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Freeholders agree to fund parking study for Ridgewood


Freeholders agree to fund (another) parking study for Ridgewood
October 27, 2014    Last updated: Monday, October 27, 2014, 11:28 AM
By Jodi Weinberger
Staff Writer |
The Ridgewood News

The Bergen County Board of Chosen Freeholders voted Wednesday to fund a parking feasibility study in Ridgewood.

The resolution, passed unanimously by the seven-member board, specifically calls for the transfer of $179,160.92 from a 2002 rail network capital bond to the Bergen County Improvement Authority (BCIA), which will lead the study.

“I’m grateful to the Freeholder board and I’m encouraged that we have their full support,” said Mayor Paul Arohnson on Thursday. “That’s important. It’s great that we’re all on the same page.”

The dollar amount is what’s left of a $500,000 bond that was issued by the county in 2002 “for the engineering and design for the creation of a multi-county regional rail network,” which went to upgrades of train stations in several different towns.

In the resolution, the money is not specifically allocated to Ridgewood and can be used toward any municipality, said BCIA executive director Rob Garrison. He estimates that the study in Ridgewood will likely cost $100,000.

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15 thoughts on “Freeholders agree to fund parking study for Ridgewood

  1. No, No. No, No more studies. Get a parking bldg. design deck to get started and move on. NOW !!!!

  2. Sure Dom what do you care. Maybe you can get them to fund a concrete pool. Just keep bonding that money.

  3. Where is the leadership DOM? Where is it?

  4. They would sign away their first born children to ensure more votes in a big election year.

  5. Are they going to do the study before or after the amendment to the master plan is voted on? I sure adding tenements to the CBD well not help? Oh I forgot IT A DONE DEAL

  6. Another waste of taxpayer monies,agree with #1 just get it done.

  7. It is only appropriate that the bill be paid in quarters.

    179,160.92 x 4 = 716,643 quarters with 17 cents left over.

  8. What we need is a parking garage and not another study about the feasibility of a parking garage. Enough with the studies already. Just get the damn thing built !!

  9. Anonymous:

    What we need is a parking garage and not another study about the feasibility of a parking garage. Enough with the studies already. Just get the damn thing built !!

  10. Wow— Sure sounds like Dom again —
    Perhaps, it’s time to listen and support that “old man” — that’s been in the Village since 1947.

  11. So he’s been in the Village since 1947. So what. That make him right.

  12. Dom are you going to make to vote for Hilary ?

  13. Once again, I say no need for a garage. Park in one of the lots and walk.

    I was on Ridgewood Avenue Saturday night at 7:00pm, no issue finding a spot behind Gilsenan/Gap with a short walk to get my dinner.

  14. I wonder if the study will say that we need more parking spaces ???

  15. No #14 The study is going to say you need to build more tenement in the
    CBD so we can recommend a parking garage

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