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Ridgewood Firefighters Quickly Subdue a Dumpster Fire on New Years Eve

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

Please follow Boyd on Instagram as well as Facebook.

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood firefighters quickly snuffed out a New Years Eve, 12/31. dumpster fire at 17 South Walnut Street, Ridgewood. A Ridgewood Police patrol officer had attempted to extinguish the blaze with a dry chemical fire extinguisher, but was unsuccessful at doing so. No injuries were reported in the incident, and damage appeared to have been confined to the dumpster’s contents.

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8 thoughts on “Ridgewood Firefighters Quickly Subdue a Dumpster Fire on New Years Eve

  1. The village council was on fire ? ???
    or was it the Board of Ed?

    1. Definately VC and NOT BOE.

      1. BOE is a Dumpster Fire too… Don’t kid yourself.

    2. I was there during the incident, I just ran cuz i was scared and then i heard sirens

    3. i witnessed the incident when taking a walk and i just ran cuz i was too scared, and in a couple min i heard sirens

  2. thats so scary

  3. Do dumpsters have basements?

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