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Changes in Parking Regulations Governing North Walnut Street and Mastin Place in Ridgewood

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photo courtesy of the Ridgewood Police
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Village of Ridgewood has introduced an ordinance to alter parking regulations governing North Walnut Street (Mastin Place to Linwood Avenue) and Mastin Place (Oak Street to North Maple Avenue). This change is in response to resident complaints regarding vehicles parking for extended periods of time, hindering their ability to safely
back from driveways and to utilize the street for temporary parking.

The following changes to the parking regulations are being considered:
Time Limit Parking. There will be a 2-hour limit for parking between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on one side of each street: the northbound/east side of North Walnut and the westbound/north side of Mastin Place.
No Parking . There will be no parking allowed on the opposite side of both streets: the southbound/ west side of North Walnut and the eastbound/south side of Mastin Place.
The Village Council will hear the ordinance on second reading on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 7:30 pm in the Court Room at Village Hall. A public hearing will
also be held at said meeting.
If you have any questions or concerns prior to the meeting please contact Village Engineer Christopher Rutishauser at or (210) 670-550 ext 2239.

5 thoughts on “Changes in Parking Regulations Governing North Walnut Street and Mastin Place in Ridgewood

  1. Sadly, this has to be done. People from out of town, and our own residents park on residential streets to attend work in the CBD and avoid paying parking fees. Commuters also park just a few blocks from station to avoid parking fees. We have a giant garage, and maybe these ordinances will force people to start using it.

    1. That’s right … force the people against their wills and desires to do what the State deems is right and just.

      You would fit in well in any number of totalitarian regimes.

  2. “[H]indering their ability to safely…” Ah, yes, SAFETY! We love safety, don’t we? And effectiveness. Just be honest. When you move to Ridgewood (or any well-to-do ‘hood) you’re paying a premium to avoid the hoi polloi … the grubby, gormless hoi polloi … the grubby, gormless hoi polloi parking near my driveway! Well, guess what? They’re coming … so, shut up, already!

    1. you must be one of those who back their car in a/la/lodi

      1. Don’t be a hater just because you can’t drive in Reverse…

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