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Dr. Thomas Gorman to be Named Acting Superintendent of Schools in Ridgewood

rhs 2020 schools out

November 11, 2020

Dear Ridgewood School Community,

In anticipation of Dr. Fishbein’s retirement from his role as superintendent of schools, the Ridgewood Board of Education conducted interviews of superintendent search firms at our regular public meeting
on Monday, November 2 and hired R-PAT Solutions, LLC to manage the superintendent search. As defined in our Board Goals for 2020-2021, we plan to name a permanent superintendent during the
spring of 2021, and we are confident that R-PAT Solutions will help us successfully achieve this goal.

The Ridgewood Board of Education is very pleased to announce that, on Monday, November 16, we will vote to install Dr. Thomas Gorman as Acting Superintendent of Schools. For over eight years, Dr.
Gorman has served as principal of Ridgewood High School, the largest high school in Bergen County. A forward-thinker and leader of innovation, Dr. Gorman has been instrumental in advancing the programs
and offerings at Ridgewood High School that not only preserve its long-standing reputation for academic excellence but also provide diverse opportunities for all students to achieve success. Under his
leadership, Ridgewood High School is one of the best high schools in New Jersey and across the nation.

While Dr. Gorman attends to the responsibilities of Acting Superintendent, Assistant Principals Jeff Nyhuis and Basil Pizzuto will manage operations of Ridgewood High School. As the superintendent
search takes shape, the Board will be providing more information on the process and how the community can get involved.

We are appreciative of Dr. Fishbein’s leadership for the past 12 years and know that he will be a valuable asset to Dr. Gorman as he prepares to assume his new role. Thank you in advance for your
support during this time of transition in leadership.

Mr. Michael Lembo
President, Ridgewood Board of Education

8 thoughts on “Dr. Thomas Gorman to be Named Acting Superintendent of Schools in Ridgewood

  1. No surprise here.

  2. He’ll be great!

  3. Basil and Nyhuis are super stars and have made RHS a better school in our experience.

  4. The Fish is like, LATER BITCHES

  5. Gorman pushed the student anti-2nd-Amendment “walkout” protest. It was his baby. He was actually out on the lawn coaching the progressive/socialist so-called “journalists” who covered the event, working to make sure that when they wrote their stories they wouldn’t underestimate the number of students that participated in the walkout. He probably views that day as his finest day as RHS principal. Do we really need another progressive/socialist superintendent?

  6. He is only “acting” which means he won’t be here long…..

  7. Let us try and have an open mind

  8. “Gorman pushed the student anti-2nd-Amendment “walkout” protest. It was his baby. ” – yup definitely a NUT. He looks like a nice down to earth guy but instead he is full of himself. How is it possible that all these “leaders” are cut from the same cloth? How come there is no diversity of thought but they’re all extreme liberals? How are they so uniform in their mentality?
    At back to school night in Sept 2019 Gorman declared in front of hundreds of parents that he had seen so many high schools in the US and around the world but RHS ranked right on top. I looked at my wife and we both shook our heads in disbelief.

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