the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Village Manager Keith Kazmark has jumped the shark after posting on Facebook glowing praise for former Mayor Paul Aronsohn.
Aronsohn’s political commentary about finding “common ground” which is a euphemism “civility” push meaning its only civil if you shut up and pay , do what your told , never question authority and opinions are welcome as long as they are the same as mine .
The Ridgewood Moms and Dads Facebook group was spawned from this type of narrow minded thinking .
file photo by Boyd Loving (3 amigos)
Arosohn’s main achievement was the poorly planned high density housing in the central business district , sticking future generations of Ridgewood taxpayers with the costs of schools, police, fire, roads, infrastructure ,flooding, sewage and parking.
He was most noted for carrying on an affair with a married council person while he too was married .
Keith you really need to find better friends .
the Ridgewood blog has a brand-new twitter account, we tweet good sh$t
#news #follow #media #breakingnews #trending #viral #newsupdate #info #currentaffairs #newspaper
KK is just an awkward butt boy.
Geez. Village mgr stay in ur lane! Just another far left prop piece
Agree with my views or shut up.
We told you that the village power people be behind the curtain need to do a good sweeping, right from the mayor, the council manager directors, write down to supervision, sweep, sweep, sweep, villages in a real mess, it’s so embarrassing. People put thumbs down, recording Burton county coming in and taking over. Well they’re doing a better job . We have extremely poor leadership in the village, and everyone knows it, every town around the village knows it, they just don’t have the it. They need to learn to accept it, and ask people for help, but they think they know everything because they go to church on Sunday. That’s why they are hypocrites.full of 💩
and their BS triple AAA rating! What a joke. Ridgewood is the laughing stock of Bergen County for sure with a Mayor and majority council who are liars and schemers (allegedly), wheel and deal and are just plain bad actors who are not responsible stewards of our precious tax dollars.
Ridgewood voters are just an ATM.
….and now all the corrupt politicians in NJ know it.
Common ground is only possible if we trust and respect one another which happens to be void in this article.
Unfortunately, we cannot trust most of the council and leaders because they have lied time and time again during their campaign platform, flipped their narrative to suit their agendas.
Democrats’ definition of common ground: Agree with us.
And if u don’t, ur r racist
What a dunce! Keith: it’s an OPINION, not an article, says so in bold right by your finger.
This guy! Well, birds of a feather flock together.
A public servant DOES NOT find “common ground” or swear allegiance to a supervisor, an agency or political appointee.
This erases any doubts abut KK. Becoming fascinated by the king of division is not a good sign. It seems like it will be a while until RW hits rock bottom.
Stop with the social media posts already. Keith’s hunger for attention is worrisome.
Went to village hall
KK dressed in suit, just sitting in office. Put on some khakis and get outside, walk in town.
Do something
I like his social media posts, keeping us informed
Village Manager position is costing Ridgewood Residents about 300k. We are 6 months in and this person is disappointing at every turn. What is the return policy?
How about reading up on the investigation for illegal soil dumping in Ridgewood and do something about your implicated staff.
Seriously, with all of the issues currently sitting before these jokers, they have time to post selfies and read op ed pieces.
Yes, Keith and Mr. Mayor who used to be an environmental lawyer, what a joke agree to comply with the NJDEP like they have a choice.
Hence the mentality, fields over people.
PeeWee is in tight with the sports groups. Even when his pal assaults another resident minding their own business, nothing is done!
Ugh he is still relevant? Shows where we are going if the VM is friends with him!
Adulterer..scarlet letter….
Apparently ex mayor was finding common ground with a married councilperson.
Kazmark is a social media maniac. I swear to god that guy posts all day long. Even during meetings, such as the fields committee this past Tuesday. He is wild. Hopped up.
Aronsohn attacked anyone who either disagreed with him or even had a slightly different opinion. He divided this town, pit neighbors against neighbors and attacked people personally, and he attacked and harassed their employers. He did the bidding of a couple developers, and he is a sleaze bag. He is the worst, most craven, selfish, thoughtless piece of garbage to ever serve in public office in Ridgewood. But as long as you’re on team Dem it’s all good. This new village manager needs to learn when to shut the fuck up.
Channel 12 news is riding around. We wonder what the story is gonna be about today.
Fields, of course. While we know that open space is important and beneficial for the mental and physical health however it is amazing to see how stuck on stupid the Board of Education and Siobahn Whinograd is to advocate replacing and repairing the very expensive crumb rubber that is a toxic plastic carpet that heats up to a high degree in the hot weather, is bad for children, adults and the environment. I won’t let my kids play on turf but these folks clearly just don’t care about Ridgewood residents or the ozone layer.
Your kids must not do any outdoor sport. Almost every sport somewhere is played on turf. It’s not just Ridgewood.
Once again – if the RHS Stadium and Stevens were grass you wouldn’t get anywhere the same usage and some sports will be looking for additional fields.
The stadium field would be football and graduation ONLY. Stevens would be a mud pit. Know your history.
Once again there will always be ignorant and uneducated people who just believe that because turf is on the ground that it must be safe to play on and that it won’t harm the environment. Why not consider the possibility that it might actually be highly toxic and dangerous. I challenge you to educate yourself for your childrens sake as their parent and guardian. There was once a time when cigarette smoking was all the rage too, however we all know about the health hazards related to smoking now don’t we. Years from now, we will likely be looking back on how toxic the turf created elevated health risks but by then it will be too late.
know your history, that’s actually funny. Placing a turf field in a known flood zone is the history as long as that field has been there. Covering it in plastic is obviously not the solution since it is a freaking mess as Channel 12 said yesterday.
You can stay in your egnorant bubble if you want and obviously you are way smarter than the top doctors and the CDC cause they are all talking about how toxic artificial turf is (includes eco brands) not to mention the extreme heat exposures and known carcinogens. Conclusive studies, elaborate research determined that children and teens are the most vulnerable. Turf is also not recyclable-they burn it so more toxic polution enters the air and ozone.
Okay, you wanna talk history, lets go back to when Ridgewood was complete farmland. That is history. Not your illogical BS about the high school field for the record. And yes, some residents still exist on private well water like back in the old days. Now c’mon I know you can put two and two together, so ….let’s figure this one out together like a math equation. Turf = no no, bad for people and the environment which we all depend on now and our children and their chldren will also depend on… seems simple, right. Ah… doesn’t that feel better now. You are welcome.
Jesus. forgive me but you sound uninformed and entitled like a lot of Ridgewood parents who cannot deal with their children unless they are on a stict regimen of sports, cause what else would you do to occupy their time. That is probably another topic for another day, but that aside, yeah, turf is toxic (news flash). Just do some googling. If you love your kids, which I assume you do, and you don’t just want them to be involved in sports but to live a long and prosperous life, then maybe get up to speed on the health hazards of turf’s toxicity and the impact it will have on future generations which may be an inconvenient truth but it is a reality.
Please for the love of all that is sacred, check your grammer and maybe you can get a crash course in Ridgewood history. For many, many years, probably way before you were born, the HS field was actually real grass and it existed and was played on and enjoyed year after year. Go figure.
So busy reading Passaic County news and promoting trashy politicians that he just got around to sending paperwork to Rep. Gottheimer to have the US Army Corp. of Engineers help Ridgewood residential flooding. Three floods later…
I wouldn’t call Keith Kazmark stroking Paul Arohnson “Former Mayor Paul Aronsohn Makes News in Ridgewood”
He is very political, that Keith. However now that he is part of the clown show with PeeWee and the other bad actors, he will either blow another whistle or just agree to push through whatever crazy agenda these nutcases try to pass while they may bankrupt the village in the process.
He is a number one fan of renting out the entire hillcrest park to a business for a measly 3500.00. And building a pavilion over there for the business use using $350,000.00 of our money. Us being tax payers getting ripped off by a business. Thanks Keith and council
Let me tell you something, after mayor Mancuso retired in the seat of mayor, village went to shit. Every mayor after him was so full of shit. No business being in the mayor‘s office. They would they have a personal gains go back the past 10 years who did amazing things for the village. Tell us , and for opera management that’s a another big joke, go back 10 years and look at the managers one problem for the next. And that’s every single one ,don’t start with me. The place is so toxic. I want some scary is all employees daz, More than half of them shouldn’t even be working on the village. They don’t know what the hell they are doing. it’s like making a show they only had the job because I knew somebody.
Especially Bigios
Sounds like you worked for the village.
I never want to see or hear that name again unless related to a jail term.
So what you’re all saying, clearly, is that you didn’t actually read a word in the piece, saw Paul’s name, and figured it was just time to rehash all of your old issues.
I guess some people have a strong reaction to some of the negative things attached to the article writer. The fact that Keith is calling attention to it probably upsets some people understandably. People’s pasts don’t go away even when they try to reinvent themselves to sound like they have cleaned up their act and Keith is a schmoozer so there you have it.
Well….Aronsohn did manage to find common ground with Gwen.