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Former Ridgewood Village Manager Misstatement of Facts on Park Mobile

Roberta Sonenfeld

pictured 31 page OPRA

December 22,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in an article posted by the Bergen record last week former Village manager Roberta Sonefeld boldly stated , “The misinformation currently circulating about the Parkmobile contract is curious at best,” Sonenfeld said, adding, “No village money goes to Parkmobile.”

Despite Ms. Sonenfeld’s contention that “No village money goes to Parkmobile,” the attached document clearly indicates that between May of 2015 and December of 2017, $155,821.60 of “money” generated by the Village of Ridgewood’s Parking Utility was paid to Parkmobile.

Screenshot 2017 12 22 at 7.35.22 AM e1513946226642

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

9 thoughts on “Former Ridgewood Village Manager Misstatement of Facts on Park Mobile

  1. She was a train wreck. Perhaps she’d been previously employed by Amtrak?

  2. Come on Roberta, we are waiting to hear what you say NOW

  3. She should be prosecuted.

  4. Roberta what say you now?

  5. Criminal charges should be brought against her.

  6. I love her sanctomonious bullshit about how Ridgewood deserves better. Yep, and we got better the day you left. Still some crap to clean up, but it is getting better every day. Roberta, go back to planning your defense of the ethics violation whydontcha.

  7. Today’s Ridgewood News looks like a Roberta and Paul “ Love Fest”. Another long letter from Roberta. She “doth protest too much!”

  8. Roberta is running scared. Her reputation is in the toilet. Where it belongs.

  9. Why doesn’t this b$tch get prosecuted???

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