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Hudson Street Parking Garage Structural Integrity?

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, It is being rumored that when the Ridgewood Streets Department used heavy equipment to remove snow from the roof of the Hudson Street Parking garage earlier this winter, the entire garage started to sway and rumble. Future plans call for the removal of snow on the roof deck using a snow blower, if necessary.

30 thoughts on “Hudson Street Parking Garage Structural Integrity?

  1. who in their right mind took heavy equipment up on a building?

  2. Here we go likely no training or proper planning on new infrastructure..Building was a new prefab structure.What training was given if at all .Hope there is insurance..

  3. Crazy! Heavy equipment like dozens of cars! Insane on top of a parking garage 🥴

  4. I’m no engineer, but if the garage can’t support heavy equipment how is it going to support a deck full of cars………should that ever happen?

  5. The best !
    Low bid wins !!

  6. Keystone cops have moved on..

    Time for depositions from the Plaque
    VOR VC Pretenders Club listed in memoriam on that corner..

    Paul has had the last laugh..

  7. What is considered heavy equipment? There is a height limit? Besides if it were a dump truck and equipment to fill it I do th see a problem
    Snowblower? May be to make room for the real removal equipment

  8. Parks dept and engineer again!!! What gives? Get rid of those dept heads!!!

  9. This is F’in unbelievable. Who’s running this department, talk about lack of experience. This is getting to be so embarrassing.

  10. My family and I just ate across the street ,and people are talking in the café, don’t even park inside there. The story regarding this parking garage is just getting worse and worse each day. This is not even funny anymore. Do you know what now that this is making headlines. If any individual gets hurt by a falling object ,the village will be sued for more than what the parking garage Cost. Obviously this is an engineering screwup. Who designed it who overlooked it, and who signed off on it. The village is going to have to bring in professional engineering and make sure that this site is structural secured. If not it’s going to have to come down. At this time it should not be used at all. I’m glad my name is not on that Bronze wall plaque .

  11. Chris, please retire before you are thrown out.

  12. Is he one of the Four that received a rice notice .

  13. It is also being rumored that all of the floors pitch towards the elevator area. That is why the elevator shaft keeps getting flooded by rain water and snow melt off.

  14. Why would we be surprised? After witnessing a national election fraud, why would a major public works project in NJ be anything less than a big money grab?

    This town got targeted several years ago. The damage is irreparable.

  15. Yesterday problems, today problems, what’s coming tomorrow. We told you we had good stuff coming. There will be a little bit more coming. The mayor and council must Remove these individuals at once. Every day at something else. Can you imagine what’s going on we don’t even know, that they keep from us.Especially closed door meetings. Wake up people.Members of the council and mayor, we won’t removal immediately.

  16. Ok

    Who was the VOR agent architect who signed off on elevator shafts as secondary drainage pipes.

    That design might work great in snowless Phoenix but HOUSTON We have a problem…call out the architect
    But we likely did not have one possible were sold a builders sales brochure…low bid approach

    They are all looking for a fall guy now

    Paul might come in handy ..

  17. Elevators in ridgewood public spaces like the train station are urinals anyway..this town is a disgrace …

  18. We hope they’re going to sweep the CBD before this weekend. Because the roads are looking kind of dirty again. Thank you store owner

  19. Rodney Dangerfield called it
    Urinals posing as Elevators get no respect Just runoff from every quarter
    and beer bottle drank

  20. Obviously it shows we are not impressed at all and what’s going on. We don’t know who’s in charge but I’ll tell you one thing the roads have been filthy the past year. We don’t know if they’re on the employees or watt but it definitely shows a lack of care, and experience, the mayor and council need to address this.

  21. The Village has no business running a business.

  22. Ramon, Pauly V, Scott, Tony and the many businesses who were insane garage supporters have snow on their hands.

  23. 222 parking spots available
    222 parking spots available
    Lol what a joke

  24. What a mess.

  25. Clean house, clean the streets and clean the parks.

  26. Let’s see if street signs innand on the garage indicating “No vehicles over 10 tons” and the design specs of all weight limits of the garage published and add the names and titles of all those professionals w license numbers that signed off.

  27. Does anybody know who got the rice notices .

  28. This will be an Epic cover up until
    They decide who gets thrown to the wolves

    They likely have to excavate Huge
    Drains in front and ahead of those elevators runoff fields

    It will be the next fiasco

    What if an auto goes on fire and the FD Has to flood a ramp zone with water ..not an unlikely risk

  29. Q: Why did this happen?

    A: Because we are RICH and STUPID

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