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Firefighters Respond to Friday Rush Hour Truck Fire on Route 17 South in Ramsey

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photo courtesy of Ramsey Fire Department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ramsey Nj, on Friday members of the Ramsey Fire Department and Rescue Squad were called for a tractor trailer fire on Route 17 south near North Franklin Turnpike this evening at the height of rush hour. Members of the Mahwah Fire Department assisted with mutual aid and the crews worked together to quickly extinguish the fire. An  Allendale Fire Engine stood by at Ramsey Fire Headquarters for coverage.

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One thought on “Firefighters Respond to Friday Rush Hour Truck Fire on Route 17 South in Ramsey

  1. As usual, first responders OVER RESPONDED and way overdid the road closures. It was a truck fire, see the images, and the emergency response would make you think that the entire nearby shopping plaza was ablaze. Frankly, it was ridiculous.

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