photos by Boyd Loving
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Did the pre-planned and deliberate disruption of a peaceful “Stop Asian Hate” rally (which was organized by the Ridgewood Chinese American Association) in and of itself constitute a bias crime? In our opinion it did, and as such should be fully investigated by the State of NJ Attorney General’s Office.
All individuals who were involved in the planning and execution of the disruption should be formally charged and their names publicly released by the Attorney General’s Office immediately after charges are filed.
There are several conspiracy rumors afloat regarding who was actually responsible for what took place on Saturday afternoon at Van Neste Memorial Park. A professional, unbiased investigation is the only way to resolve these innuendoes.
Ethnic and racial tensions will remain high in the Village until we all know the truth.
This young girl is being played by some big politicians and communist financiers.
I suspect that there are a lot of folks shitting in their pants right about now.
I think it’s not a big deal. A kid wanted to say something. She did. PEACEFULLY. EVERYONE has a right to speak their mind on public land. The only bias here is yours in writing that yet ANOTHER PERSON OF COLOR be investigated for disrupting YOUR own discomfort.
Asian Hate? Laughable. There is none. Where has anyone seen Asian hate outside of the recent cases of black men punching asian people with no reason. Let’s define the problem – which is black men attacking a few defenseless asians.
This is all made up to further divide people. Asian hate…LOL, yea – I see it everywhere.
“Anonymously Yours” – this was NOT a kid who wanted to say something. This was a GROUP with staged actors being part of the group.
Blasting in with a bullhorn snd refusing to lest a speaker be heard over your amplified voice is not peaceful.
The entire event was organized by Ridgewoods most notorious Bigots ,just trying to use Asians like they use African Americans
I’d love to know who you think the bigoted organizers are in your opinion Wood. Do you know then all personally? How do you know they are bigots? What makes them bigots? Are you calling out a group of people that wanted to organize an event for the community bigots? What is bigoted about asking the community to show up and support one another.. Please I’d really like to know.
This woman is nothing but a troublemaker
The Ridgewood mom and dads, anti vote, anti free speech group is the breeding ground for well known well documented local bigots and their enablers like yourself no reason to pretend otherwise
I’m sure that the 6604 people part of moms and dads would disagree with you Wood. And as for enabling.. what am I enabling by trying to have a conversation here? I really DO want to know who and why you consider to be a bigot. I’m new here and I felt the rally was great. I didn’t realize that there was such a passionate view that it was not.. This definitely does not feel welcoming at all. Or at the very least sound like “The Village” everyone seems to talk about.
I know many that left
Ridgewood moms and dads group
Due to all the bullshit there.
Was the bullhorn person
Same organizer of ridgewood black liberation?
Why were these assholes not escorted out of the event? Were they escorted out?
I wasn’t there. What happened?
On Facebook there Was disagreement about a woman with a microphone. She was not on the schedule and seemed to be off message at the rally.
They also Talked about people disrupting the rally by yelling.
Why can’t you protest at a protest? Seems like the thing to do!
Dueling First Amendment actions.
Let the public decide who to listen to.
Government doesn’t decide who gets to speak.
Constitution 101.
Is that Thria Bernabe again?
She is just looking for attention
I watched the Instagram video. She had supporters, one tall man in particular, who seemed to form a protective shield around her. One woman placed herself between the demonstrator and a police officer. She was in the officer’s personal space and too close for Covid.
The police and Mayor handled it well. The demonstrators had their say – if anyone could hear or understand what was said. And then the demonstrators walked off probably thinking that they made a difference.
I noticed that the paper that the demonstrator was reading from was Visibly shaking. She was nervous & scared.
In the middle of her “speech “ the woman made a comment about white men with Asian wives. I have no idea how that fit in to the messaging of the day.
another words she was promoting bigotry
Let all these batsh-t crazies, cluster B personality disordered attention seeking brats, soy boys and cat ladies fight it out amongst themselves. They are all trying to out virtue signal each other; meanwhile I will sit back and enjoy the spectacle!!!!
PS- pass the popcorn!
The Race business is big money and more fun than working for a lot of people
So Anonymously yours you are saying the purpose of the rally was not to stop Asian hate ….thanks that’s all I needed to know
“Thria Bernabe describes themselves as a queer Filipinx immigrant…”
“queer Filipinx”
Tells you everything you need to know.
This troublemaking waste of flesh should be in a homeless encampment shooting up heroin with her girlfriend in Berkeley, CA… most definitely not polluting in our beloved Village of Ridgewood with this radical hippy bullsh$t.
Thria, your kind is definitely out of place and not wanted in our Village. But, don’t worry. There are many places on the Left coast that will greet you with open arms.
“Your kind?” Thanks for showing us where the hate really lives.
The only thing the young lady did wrong was not waiting for her own turn to speak. She cut off Susan in the middle of her own prepared speech. Other than that everything went smoothly and I think everyone took it really well. There were some people in the crowd who reacted with more emotion than necessary in my opinion but again overall it was treated smoothly and peacefully. If you do not understand why this event took place, we may need more of these. Let’s open our eyes to what is happening in the world. Thank you for everyone who has been supportive of not only this event but for all the events around the nation to make this country to stay as the best country in the world.
I love the way media licks the buts of democrats in this state
So us she banging him or what?
No one outside some random black men are attacking Asians. Asian Hate? Who the fck has ill will or discriminates against Asians (except for ivy league institutions). I have never heard of such a thing or witnessed anyone even mentioning anything derogatory toward Asians in my life. Ever.
I guess we need a new victim. This is sick.
If I were Asian – I would be looking around paranoid after all this fake news. No one hates Asians. The question is – why are black males committing violence against Asian Americans?
Asians have higher incomes than any other demographic in the US. They typically are first or second generation and put a priority on family and education and thus are more successful than any other ethnic group, which the left has a hard time squaring up.
Because of this – the fake news of “asian hate” has been injected into the country’s discourse and put into the narrative by the media and politicians.
Asians are very successful in this “racist” country – so we need to make sure that white supremacist (laughable) culture is responsible for black people assaulting Asians. See how that works? Got to make them victims and get them on board.
What a load of garbage.