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Happy New Year from the Ridgewood blog !

Happy New Year

Wishing a happy, healthy and safe New Year!

from PJ Blogger and the staff of the Ridgewood blog

the Ridgewood blog will be resting up from our New Year festivities today with intermittent posts , but we will be up and running  on Tuesday January 2nd 2024

thank you for all your overwhelming support !!!

35 thoughts on “Happy New Year from the Ridgewood blog !

  1. The force is strong on the Ridgewood Blog. Happy New Year.

  2. Always fun on this blog, thanks for all the effort James ! Looking forward to a great 2015.

  3. What year is this again, folks?

  4. AD 2 (Anno Donald). JK. 🙂

  5. More great info. Will come,

  6. Keep pulling open the drapes, James. Generations of in-dealing at both the Federal and especially the local level is finding it that much harder now that the general public has become a little more aware.

  7. I’m looking forward to a great 2015, too, but something tells me it isn’t going to happen.

  8. Sunlight is the best disinfectant!

  9. Yes happy new year.
    The word of the new year will be stipends .

    We all need to know who’s getting them and how much. Because it’s our taxes. And we want to see if they deserve it. If not it will be taken Away. The dog will Sniff it out.
    Thank you
    The secret tax association of the village of Ridgewood.

  10. Et tu!!

  11. All politics is local. Turn up the heat at the municipal level and the baddies’ local hatchlings won’t survive their respective political infancies.

  12. So very true.

  13. Lets talk about all the people promised preferential treatment from the high density developements to suport their cause

  14. PJ you need a grant writer ….

  15. Unnecessary Pay stipends , in the past we had Individuals that were receiving them and they had no to very little experience. If we are paying any stipends to individuals they must be certified.

  16. Thank you James for The Blog, which sheds light on all the dark corners of this town. Much appreciated!

  17. Why are we paying individual ‘s stipends. What is the purpose of that. We feel that the mayor council need to explain. And not behind closed doors .

  18. When is blocks going to start picking up Christmas trees. I have mine out on the road Street thank you pick it up

    1. New keyboard for Christmas?

    2. Christmas is not over till January 6th.

  19. Hey Tree: Did your Christmas tree ever end up getting picked up last year?

  20. Well take it out of the road Dummy. Put on the end of your property. You must be one of my neighbors.

  21. PLEASE get to grips with the website. It seems like it’s being hosted by the same folks as

  22. It’s funny I’m watching some of my next-door neighbors just throw the trees right in the road what’s up with that. Amazing how they follow the rules. I put mine at the end of my driveway. Tomorrow morning I may even drop it off at the recycling yard. Holy moly. I know in the past if it’s real windy they can blow trees all over the road .Some towns that’s illegal dumping you can get a fine for it. And this will be the first person crying if their tree doesn’t get picked up and it snows and I get stuck in a snow pile go figure right.

  23. Happy New Year James! Keep shedding the light on all the dark places in Ridgewood! Your services are greatly appreciated

  24. Yes happy new year to the blog. Your crew works harder than any other local press. You guys do a great job. And it’s great that the top officials can’t stand the blog because in the past they always control the press. Well they can’t control you and that’s great. People open up your eyes and ears pay attention what’s going on don’t take anybody’s bullshit it’s 2021 now.We have very smart individuals living in Ridgewood with 85% of us working from home we are seeing a lot more now. Let’s all be healthy and strong.

  25. Happy New Year James and also a big thank you for providing us a platform for our thoughts and all the historical information you give us!

  26. Happy new year to the blog, for our new mayor and council,
    Let’s make sure all village vehicles are lettered and marked for identification for 2023 . Thanks we the voters.

  27. There’s no excuse why vehicles owned by the village are not Leonard and marked with Village insignias on it. Unless the vehicles used for under cover detective work in the police department. The Word on the street is we have a few Ford explores in the department of public works that is used by a Forman that Do not have markings on the vehicle. Something sneaky is going on. We demand our mayor and council to address this issue.

    1. I demand you proof read before you hit the ‘Post Comment’ button.

      1. “proofread” is one word, not two.

        Archaically, it was two, like in “to day” or to “break fast”.

        1. Thank you. I was having fun with the phrase above my comment ” village are not Leonard and marked with Village insignias” since I wanted to know what Leonard meant. I still do. LOL

  28. Regarding individuals that are getting stipends. Why would you want to get a stipend. That extra money that you are receiving to do a certain detail sounds all well and good. But guess what that money does not go onto your pension. Management is just using you. You individuals are fools wake up. Stupid. And to top it off you take tax out of that stipend tell me what you have left, yeah we thought so.

  29. He’she’me’them, us’ so on.

  30. Thank you for the Ridgewood blog! Happy New Year

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