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What’s next for N.J. public worker pensions?



With two major government worker pension court battles concluded, the next front in public workers’ fight for retirement benefits is a ballot question considering a constitutional amendment forcing the state to make annual contributions in the pension system. Samantha Marcus, Read more

5 thoughts on “What’s next for N.J. public worker pensions?

  1. Why would anyone put public worker pensions and health benefits ahead of all NJ state other spending? These are benefits that only the elite few enjoy. We must vote “No” against constitutionally mandating lifetime defined benefit pensions and subsidized “platinum” health plan benefits. No other state in the country does this, and why should we?

  2. Public sector unions are outright stealing from all NJ taxpayers. Now they want to constitutionally mandate the theft. Say NO.

  3. Why should public sector workers get special constitutionally mandated rights above all other NJ residents? Why are their benefits more important than every other resident’s rights for equal treatment under the NJ constitution?

  4. Just say NO!

  5. If this passes, people will flee the state as soon as they are able because of the high taxes. It won’t help once the tax base starts shrinking. This is not just a case of private sector envying public worker benefits. The real issue is they are over generous and unsustainable. It’s wrong that funds were taken from the teachers’ pension fund by politicians but there comes a time when sound minds have to realize the gravy train can’t continue. Private sector workers have had pensions frozen, wage freezes, benefits reduced, even 401K contributions eliminated in addition to layoffs if the numbers don’t work. This is never pleasant but the math does not lie. The taxpayers are essentially the shareholders in this mess.

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