rendering a great service to God by destroying such pestilent men from the face of the earth. But the Lord will be the refuge of the afflicted, and will save all who trust in Him. And in order to be like their Head [Jesus Christ], these, the elect, will act with confidence, and by their death will purchase for themselves eternal life; choosing to obey God rather than man, they will fear nothing, and they will prefer to perish [physically] rather than consent to falsehood and perfidy.
Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a destroyer.
Works of the Seraphic Father St. Francis Of Assisi, [London: R. Washbourne, 1882], pp. 248-250
Pope Francis Bergoglio says that souls that do not achieve the Beatific Vision are annihilated.
Pope Francis Bergoglio says that âthe Spiritâ is telling him that the words of Jesus Christ are void, and that to adhere to the words of Christ Almighty is âresisting the Spiritâ â that is, the Second and Third Persons of the Triune Godhead are in opposition to each other.
Pope Francis Bergoglio says that the Blessed Virgin Mary perhaps, while standing at the foot of The Cross, accused God of deceiving her.
Pope Francis Bergoglio says that pious Catholics are âdivinizersâ and âidolatersâ â violations of the First Commandment.
Pope Francis Bergoglio says that God wills mortal sin.
Pope Francis Bergoglio says that âthe great majorityâ of sacramental marriages are null, and that unmarried, cohabiting couples have âa real marriageâ with âthe grace of a real marriageâ.
Pope Francis Bergoglio directly analogizes the Great Commission to spread the Gospel and Baptize all nations, to islamic jihad.
Hearken back to your old college and high school days, 12:42am, old chum, old pal, scratch your head and tell us, would you? if any of the above square with the Catholic bible, the deposit of the faith, or the Church’s Magisterium.
As Orlando continues to reel a week after the worst mass shooting in US history consumed the city in tragedy, one Chicago man is traveling thousands of miles to deliver comfort.
Greg Zanis, 65, drove 1,200 miles from his home to the Orlando Regional Medical Center to deliver 49 wooden crosses he made by hand.
Each of the three-foot-tall white crosses bears the name of the 49 victims who were murdered at the gay nightclub Pulse during Latin night on June 12.
Relevant video commentary by Michael Voris
“I never heard hatred like what is posted in this thread.”
12:23am, here’s true hatred for you:
Twin Falls City Council makes headlines as Muslim Migrants rape 5yr old girl at knife point, stripping her naked and urinating upon her when done.
Robert Mccarty
Published on Jun 19, 2016
Here are the details as reported by a Twin Falls resident:
She was playing in between those two apartment units when 3 boys (from 2 Syrian refugee families, ages 8, 10, 13) pulled a knife on her, held it to her throat, forced her into the laundry unit, stripped her naked, raped, and urinated on her. THE 13 YEAR OLD âCOACHEDâ THE YOUNGER BOYS AS HE VIDEOED. Due to age restraint the boys could not ejaculate but did urinate on her.
IF THE TWIN FALLS POLICE got the video of the sexual assault?
The MSM censorship and misinformation surrounding this horrific rapefugee case is truly Orwellian. What’s been clear and obvious from the start is that, with even corrupt officials not trying to deny it, is that 3 Muslim migrant “refugee” boys in Twin Falls, Idaho assaulted and brutalized (urinated upon) a 5 year old girl with the father of one high-fiving his son afterwards for “humiliating” the infidel. As always, the full account can take some weeks to filter out, and early on there can be some confusion on the details– in this case, the exact nationality of the refugees (whether from Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Mali or other countries recently flooding the United States thru Refugee resettlement), and also whether the refugees were recent or not. But the broader picture has never been in doubt on any side.
This has posed a dilemma for the MSM PC propaganda machine– if news of this atrocity spreads nationwide, it’ll increase support for Trump and justifiably inflame anger about the mass invasion of America by illegals and Muslim “refugees” that’s been encouraged and helped along by not only Obama, Hillary Clinton, Pelosi and neocon traitors like Robert Kagan, Max Boot and Bill Kristol (who are now openly or covertly supporting Hillary), but also by the GOPe and RINO traitors like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake, Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, Susana Martinez, Orrin Hatch, Kelly Ayotte, Bob Corker, Lamar Alexander, Susan Collins, Bob Hoeven, Roger Wicker, John Kasich and of course the dean of the RINO’s, none other than Paul Ryan himself. If the natives become too restless, then the MSM media, Democrat and RINO GOPe sellouts might start losing elections and lose their gravy train from cheap labor pushers like the Chamber of Commerce, Bill Gates, Sheldon Adelson, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Marissa Meyer, Carly Fiorina, Infosys, Wipro, Disney, Goldman-Sachs JP Morgan Chase. No, can’t have that.
So what to do? The media tries to bury and discredit the story by obsessing over technicalities like their nationalities or how recent they were. Turns out they weren’t Syrian and had been in the country for some time (secondary-migration from another state, probably lured into Idaho as cheap labor by the Chobani yogurt factory, owned by a Turkish Muslim who’s hired many of the resettled refugees). But rather than focusing on the bigger picture which isn’t in doubt– infidel-hating Muslim refugees assaulting and humiliating an “Infidel girl”– Snopes and a number of other MSM outlets have either buried the story, or tried to discredit it and confuse readers by obsessing over the technicalities and side issues– https://www.snopes.com/three-syrian-refugees-assault-5-year-old-girl-at-knifepoint/ https://magicvalley.com/news/local/authorities-deny-syrians-raped-twin-falls-child/article_411b14e0-5ad3-5267-b763-6c9e1ecb7af0.html https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/state/idaho/article84829787.html
We truly have reached what Orwell warned about, with the mainstream media and state propaganda apparatus nakedly using dishonesty, lying, propaganda tactics and deliberate confusion to keep information from the citizens and keep people distracted and divided. That’s because the common goal of the traitorous Democrats, neocons and GOPe RINO’s, of course, is to flood the country with even more illegals and “refugees” (one of Hillary Clinton’s top priorities) to tip the demographic balance into a permanent one-party majority for cheap labor, crony capitalism, statist control, suppression of free expression and of course, the big prize, the repeal of the 2nd Amendment (whether overtly or through covert means) and the seizure of private guns to quash potential resistance against the growing PC multiculti tyranny of these globalist elites.
As a reminder, always make sure to save screenshots of news stories or information alerts that provide snippets of the truth– an old buddy of mine working in an editorial office has made it clear that editors and media owners are now openly giving orders to pull “inconvenient articles” that might keep the plebs informed of what’s going on. And always stay vigilant. If that “refugee” filth had done something like that to my daughter, and especially if the officials had stonewalled me and further humiliated her after what that filth had done– let’s just simply say my Glock would be speaking louder than my words. Of all the ironies, my son, daughter in law and grandkids down in Brazil used to be told they had more to worry about in their new home (he worked for a while in Boise himself) and they’ve always stayed prepared, and yet they’ve never had an incident in their agricultural community there. After this news, whether in his new home or visiting his coworkers back in Boise, he won’t be going anywhere without carrying.
Socci: “Pope Bergoglio: ‘Jesus plays the fool a bit’ — and other grave expressions and actions”
Pope Bergoglio: âJesus plays the fool a bitâ. This and other inconceivable, extremely grave âexpressionsâ pronounced last Thursday…
Antonio Socci
19th June 2016
It is earth-shattering for a pope to mix-up a two-faced devil with Jesus. It happened last Thursday when Bergoglio mistakenly referred to a column capital on VĂ©zelay Cathedral: a âcase of mistaken identityâ emblematic of this pontificate, even if a somewhat superficial ghost-writer was probably to blame.
It is, on the other hand, in his own style to mix them up (Jesus and the devil) by proposing that Judas had been saved (without repenting) thus giving the impression he hadnât ended up in hell…
Itâs difficult to know whether this Pope believes in hell or not â but listening to him â it seems that the only ones going there are those who are against mass immigration, who use air-conditioners or plastic glasses and Christians who follow the Gospel to the letter.
In any case, in that same discourse last Thursday evening at the Church Conference in Rome, Bergoglio didnât limit his comments to the nonsense about the capital in VĂ©zelay.
He strung together a series of inconceivable other âpearlsâ reaching the limits of blasphemy: Jesus in the episode with the adulteress âplays the fool a bit â (a shocking phrase which the Vatican site changed to âpretended not to understandâ , but we have the recording…) and then Jesus, in the same episode when the woman was saved from being stoned â âwas scant on moralityâ (ha mancato verso la morale) (this also textual). Then Jesus was not âa clean oneâ (âun pulitoâ ) he actually used this expression, who knows what he was suggesting (better not even ask ).
Then finally, Bergoglio even affirmed that âa great majority of our sacramental marriages are nullâ (constraining Padre Lombardi to explain why the text on the Vatican site was corrected to: âa portion of our marriagesâ.
And to complete his performance the same Bishop of Rome â added to this reckless and devastating assertion that , on the other hand, many âcohabitations â are âreal marriagesâ (de facto legitimizing cohabitations, after delegitimizing real, solid sacramental marriages).
This naturally for secular public opinion is only curious and even amusing, like a car demolition show, but from a Catholic point of view it is devastating; itâs a sort of scourge that has fallen upon the Church and risks destroying Her.
So much so, that Robert Spaemann, one of the foremost German Catholic theologians and philosophers, and Benedict XVIâs personal friend, was back thundering again on Friday, in âDie Tagespostâ with an article carrying the eloquent headline: âEven in the Church there is a limit to what is bearableâ.
Here are some of his remarks:
â[…]some of the Holy Fatherâs affirmations are in clear contradiction to the words of Jesus, those of the Apostles and the traditional doctrine of the Church. […]If, in the meantime, the Prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith is seen openly accusing the Popeâs closest advisor and ghost-writer of heresy, it means that the situation has indeed gone too far. Even in the Catholic Church there is a limit to what is bearable.â
Spaemann also criticised Bergoglioâs habitual ambiguity on certain themes touched upon in Amoris laetitia where â in order not to be caught in manifest heresy â he says and doesnât say, he alludes, but doesnât explain, he throws hand grenades furtively. *
Here is more from Spaemann:
â[…]Pope Francis is not very fond of unequivocal clarity. A short time ago when he declared that Christianity has no âultimatumsâ it evidently doesnât disturb him at all that Christ says: âBut let your speech be yea, yea, no, no: and that which is over and above comes from the evil one.â (Matt. 5, 37). Paulâs letters are full of âultimatumsâ And, ultimately, âHe that is not with me, is against me!â(Matt. 12, 30).â
Spaemann had already intervened on April 29th against Bergoglioâs âAmoris laetitiaâ, explaining that there areâ âdecisive sentences which change substantially the teachings of the Churchâ […] âThat an issue of a breach emerges doubtlessly for every thinking person, who knows the respective texts.[…] âIf the Pope is not ready to make corrections, it remains reserved for a later Pope to make things right officially.â
Another important Catholic philosopher, Josef Seifert, collaborator with both John Paul II and Benedict XVI, recently intervened with harsh criticisms, which he justified in this way:
âThe Pope is not infallible if he doesnât speak ex-cathedra. True Popes (like Formosus and Honorius) were condemned for heresy. And it is our holy duty â for love and mercyâs sake towards many souls â to criticize our bishops and even our dear Pope, if they deviate from the truth and if their errors are damaging the Church and souls.â
Moreover, added to the nonsense of Bergoglioâs magisterial teaching are his decisions in the governing of the Church now of a South American accent .
For example, Bergoglio has drawn up a series of measures which subtract prerogatives from bishops and subject them to a sort of âDamocles swordâ, with the risk of removal if they donât adapt themselves to the Bergoglian âwordâ.
In fact, after the two Synods, in which the opposition by bishops and cardinals to the âBergoglian revolutionâ was vast and decisive,in the ecclesiastical world now everyone has been intimidated into silence.
So much so that Monsignor Athanasius Schneider, Bishop in Kazakhstan (where they remember well what tyranny is) declared:
âWhen we arrive at a point in the Church where the faithful, priests and bishops are afraid to say something, as in a dictatorship, this is not the Church.â
Nevertheless, among lay Catholics there are more and more troubled voices being raised. *****Most of all in the United States.***** [Emphasis added for the benefit of TheRidgewoodBlog.net readers]
Yesterday, for instance, Phil Lawler, from Catholic Culture, commenting on the papal discourse of last Thursday, published a harsh comment entitled: The Damage done ( again) by the Popeâs Declarations on Marriageâ, wherein he brings to light other âpearlsâ from that intervention.
As regards some pastoral questions, one is struck by the insensibility of this papacy to the tragedy of persecuted Christians, and, by contrast, his approval of questionable regimes and even inhuman dictatorships, which continue to persecute and imprison Christians.
The most glaring case – along with the Islamic regimes â is China.
Indeed , a cause for scandal was Bergoglioâs interview on February 2nd to âAsia Timesâ, in which he was completely silent about the enormous problems of human rights and religious freedom in China (where there are still bishops like Monsignor Su Zhimin in lagers), but in that interview, addressed to the Communist tyrants in Peking, Bergoglio pronounced â wildly absolutist words of the past, present and future of Chinaâ forgetting âthe millions and millions of victims that the Pope never names, not even covertlyâ (Magister).**
âWhat disturbs many Chinese Catholicsâ Sandro Magister writes âis the silence the Vatican authorities maintain on bishops being deprived of their freedom.â
Then, over the last few days the case of the Bishop of Shangai, Ma Daquin, has caused quite a sensation. The Bishop after four years of forced residence â signed a self-incrimination, typical of Stalinist times or the Maoist cultural revolution, in which he sustains he had been in error and makes an apology to the Patriotic Association which is the Church of the Chinese Communist regime.
However, there is more. Father Bernardo Cervellera, one of the most-informed experts on the Chinese Church , on his site âAsia Newsâ (even if he is a Bergoglian) for the sake of truth had to report: âA Chinese Bishop fears that someone in the Vatican had piloted Monsignor Ma Daqinâs âconfessionâ in order to please the Chinese Government.â
For certain there are millions of Chinese Christians, heroically living their faith under persecution who have been profoundly disappointed, confused and grieved for this about-turn. But Rome has also become that over the last three years.
A Rome where you hear inconceivable, resonant words about the Son of God, like those pronounced last Thursday in St. John Lateranâs Basilica by Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
*âtira il sasso e nasconde la manoâ, is an idiomatic expression which implies someone who likes to provoke and then denies responsibility of the repercussions on others, enjoys confusing others.
[Translation: Contributor, Francesca Romana]
No Christian should ever gratify followers of Islam in this way.
Mainline Christian Denomination Praying to Allah?
CBN ^ | 6/28/16
Posted on Wed Jun 29 2016 09:04:50 GMT-0400 (EDT) by Lera
The Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. is raising eyebrows after lifting up prayers to Allah at its General Assembly meeting last week.
“Allah bless us and bless our families and bless our Lord. Lead us on the straight path – the path of all prophets: Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.”
These were the words that rang out over the congregation at The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, USA meeting in Portland, Oregon. Wajidi Said, co-founder of the Muslim Education Trust, led the attendees in the prayer to the Islamic deity – a move arranged by the Ecumenical and Interfaith ministry staff at the assembly.
The prayer was part of the “first order of business” during the meeting’s opening session, a time dedicated to praying for those affected by the Orlando shooting that occured just weeks before.
“In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful, let us praise the Lord… Peace be upon them and peace be upon Allah,” Said prayed. He also prayed peace on the “bigots” and “Islamaphobes.”
(Excerpt) Read more at 1.cbn.com …
TOPICS: Current Events
KEYWORDS: islam; pcusa
allah (I refuse to capitalize the demons name ) is not God. It’s NOT Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad it is Abraham , Issac , Jacob , David , JESUS. The PCUSA is not a Christian denomination it is a godless leftist organization that walks in it’s own godless way.
(2 Corinthians 6:14) Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
(2 Corinthians 6:15) And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
(2 Corinthians 6:16) And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
(2 Corinthians 6:17) Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
(2 Corinthians 6:18) And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
1 posted on Wed Jun 29 2016 09:04:50 GMT-0400 (EDT) by Lera
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To: Lera
âThe PCUSA is not a Christian denominationâ
This needs to be said, over and over again.
2 posted on Wed Jun 29 2016 09:09:20 GMT-0400 (EDT) by Flavious_Maximus
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To: Lera
Once the Spirit has departed there is nothing left to do but call the realtors.
3 posted on Wed Jun 29 2016 09:10:28 GMT-0400 (EDT) by marron
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To: Lera
Just one of the MANY reasons why the PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) broke off from the so-called mainline Presbyterians mentioned in this article. Consequently the âmainlineâ group is shrinking and the PCA is growing tremendously.
4 posted on Wed Jun 29 2016 09:11:34 GMT-0400 (EDT) by Apple Pan Dowdy (… as American as Apple Pie)
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To: Lera
For the life of me, I cannot fathom why people are falling all over themselves to appease/accommodate Islam and Muslims.
5 posted on Wed Jun 29 2016 09:12:21 GMT-0400 (EDT) by Arm_Bears (Rope. Tree. Politician/Journalist. Some assembly required.)
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To: Lera; newgeezer
6 posted on Wed Jun 29 2016 09:12:23 GMT-0400 (EDT) by DungeonMaster (Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.)
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To: Lera
“Allah bless us and bless our families and bless our Lord. Lead us on the straight path – the path of all prophets: Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.”
Mohammed was a liar, a murderer, and a rapist. Not by any means a prophet of God.
Jesus was not a prophet either, he is the One Whom the prophets foretold. Jesus IS God.
7 posted on Wed Jun 29 2016 09:13:51 GMT-0400 (EDT) by NorthMountain (A plague o’ both your houses.)