the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, according to Village of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache this is the latest update on coronavirus cases in Ridgewood is as follows :
Continue reading Village of Ridgewood COVID-19 CASES UPDATE 4/2/2020
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Village of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache has been informed of another confirmed positive case of COVID-19 in Ridgewood ,a 20 year old female.
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, This was released yesterday from NJDOH at a Q&A session regarding whether or not daycares can remain open:
Childcare/Daycare centers should make the call to close themselves. Centers should contact the Department of Children and Families (DCF), who licenses childcare/daycare centers in NJ, for guidance and work with their local health department to assess level of risk in the community. Health Departments do not license childcare/daycare centers.
This guest editorial was Published in today’s editions of The Record and Herald News.
Being a candidate for local office can be thankless position to have
Your Turn
Paul Vagianos Guest columnist
The Record and northjersey.com recently reported that Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache was being investigated by the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) for failure to correctly report several hundred dollars of campaign contributions (“Ridgewood mayor hit with money complaint,” Page 1L, Oct. 8).
It is important to put this matter into perspective. Mayor Hache was a first-time candidate running for local office as a councilman. ELEC regulations, while critically important to our free and fair electoral process, are a maze of laws and filing requirements that can be confusing to a seasoned veteran of multiple elections. In this instance, the mayor’s campaign treasurer was his wife.
The vast majority of local elections are waged by residents who want to contribute their time and efforts to their town. If you’ve ever attended a local council meeting, you’ve seen that it is perhaps the most thankless job in the world. Most meetings have little or no attendance unless an issue has upset some of the local residents – in which case, watch out.
Those are the meetings that go on for hours, well into the wee hours of the morning with residents criticizing and often attacking local council people. For their efforts, members of the council in Ridgewood are paid $2,500 – the mayor gets $5,000. For the hours they put in, that amount doesn’t even begin to approach the minimum wage. Most people are unwilling to serve their community under these circumstances.
If this isn’t enough to discourage good people from running for local office, ELEC has filed a complaint against a local official because his wife didn’t keep good records of his campaign contributions. To make matters worse, The Record portrayed the matter as something far more serious than what it actually is: a local resident running for office in a small town who didn’t file all the forms correctly.
We’re not talking about someone running for governor or U.S. Senate who can afford to hire a paid professional to ensure that these forms are filed correctly. We’re talking about a local guy who just wanted to give back to his community.
It’s difficult enough to get good people to run for local office. This just makes it that much harder.
Paul Vagianos lives in Ridgewood.
” Ramon Hache (who is clearly who you are talking about) had nothing to do with this overdevelopment. This was in the works years ago and residents fought tooth and nail to stop it. They argued for reasonable plans and scope and # of projects. The protests went on for years. And there was no way for them to “slow it down” – it was in the books already! It’s very frustrating when people start blaming the wrong voting “force of nature” for those of us who tried to advocate for right-sized growth. We had no chance. It was a done deal before this Council came in.
You should find and question the people who were dead set that this was “right for Ridgewood” and irrevocably voted it into reality. “
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, yesterday in Ridgewood, on Monday September 9th, at Ridgewood Fire Department, 201 E Glen Ave, Ridgewood at 10:15 a.m. U.S. Congressmen Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) and Bill Pascrell (NJ-9) will focus on the fight against domestic terrorism, to combat the rise in ISIS-inspired, homegrown terror and white supremacist activity. New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness Director Jared Maples and Village of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache .
Continue reading New Jersey Office of Homeland Security Hosts Meeting at Ridgewood Fire Departmentphoto courtesy of Ramon Hache
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Earlier this month, Ridgewood became the 355th community to enroll in the AARP Network of Age Friendly Communities.
According to Village of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache, ” Through the collaboration between the Village of Ridgewood, Age Friendly Ridgewood, AARP, Ridgecrest, S.H.A.R.E. and our many volunteers, we will continue the work of empowering our older adults and making Ridgewood an even greater community to age in place. Special thanks to Beth Abbott and Sue Ullrich.”
file photo by Boyd Loving
From our Office of Emergency Management and the National Weather Service
Winter Storm Warning. We should expect heavy snow, sleet, followed by freezing rain late tonight into Sunday. Expecting up to 1/3” of ice with potential for a flash freeze. Wind gust of 35-35mph likely with plummeting temperatures. We will continue to monitor conditions.
Please call the police immediately.
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2) texting the word “OUT” to 4PSEG, or
3) calling PSE&G’s Customer Service line at 1-800-436-PSEG.
photo courtesy of Village of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, a tree planning was held at Graydon Pool around 4:30 pm Wednesday October 24th. The event was held out by the island at the Graydon Pool Facility. Earlier this year the so called “Money Tree” had to be cut down due ill health .At the time many long time residents thought it spelled doom for the Village . Mayor Ramon Hache planted a new ‘Money Tree” and resident hope it will be as generous as the first.
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Park West Oktoberfest Fundraiser ,the event is hosted by Village of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache , Park West Tavern , 30 Oak St, Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450 .
This year the Octoberfest event will be a fundraiser for a local Ridgewood family who will receive 10% of the proceeds .
Park West Loft turns into a biergarten featuring a large assortment of Oktoberfest style beers as well as a reception style buffet and at the same time raise a lot of money for a local family .
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ , Village of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache, will be hosting his first “Meet the Mayor.” 9am-11am. 4th Floor in Village Hall. Going forward, it will take place on the second Saturday of every month.
photo courtesy of Village of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Washington DC, Village of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache was hosted by Rep. Josh Gottheimer along with other 5th Congressional District Mayors at a meeting in Washington D.C. To Meet with FEMA, Department of Transportation, Department of Defense and USDA and to discuss government programs and grants that could benefit our community including funding for sidewalks, other quality of life improvements, natural disaster preparedness and surplus equipment for Police and Fire.