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Senate Candidates Spar in Wyckoff

Senate Candidates Spar in Wyckoff
May 27th 2014
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff  NJ, Jeff Bell , Brian Goldberg , Murray Sabrin  Candidates for Senate ,looking to unseat Cory Booker  spoke at the Larkin House in Wyckoff last night hosted by the West Bergen Tea Party.


Jeff Bell focused on Restoring Middle Class Prosperity , saying there was now NO Future for our grandchildren.

America was founded on the idea that hard work gets you ahead. But that social contract has withered away owing to dysfunctional government policy that favors the wealthy while necessitating huge budget deficits to provide a safety net large enough to support those left behind. Despite advances in technology that have improved the standard of living, it has become harder for working people to support a family and for young people to establish a career. The next U.S. Senator from New Jersey must be a tireless advocate for solutions that restore the middle-class prosperity that was once a hallmark of this nation.

The most important hindrance to middle-class prosperity is the condition of the U.S. dollar. Since 1994 it has lost over one-third of its value, and lost 10 percent in the last five years alone since the Federal Reserve began its “Quantitative Easing” program of creating new dollars. The effect of rising prices is felt everywhere: at the grocery store, the gas pump, in medical costs, and school tuition.

Instead of serving the people, our money serves the federal government, whose trillion-dollar borrowing is the main cause of the Fed’s money creation. To restore the money supply in the hands of the people, we need a dollar whose value is backed by gold. Read my specific plan to do that. The gold standard, which stabilized the dollar under various iterations through most of U.S. history, is the proven way to encourage stable long-term prices and preserve limited government. This is why the Constitution in Article I, Section 10 directs Congress to “coin money” and “regulate the value thereof.”

While Washington has gotten free financing from the Fed, families planning for college, retirees living on a fixed income, and everyone else hoping to earn a decent return on their savings rather than speculating in the markets have fallen behind. It is a travesty that our monetary policy has deprived seniors, parents, and savers in billions of income so Congress can rack up more debt.

This is the direct result of the Fed’s policy of near zero interest rates, now in its sixth year. The suppression of interest rates below the market level has also broken down the traditional banking system, in which small businesses borrow from their local banks. The total value of all small bank business loans is approximately half of what it was when “zero interest rates” was adopted. Now, neighborhood standbys like hair salons and restaurants are forced to seek alternative forms of credit like cash advance loans that often come with 50 percent effective interest rates.


Brian Goldberg focused on his electability saying  his “positive message” and business experience could lead him to defeat Booker. He questioned whether Booker, who once lived by choice in a Newark housing project, can relate to the average Garden State resident.

Promoting the concept of Empowerment, not Entitlement, Mr. Goldberg brings a positive message to the race.

Goldberg said as a businessman,he has practical experience in the areas that matter most to NJ voters.He’ll combine that experience with his business experience to seek Win-Win solutions to the nation’s biggest challenges, providing NJ with a new voice in Washington.

Murray Sabrin focused on his back ground and how he arrived in America with his parents and older brother on August 6, 1949. His parents were the only members of their respective families to survive the Holocaust.

Rather than submit to the authoritarian regime of National Socialism, Murray’s father led a group of 241-armed partisans in Poland, and included the famed postwar Nazi hunter and writer Abba Kovner. The tragedy and triumph of Murray’s family has taught him to revere human life and hold dear those freedoms in our Bill of Rights — especially the right of citizens to protect themselves under the Second Amendment.


Murray Sabrin became a U.S. citizen in 1959 at age 12, and graduated from the Bronx High School of Science in 1964. He has a Ph.D. in economic geography from Rutgers University, an M.A. in social studies education from Lehman College and a B.A. in history, geography and social studies education from Hunter College.

His personal experience allowed him to see the dangers of big government  and make him what he called himself New Jersey’s foremost defender of economic freedom and individual liberty. For three decades he has been fighting to end harmful government intrusion into our lives. 

Like the other two he focused on how the U.S. economy is experiencing the worst recovery since the end of World War II.  Despite trillion dollar budget deficits under President Obama and the Federal Reserve’s unconscionable money printing known as Quantitative Easing, which has dropped interest rates on savings accounts to virtually 0%, America’s real unemployment rate is more than 20%, according to some economists.  In other words, the federal government’s fiscal and monetary policies have not “stimulated” the economy.

America’s free enterprise system has been replaced by crony capitalism–bailouts of Wall Street and politically connected firms, and subsidies to inefficient businesses. We need to return to a free market economy across the board so we can enjoy the fruits of a prosperity based on real savings and investments.

He then spoke on NSA spying ,and IRS Targeting and the growing threats to our Constitutional rights Saying the real threat to our rights is from the Obama administration, and he will work tirelessly in the United States Senate to repeal every law that infringes on the American people’s constitutional rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

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66 year old Waldwick woman critically injured in Wyckoff crash

Photo credit: Boyd A. Loving

66 year old Waldwick woman critically injured in Wyckoff crash
May 1, 2014
Boyd A. Loving
3:20 PM

Ridgewod NJ , A 66 year old Waldwick woman driving a Mazda Protege northbound on Goffle Road in Ridgewood, crossed the double yellow line into Wyckoff and collided head on with a Overnight Trucking/UPS tractor trailer on Thursday afternoon just after 2 PM.  The point of impact was in front of 545 Goffle Road, Wyckoff.  Emergency responders from both Wyckoff and Ridgewood rushed to the scene.  The victim pinned in her vehicle; Wyckoff firefighters used the “Jaws of Life” to free her.  She was transported by Ridgewood EMS to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Paterson with severe traumatic injuries.  A paramedic unit from The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood assisted Ridgewood EMS with treatment and transport.  The crash is being investigated by Wyckoff PD.

Photo credit: Boyd A. Loving

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Wyckoff family donates Christmas tree to Ridgewood


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Wyckoff family donates Christmas tree to Ridgewood
Thursday December 12, 2013, 10:34 AM
Wyckoff Suburban News

Wyckoff – All that is left of Patrice and Edward Stapp’s Douglas fir is an amoeba-shaped stump, cleanly cut to the ground.

Last week, Patrice Stapp pointed at it from a back window that overlooks her yard.

Her family’s loss, though, was Ridgewood’s gain. The tree was installed at the end of East Ridgewood Avenue, scheduled to be celebrated and lit up during the village’s Dec. 6 tree lighting ceremony.

“It’s a beautiful tree,” Stapp said on Dec. 4, two days after it was cut down and lifted with a crane out of her yard. “We want everyone to enjoy it as much as we have over the years.”

The Stapps’ history with the tree began in 1984 when they moved into their home. The former homeowners, William and Marcia Vander Eems, planted the tree at the corner of the house in the spring of 1978 where it was in clear view of their backyard window.

– See more at:

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Wyckoff questions timing of notice on lead in drinking water


Wyckoff questions timing of notice on lead in drinking water
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Wyckoff Suburban News

Wyckoff – The Township Committee is asking Ridgewood Water to provide information about elevated levels of lead found as a result of tests that were conducted more than a year ago.

“The community is concerned about the notice regarding lead we received recently,” Committeeman Brian Scanlan said at the Nov. 4 meeting. “Why are we getting this only now?”

The township sent a letter to Ridgewood Water in response to a notice it sent to residents this fall. While Ridgewood Water received results of the tests in the summer, they only notified customers about them on Nov. 1. And the township wants to know whether a “serious” health concern exists and why it did not pinpoint its source.

Ridgewood Water recently issued a notice that it had “found elevated levels of lead in drinking water in some buildings during routine monitoring conducted in June of 2012.”

The utility explained that it was required to alert the public about the contamination and said it was working to remediate the situation.

– See more at:

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Congressmen Scott Garrett took a break from DC to speak with his constituents at the Larkin House in Wyckoff on Tuesday night .


Congressmen Scott Garrett took a break from DC to speak with his constituents at the Larkin House in Wyckoff  on Tuesday night .
September 20, 2013

Ridgewood NJ, Before his visit  Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ) issued the following statement after the House passed a Continuing Resolution to fund the government through December 15, 2013 that defunds ObamaCare:

“Today, I voted for a bill that would fund the government in full, except for ObamaCare.  ObamaCare continues to be a train wreck.  The strain it puts on our families, our businesses, and our economy is very real.  Businesses are reluctant to expand and hire new workers.  Employees have seen their hours reduced and their health insurance costs go up.  And, even President Obama knows ObamaCare is unworkable.  Just recently, the president had to delay the employer mandate.  ObamaCare is not working for America.  I cast my vote today for my constituents, the great state of New Jersey, and the majority of Americans who all know that ObamaCare must be immediately defunded and replaced.”




Congressmen Scott Garrett took a break from DC to speak with his constituents at the Larkin House in Wyckoff  on Tuesday night .

Questions ranged from : ” Global Warming”  , the budget , Obamacare , Ted Cruz , Common Core  and Steve Lonegan’s surge in the polls .


Fifth District Mobile Constituent Service Office Hours — October 2013

NEWTON, NJ – Congressman Garrett’s Fifth District STAFF will be available at the following locations during the month of October:

October 3rd, 2013

River Vale: 9:30am to 11:30am
Municipal Building
406 Rivervale Rd
River Vale, NJ

West Milford: 10:00am to 12:00pm
Borough Hall
1480 Union Valley Road
West Milford, NJ

October 8th, 2013

Closter: 9:30am to 11:30am
Closter Public library
280 High Street
Closter, NJ

October 9th, 2013

Mahwah: 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Mahwah Senior Center
475 Corporate Drive
Mahwah, NJ

October 10th, 2013

Montvale: 1:00pm to 2:30pm
Borough Hall
12 Mercedes Drive
Montvale, NJ

October 15th, 2013

Westwood: 1:00pm to 2:30 p.m
Borough Hall, 101
Washington Avenue
Westwood, NJ

October 16th, 2013

Vernon: 11:00am to 1:00pm
Senior Center
21 Church Street
Vernon, NJ

October 17th, 2013

Hackensack: 9:30am to 11:30am
Johnson Public Library
274 Main Street
Hackensack, NJ

October 24th, 2013

Oakland: 11:00am to 1:00pm
Oakland Senior Center
20 Lawlor Drive
Oakland, NJ

Microsoft Store

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After Wyckoff ends its grass pickups, teen entrepreneurs seize opportunity


yard work file photo

After Wyckoff ends its grass pickups, teen entrepreneurs seize opportunity
Monday, July 8, 2013
The Record

WYCKOFF — Despite the bleakest prospects in decades for teens looking for summer work, two Ramapo High School students are proving there’s still room for young entrepreneurs with a vision and motivation.

Classmates John Douma of Wyckoff and Alex Abolt of Franklin Lakes were hoping to find their first summer jobs in between their junior and senior years, but dreading the prospect of punching up orders in a fast-food restaurant.

So when the town decided in April to discontinue curbside pickup of grass clippings — requiring residents to transport the yard waste themselves to the recycling center — the two saw an opportunity for a start-up and went for it.

Today, they have a fleet consisting of one Ford F-150 pickup and seven customers, who each pay $50 a month to have up to four garbage cans full of grass clippings hauled off.


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Officials in Wyckoff, Midland Park and Glen Rock deposed in litigation against Ridgewood Water


Officials in Wyckoff, Midland Park and Glen Rock deposed in litigation against Ridgewood Water
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Wyckoff Suburban News

Municipal officials of Midland Park, Wyckoff and Glen Rock are being deposed in the class-action lawsuit the towns filed against the Village of Ridgewood on May 11, 2012, claiming it was using water utility fees to shore up its municipal budget.

The lawsuit states that rate payers of the water utility of each town has been “saddled with the burden of increased costs to pay for things such as health insurance for village employees, police expenses, fire expenses, municipal attorney’s fees and engineering costs, none of which relate to the operation of the water utility, but, rather, directly benefit only the Village of Ridgewood.”

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Wyckoff man arrested on charges of lewdness at Ridgewood Library

Wyckoff man arrested on charges of lewdness at Ridgewood Library
Tuesday April 23, 2013, 12:39 PM
The Ridgewood News

A 19-year-old Wyckoff resident has been arrested on charges that he allegedly masturbated inside the Ridgewood Public Library earlier this month.

Ridgewood detectives said that village police conducted a thorough investigation and ultimately charged Matthew Widner with lewdness for the April 9 incident, which witnesses claim took place in the children’s section of the library.

According to Detective Chris McDowell, a library staff member called authorities at 8:17 p.m. on April 9, asserting to police that another employee observed a man touching himself inappropriately. The suspect already left the building at the time the call was placed, McDowell said, but library workers offered police information about the man’s identity.

Police questioned the man, later identified as Widner, that night, but he was released without any charges.

Detectives continued their investigation for several days leading up to last Thursday’s arrest.

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Wyckoff-based Sandy charity accused of misusing donations


Wyckoff-based Sandy charity accused of misusing donations
Thursday, February 21, 2013    Last updated: Thursday February 21, 2013, 7:28 PM
The Record

State officials moved on Thursday to halt the operation of a purported charity based in Wyckoff that claimed to benefit victims of superstorm Sandy, saying the people running it misused donations and lied about their charitable status.

The state Division of Consumer Affairs filed a lawsuit in superior court in Hackensack, alleging that the charity, the Hurricane Sandy Relief Foundation, collected $631,000 in donations but has given out only a small fraction of that sum to aid Sandy victims.

Instead, the two people who operate it transferred some of the money to their own bank accounts and used it to pay personal expenses, including heating oil for their home, State Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa said in a statement. They also used some of the money to pay their credit card bills, to purchase items from the online Apple Store and to buy dinner at a Spanish restaurant in Newark, Chiesa said.

The charity’s operators, John Sandberg and Christina Terraccino, who live together in Sparta, allegedly misled potential donors to believe their organization is related to a legitimate charity with a similar name — the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund, whose board chairwoman is Governor Chistie’s wife, Mary Pat. The defendants also falsely claimed their organization was a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity, Chiesa said.

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Israel Teitelbaum will speak on Pending School Choice Bill at the Larkin House in Wyckoff


Israel Teitelbaum will speak on Pending School Choice Bill
Victoria A Jakelsky  A Plan to Protect our Freedoms

7 pm, Tuesday, January 8  At the Larkin House at 380 Godwin Avenue, Wyckoff (1/4 mile North of Stop & Shop on the Right)

More information: 201 891-5918

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Garrett Attends Valley Hospice Ribbon Cutting in Wyckoff

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Garrett Attends Valley Hospice Ribbon Cutting in Wyckoff
Nov 19, 2012

WYCKOFF, NJ – Rep. Scott Garrett (NJ-05) joined the board and staff of the Christian Health Care Center (CHCC) in Wyckoff, New Jersey this afternoon for a ribbon cutting ceremony at the new hospice annex, the Valley Hospice.

“I want to thank the Christian Health Care Center (CHCC) for providing such a valuable service to our community’s elderly residents and their families,” said Garrett after the ceremony. “The excellent care and high quality living environment at the new facility shows a commitment to the principles and vision of its founders and supporters. I’m confident that the Valley Hospice that we’ve opened today will be a caring community that provides healing and comfort for those who need it most.”

Deal Zone_125x125show?id=mjvuF8ceKoQ&bids=205477

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Wyckoff teen Margaux Tocci held in ex-boy friend beating incident

Margaux Tocci

Wyckoff teen Margaux Tocci held in ex-boy friend beating incident
July 27, 2012, 11:22 AM
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a 19-year-old Ridgewood man alleged he was lured by his ex-girlfriend to a secluded spot behind Wyckoff’s Lincoln School and was beaten badly with a pipe and baseball bat by 2 men . Wyckoff Police arrested a 19-year-old woman Margaux Tocci in the early morning hours on charges she helped lure an ex-boyfriend to a local park.

Wyckoff Police Chief Benjamin Fox, told the Bergen Record officers received a call about the beating at approximately 10:24 p.m Thursday. The victim, a 19-year-old from Ridgewood who was bloodied and suffered head injuries in the attack, reported that two men had beaten him with a pipe and baseball bat outside the Lincoln School.

The Ridgewood teen told officers he had come to the school with ex-girlfriend, Margaux Tocci, and that the two had been walking around the schoolyard and talking. As they walked, the two men approached and began beating him, taking cash from his wallet and smashing his cell phone.

Sources say Tocci and both men, were described as being in their late teens or early twenties, and left the scene in Tocci’s vehicle. Police say at approximately 3 a.m., officers stopped a vehicle on Franklin Avenue that matched the victim’s description, and found Tocci inside.

After Police interviewed Tocci she was arrested and charged with robbery and theft. Again according to Chief Fox, Tocci refused to cooperate or provide any information on the two alleged male assailants, and an investigation into the incident remains active.The victim was taken to a local hospital where he received stitches for his injuries and Tocci is being held in Bergen County Jail in Hackensack,in lieu of $50,000 bail.

Editors note : Somehow I don’t think we are getting the whole story


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>Ridgewood Water: Wyckoff officials Also Criticizes Ridgewood Water for poor communication

>Wyckoff officials criticize Ridgewood Water for poor communication of boil-water alert
Monday, March 29, 2010
Wyckoff Suburban News

Wyckoff — A boil-water alert issued by Ridgewood Water to residents on several streets in the township was rescinded after samples that were tested for impurities came back negative, but township officials are taking the utility to task for what they called poor communication with residents.

Committeeman Brian Scanlan, who lives just outside the affected area, said Monday, March 29, that the utility’s communication with residents was insufficient.

Scanlan said he learned of the advisory from news reports and began calling people in the affected area. He said the people he spoke to told him they also heard about it from the news, but not directly from Ridgewood Water. He said he distributed fliers of his own door to door on the morning of Sunday, March 28.

“It became clear there had not been a direct communication between Ridgewood Water and their customers. They may have hit a portion of Goffle Road with the flier, but no one on the end of Ravine Avenue, Hopper Avenue or Ravine Court had gotten a phone call or a flier from them until after I started going door to door.”

Committeeman Kevin Rooney said March 29 that the township is “very disappointed” with Ridgewood Water.

“They had a really poor showing in Wyckoff as far as I’m concerned. Their track record has a lot to be desired.”

Frank Moritz, director of Ridgewood Water, said Monday that employees were sent door to door to hand-deliver fliers notifying residents of “about 100” homes in the affected area three times: once on Friday, March 26, once on Saturday, March 27, and again on Sunday, March 28, when the advisory was lifted. He said he was satisfied with the level of communication that took place.
“I don’t know how many times we can visit a house,” he said.

Scanlan said the fliers were put in people’s mailboxes on Sunday, limiting the likelihood of residents checking their mail.

“If they’re going to give out fliers, they should put them where people will see them — especially on Sundays. I wish they would use their heads a bit more,” he said.

According to the Ridgewood Water Web site, residents on Bush Lane, Goffle Road, Hopper Avenue, Ravine Court and Ravine Avenue were among those notified of a potential compromise in water quality following flow tests in downtown Ridgewood. An advisory was issued to boil water before using it for drinking or cooking.

During the test, an isolation valve was closed to direct water to flow along a specific pipe, and a hydrant was open to induce that flow, but no water came out, leading the utility to determine another isolation valve somewhere else in the system also must be closed.

According to a press release issued by Ridgewood Water, a loss of pressure can “create a host of potential problems with the potable quality of the water.”

By late afternoon on Sunday, March 28, the company reported “several anomalies” were discovered in the sample results. This prompted the utility to continue the alert and take additional samples.

At 9:45 p.m. Sunday, all samples were reported negative, and the boil-water alert was rescinded by the utility by 10 p.m.

On the Ridgewood Water Web site, an advisory remains for residents affected by the boil-water alert to run their water for three to five minutes to flush the plumbing and to empty and clean all ice makers and water chillers.

Scanlan said Mayor Rudolf Boonstra has suggested the Township Committee invite a representative of Ridgewood Water to attend its April 6 meeting to offer an explanation.

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>Wyckoff jeweler to host hunt for bags of bling

>Wyckoff jeweler to host hunt for bags of bling
Friday, November 13, 2009
Last updated: Friday November 13, 2009, 9:55 PM
The Record

A Wyckoff jewelry store will be giving away more than $25,000 worth of diamonds, sapphires and pearls in pieces of jewelry next week to people lucky enough to find gift bags she plans to hide in nine northern Bergen County towns.

Nancy Schuring, owner of Devon Fine Jewelry, said she is hosting the giveaway to celebrate her 30th anniversary in business, and to give back to the communities that support her store by offering people the surprise of finding a precious gem in a park, at a soccer field, or other public place. Store employees will start placing the bags midday Monday. Schuring sent letters to the police chiefs in all of the towns notifying them of the promotion.

“We’re going to make some people’s day,” she said.

Schuring is following in the footsteps of other jewelers around the country, who have found similar “Finders Keepers” giveaways to be valuable publicity tools. A Google search of “Finders Keepers” giveaway turned up numerous examples of similar giveaways around the country.

Her giveaway, however, is one of the more generous. A total of 30 packages with rings, bracelets and earrings worth $27,750 will be hidden over four days, starting on Monday. The jewelry will be contained in small white Devon bags marked with “Finders Keepers” tags, and containing a letter explaining that is OK to keep the merchandise in the bag. The priciest giveaway item will be a platinum diamond and sapphire ring worth $3,000.

Schuring said she is hoping people who find the bags will call her store and tell her where they found it and their reaction. The bags will be hidden in Wyckoff, Ridgewood, Midland Park, Franklin Lakes, Waldwick, Allendale, Ramsey, Mahwah and Oakland.


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