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“Citizens for a Better Ridgewood ” tainted by the Bombace scandal

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“Citizens for a Better Ridgewood ” tainted by the Bombace scandal

It seems “Citizens for a Better Ridgewood ” is more than just a group of complainers looking to “urbanize Ridgewood ” at taxpayers expense while reaping huge profits . The group seems to also be composed of and represented by a group of bullies who will do almost anything to get their way.

Also noted in the Judge’s decision “Plaintiff received a disturbing anonymous mailing at his home which was later found to have been sent by Former Chief Bombace”

Has Bombace been charged with anything? It seems he has culpability in this matter, costing Village Taxpayers, he should not escape without being held accountable. If the Judge found a disturbing anonymous mailing having been sent by Bombace, where is the investigation from the Ridgewood Police Department or the prosecutor’s office?

This lies on his shoulders of James Bombace as Director of the Fire Dept. for the years that this harassment to place. To find out that in the Judge opinion he active participated in the harassment is telling on the type of leader he was. This is the same man that now is actively spreading rumors about our mayor is even more telling of the kind of person he really is. He should give back his pension .

This the same Bombace heading up the “Citizens For A Better Ridgewood”? Was this group formed to advance the Aronsohn/Puciarelli/Hauck ticket?

This is the same Bombase that runs the fake misinformation blog or flog known as the “Ridgewood Views” under the Andrew & Sue moniker while on the taxpayers dime ?

This is also the same James Bombace who wrote the letter in today’s Ridgewood News supporting Paul Aronsohn, Gwenn Hauck, and Albert Pucciarelli for Village Council making these candidates complicit in a premeditated plan of lies and deceit to take over the Village?

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9 thoughts on ““Citizens for a Better Ridgewood ” tainted by the Bombace scandal

  1. Why didn’t the Ridgewood PD investigate? Because it was under JTH. He let his buddies get away with anything. Say what you want about Gabbert but he’s been cleaning up all this mess since he came to Ridgewood. Now you all know why Aronsohn is so against him. He’s going after the police and fire. Aronsohns “Union Bug” won’t help them now!!

  2. Is the Patch really not publishing this story to protect Paul A? Shameful since I really thought the Patch was a news source. I guess it is nothing more than a slanted blog. At least the truth prevails here!

  3. Mr. Bombace has been working directly with Paul Arohnson for the past 3 years to get a super majority of “like-minded” council persons elected. At first it was the “Crowd” (Cronk and Dowd); now its Albert Puccarelli and Gwen Haulk.

    The problem with allowing Paul Arohnson to control a super majority (who have been telling anyone who will listen; that they intend to elect him as Mayor) is that these three will jam their agenda through over and over again and the Village will be changed forever. It should be no suprise they have been having private
    (read: secret) meetings with various development partners to construct new retail, garages and apartments in various locations in downtown (this is the kind of stuff that leads to jail time, just look what happened in other urban areas around us these past few years).

    The current Council is composed of five individuals, none having a lock on control and all having “independent”, not “like-minded” or “lock-step” thinking.

    In this Tuesday’s election there will be three non aligned candidates; they are: Keith Killion, Jane Shinazoka and Russ Forenza. Anyone who knows these three; knows they are very different people with very different ideas, all respectful of eachother and the tax payer.

    Please vote for independent condidates this year.

  4. Businesses in Ridgewood know how restrictive signage is on comercial property in terms of lighting, size, color, etc. How come the many political lawn signs popping up on commercial properties are still standing? There are two coming right into Ridgewood on Ridgewood Ave. just past Paramus Road, and I have noticed many up on Franklin. Can I know put a lawn sign for my business outside my office on the lawn or on the lawn between the road and the sidewalk also?

  5. I have never heard of “Citizens for a Better Ridgewood”. Is it a secret society?

  6. I looked up the article about this group in the Ridgewood News. Bombace said that he “realized there must be other discontented residents, and began to reach out to them.” So he reached out for unhappy residents – and Aronsohn as a listener. It seems to be a group, (Cronk, Dowd and Aronsohn) who are having trouble getting their way in the village. Cronk and Dowd were defeated at the polls – why would they think that they are speaking for anyone? If residents were interested in what Cronk & Dowd had to say the not-so-dynamic duo would have been voted into office. But that didn’t happen, did it?

    Aronsohn will be powerless after this election. He will probably be defeated, and if he survives he will have no influence over the other council members. I noticed that the council members wrote letters of support for Mayor Killion in the Ridgewood News. They did not write a letter of support for their fellow council member Paul Aronsohn. Aronsohn does not have their respect or their support.

  7. Aronsohn and his pals cannot be elected. People must come out and vote for Shinozuka and Killion…

  8. This is the nastiest election I have seen in Ridgewood in my 25 years here and it’s all due to Paul Aronsohn and his antics. Bullet vote Killion and Shinozuka only. Don’t give your 3rd vote to Paul or the people he has aligned himself with.

  9. # 6 so if we do not agree with you that means i am unhappy. How about i believe that others can do better. #8 Is everything Paul Aronsohn’s fault or do others share some of the blame also considering that the village is not run by one.

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