the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Governor Phil Murphy is facing continued questions over his hiring practices after a pair of former campaign workers who joined his administration recently left amid scandal, and a third was suspended for using raw language on social media. The BLOG would like to know when Murphy will wise up and get rid of local philanderer Paul Aronsohn, who was hired by our governor to be the Ombudsman for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their families.
Aronsohn, as we Ridgewoodites know, was found guilty last November of an Ethics Violation. The Local Finance Board fined Aronsohn and then-manager Roberta Sonenfeld for using public funds to promote their personal agenda regarding the parking garage. You can read all about it, in case you have forgotten, at:
Arohnson really isn’t fit to hold any sort of public office or position. That has nothing to do with the recent reporting. It has everything to do with his track record in office. He was an incompetent bufoon as mayor. On the substance of his ability and actions, he’s a zero. Its a shame he’s allowed in a position of responsibility, and he’s the kind of guy who could take down a whole administration. This is not the type of person Democrats should follow or advance. This is not the kind of person who should hold a public office.
Phil Murphy is the same as Aronsohn except he has money
Time for Aronsohns ridiculous career to end.
I don’t think adultery could be a legal reason to fire Aronsohn in our century. Now if he were guilty of sexual misconduct that would be another story. I assume his adultery was consensual and sensual.
Oh, I reread. The past ethics violation. Not the adultery I don’t think so. I could be wrong. Not major enough.
What about the ethics of having an affair with another elected official, making decisions on a mattress???? Valley hospital……
I really wish the elected officials would stop using Ridgewood as a way to pad their political resume for future consideration. (No to mention augment their side hustle)
Oh Paulie boy, you and your Gwennie girl are going down
Aronsohn’s “career” such as it is, is over.
He has a no power, no budget position which crosses over with other ombudsmen in the state.
Essentially, it is a newly created nepotistic position which would normally go to the wife of a large political donor.
But hey – at least he has less time to spend mucking up Ridgewood…
What the heck is an ombudsman anyway?
Hahaha, here is a definition of an ombudsman: “someone whose job is to deal with complaints that people make about an organization or particular type of business” Oh my god, so Paul Aronsohn is taking complaints and dealing with them, what the heck? He is the most insensitive, nasty man ever, remember how he was for our 8 years of hell when he was on the council, sniping at people, writing nasty emails, screaming at Bernadette Walsh and Tom Riche, then at Susan, remember how he tried to kill Mike Sedon’s candidacy by contacting his employer, oh man, the list goes on and on. What the heck was Murphy thinking putting THIS man in charge of helping anyone, most especially those with disabilities.
You people created this prick along with voting for McMuffin for Govenor. You insist on towing the liberal party line with as much forward looking vision as a blind bat. And then you freak when the shit goes down…your so surprised! Stupid is what stupid does.
Let’s see a list of his achievements to date and his plans for the future, and/or let’s send a letter to Murphy signed by 5,000 Ridgewood residents saying that we support his firing of Aronsohn on moral and ethical grounds.
If anyone is willing to start that letter, I will sign it. Post the information, please!
Aronsohn was hired by Phil Murphy because he was a dirt bag
Run the town like a business and you’ll get results. Side with liberal fucking democrats and this is the shit that you get…
Perhaps some shall not go gently into the night….
This former crew started and excellerated the towns decline ; sliding into the current VC teams excellerated deal making for the developers and commercial interests over the strained public Taxpapers
Many of whom will be leaving RIDGEWOOD sooner than planned , after decades of home and community investments while paying some of the highest taxes in the region.
Not something anyone should be proud of.Excluding the developers and the Land sharks.