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Highlights for the Village Council Work Session – July 11, 2018, 7:30pm

Maura McMahon DeNicola with Bernadette Walsh ,Ramone Hache,Mike Sedon, Susan Traina Knudsen and Jeff Voigt

July 11,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, tonight’s Village council meeting will be the first official meeting of our new mayor Ramon Hache .

Some key issues that will be discussed are :

Purchase of Ridgewood Elks Club

Parking Meter Rates/Hours and Kiosks

Return School Board Election to April

Residency Requirement for Civilian Positions

4 thoughts on “Highlights for the Village Council Work Session – July 11, 2018, 7:30pm

  1. Hummm!

  2. Spend spend, my tax money.

  3. SUMMER SPECIAL where all the rotten deals for the taxpayers get their of other people’s future loss making obligation foisted on all the Taxpapers

    fish bank construction of a new massive restaurant refurbishment means the fix has been in for over a year or more.

    complete abrogation of fiscal governance .A huge scandal.

    these folks will be long gone when the deficits wash up on the taxpayers ..
    then welcome the car rental companies and other low class operatkons in the loss making town garage .traffic during evening rush hours and evenings will be harmful to that neighborhoods schools churches and families living in that district .its being done for the money people many who don’t even live here .FOLLOW THE MONEY

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